HomeWHENWhen To Trim Pampas Grass

When To Trim Pampas Grass

Pampas grass is extremely fast-growing. In order for it to bloom abundantly year after year, it must be skillfully pruned. We show you how to go about pruning pampas grass.

Clumped pampas grass plants
The pampas grass looks particularly impressive in small clumps [Photo: Peter Turner Photography/ Shutterstock.com]

Ornamental grasses have become fashionable again in the last few years. They beautify our front gardens and balconies in their own special way. First and foremost, there is a great demand here for varieties of the pampas grass genus (Cortaderia), especially for American pampas grass (Cortaderia selloana). Because their enormous ornamental value in the garden is undisputed – even when it they dry up in winter. However, in order for the ornamental grass to sprout anew after the winter, it should definitely be pruned. However, if this is not done properly, fatal mistakes can also be made, which can even endanger the life of the pampas grass.

Do you have to prune pampas grass?

Pampas grass does not require much care. However, in order for it to develop well, it should receive a radical pruning in the spring. Since the plant sprouts again and again from the mother plant, forming a so-called eyrie, it is necessary to create enough space for the new shoots. This allows the grass to develop optimally. In late autumn or at the beginning of winter, the leaves of the pampas grass dry up. But they do not fall off by themselves, and in any case should not be cut off in autumn. It is better to tie the shoots together in the upper area before the first frost. This is how your pampas grass gets its first winter protection from the protective leaves.

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Pampas grass plant outside a house
Cortaderia selloana grows so high that it can serve as a screen in summer [Photo: Hecos/ Shutterstock.com]

Caution: Even when wilted, the sharp-edged leaves can still cause cuts. Please always wear sturdy gardening gloves when working with pampas grass.

Pampas grass in the snow
After winter, the withered leaves need to be cut off [Photo: Ian Grainger/ Shutterstock.com]

When should you prune pampas grass?

Pampas grass should always be cut in the spring, once the days have become frost-free. The interior of pampas grass stems are hollow. If you were to cut your pampas grass in autumn, water would accumulate there and the plants do not like that at all. They would rot and frost would also have an easy time due to large, unprotected surfaces.

Prune pampas grass at the first sign of new shoots

The first shoots of the new year sprout from the parent plant’s eyrie in early spring. As soon as the young shoots have reached a length of about 10 to 15 cm, you can cut the old leaves or shoots tied together from the previous year above the new shoots. Depending on the weather, and therefore depending on the timing of new shoots, you can cut back the plant from March to May.

Pampas grass shoots
As soon as the young shoots are 10 to 15 cm long, the old leaves can be cut above the new shoots [Photo: Hecos/ Shutterstock.com]

How to prune pampas grass

It is worth preparing a few things for pruning the pampas grass. The leaves of pampas grass are very sharp and some even have barbs as a protective mechanism. Be sure to wear a long-sleeved top and long pants. Cut-resistant gardening gloves and safety glasses will protect you from any potential hazards. As a cutting tool, sharp secateurs will do.

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To cut pampas grass in the spring after the last frost, first loosen the string with which you tied the leaves in autumn. Now, one by one, grab small clusters of leaves and stems just above the plant’s eyrie and carefully cut them off at a height of about 20 cm. Please pay attention to the new shoots that are already appearing, so that they are not damaged. The new growth now has enough space and will also get enough light. So nothing stands in the way of a new flowering.

Pampas grass leaves
The leaves are sharp: be careful when cutting [Photo: ClaudiaMMImages/ Shutterstock.com]

Learn what you need to pay attention to when planting pampas grass, here.

Tip: In addition to pruning, you should also fertilise your pampas grass in the spring. For this, we recommend using a slow-release fertiliser, such as our Plantura All Purpose Plant Food.


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