HomeWHENWhen Trust Is Broken Sorry Means Nothing Meaning

When Trust Is Broken Sorry Means Nothing Meaning


I don’t know if I’m the only one who feels it when a relationship has gone sour. There is a shift in the bond between the involved parties that makes the relationship spiral downwards. You either come out of this shift with a stronger bond or no bond at all. Relationships are very delicate. The deeper the bond the higher the risk of getting hurt if trust is broken. It is so hard to trust but it is even harder to trust again. If we give a second chance, We don’t usually give this second chance fully. We enter into this second chance full of caution and hesitation to continue with where we left off the first time.

The feeling of another person having power of you is terrifying but the feeling of giving another chance with no promises that it won’t happen again is equally devastating. Having the heart to forgive is easy but having the heart to forget when everything reminds you of how hurt you were is rare. It is equally hard to make up for mistakes we do to other people. No words can retract whatever hurtful words or actions we’ve done to the people close to us. It is only time that will tell whether there is still something that can be salvaged in your relationship or not.

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The time and energy invested in a relationship does not ensure that the parties involved are deep into each other. I can stay with a guy for eleven years and feel nothing, another person be in a relationship for one week and feel like they’ve known their partners all their life. What I’m saying is that relationships are unpredictable. Knowing someone all your life doesn’t mean you feel deeply for them, you may even categorize them as acquaintances instead of your friends.


We should value the people who give their something to us because you never know if that something was their everything. Love is unpredictable, Relationships are unpredictable, Education is unpredictable plus life is unpredictable. Nothing in this world is predictable, it is just up to us to make it the best experience irrespective of the hurt, lies and so on and so forth. Understanding why we do the things we do and not regretting our choice is the first step to something new and beautiful. It is up to us to make the best of it. If you get burnt once you either choose to risk getting burnt again if it’s what will make you happy or learn from the experience.



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