When To Replace Zero Water Filter

How’s your water tasting lately? Not as good as usual? Well, it may be time to change your filter. Our 5-stage filters are designed to give you the purest-tasting water but every couple of months, you may need to replace them. This article will explain how to know when to change your ZeroWater filter to ensure you have endless days of the purest-tasting filtered water.

When Should I Change My ZeroWater 5-Stage Filter?

The short answer is: it depends. When deciding when to change your water filter, you should use the included total dissolved solids (TDS) meter that was provided with your product. This tool measures how much particulate like salt, minerals, and heavy metals are present in your water. Every ZeroWater product comes with one and should be easily accessible to you. Follow the instructions and read the meter. If the meter says your TDS score is 006 or above, it’s time to change your filter.

If you don’t have a TDS meter right now, you can always keep this rule of thumb: if it’s been a while, it’s probably time to change it. Changing your filter on a regular schedule, for example, once every few weeks or few months can help maintain delicious-tasting water year-round. The frequency in which you should change your filter depends on how much you use it and the initial quality of your tap water. See this chart to find out how many gallons of water you can expect to filter before you have to change it.

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Keep in mind, you can always sign up for auto-delivery and we’ll send you fresh filters at a schedule that’s right for you and your family.

What does Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) mean?

If you’ve never heard of TDS before, here’s a brief rundown. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) are a measurement of compounds like minerals, salts, heavy metals, and organic compounds that are dissolved into the water through contact with rocks and other surfaces. TDS can be made up of several different types of elements (including but not limited to): calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium chloride, and sulfides (which are compounds frequently found in groundwater supplies).

TDS may appear in your tap water as discoloration, or you may notice these other signs:

  • Cloudy, turbid appearance

  • Salty, bitter, or metallic taste

  • Corroded pipes or fixtures

  • Shorter lifespan for water-using appliances

You can check your region’s average TDS level by entering your zip code into our online TDS tool. From there, you can scroll down and see how much TDS is in your local tap. You may be surprised at what you find!

What other contaminants do ZeroWater filters remove?

ZeroWater filters are powerful and go beyond filtering out just TDS. They can also dramatically reduce PFOS/PFOA (also known as Forever Chemicals, a group of indestructible chemicals that linger in your water indefinitely). PFOS/PFOA, in particular, are a growing concern and have been brought to the attention of the EPA due to their polluting effects on public and private drinking water.

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Fortunately, our 5-Stage filters can reduce your exposure to PFOS/PFOA contaminants in water. They can also remove fluoride, chlorine, iron, asbestos, and other elements. When changed regularly, our filters are NSF-certified to reduce lead, chromium, and PFOA/PFOS and can help keep your water as pure-tasting as possible.


When it comes to changing your ZeroWater filter, use the TDS meter that came with your product to assess whether the filter is still doing its job. If the TDS meter reads 006 or above, it’s definitely time to replace your filter.

If you often forget to change your filter, you can sign up for auto-delivery and we’ll send you new filters at a schedule that feels right for you and your family’s water needs. Remember to change your filter and keep enjoying delicious-tasting water for days, months, and years to come.

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