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Your generational identity

We’ve designed our Generation Calculator to help you find out which generational group you belong to. It is said that generations are more than just groups of people born around the same time. They represent unique cultures, shaped by historical events, technological advancements, and shared experiences.

Here’s a 3-minute video overview of the generations and what each one represents:

Learning more about your generational identity can help you better appreciate your personal values and preferences and understand more about why you see the world in the way you do.

Find out your generation

Enter your birth year into our calculator, and we will tell you what generational group you belong to. Each generation has its own distinct characteristics and cultural identity. Let’s take a look at what each generation represents:

The WWII Generation (Born 1901-1927)

  • Characteristics: Often referred to as the “Greatest Generation,” this group is known for their resilience, having grown up during the Great Depression and fought or contributed significantly during World War II.
  • Values: Strong sense of duty, sacrifice for the common good, and a commitment to hard work and perseverance.
  • Cultural Impact: This generation played a crucial role in shaping the 20th century, laying the foundations for the modern world through their efforts in war and peace. They were instrumental in establishing post-war economic prosperity and societal norms.
  • Historical Context: Members of this generation were shaped by profound events such as the Roaring Twenties, the Great Depression, and World War II. Their experiences during these tumultuous times instilled in them a strong sense of national pride and collective responsibility.
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The Post War (Born 1928-1945)

  • Characteristics: Often referred to as the “Silent Generation”, this group grew up during the Great Depression and World War II, this generation is characterized by their hardworking and disciplined nature.
  • Values: Strong sense of community, respect for authority, and a commitment to saving and financial security.
  • Cultural Impact: They witnessed the birth of television and the golden age of radio, influencing their perspectives and experiences.

Boomers Generation (Born 1946-1964)

  • Characteristics: The Baby Boom Generation were known for their optimistic outlook and work-centric attitude, Baby Boomers grew up during a time of economic prosperity and social change.
  • Values: They value individualism, personal prosperity, and social activism.
  • Cultural Impact: Boomers were the driving force behind cultural revolutions in the ’60s and ’70s, from civil rights movements to the rise of rock ‘n’ roll.

The Boomers Generation is often divided into two different groups due to their age range, with the older members of this generation holding different values and perspectives compared to the younger ones. In the United States, Generation Jones, often referred to as Boomers II, falls within an age range where they narrowly avoided being drafted into a war. 1

Generation X (Born 1965-1980)

  • Characteristics: Often considered the “middle child” generation, Gen Xers are known for their independence, resourcefulness, and skepticism towards institutions.
  • Values: They prioritize work-life balance, family values, and economic stability.
  • Cultural Impact: Generation X witnessed the rise of personal computing, grunge music, and a significant shift towards digital technology.

Millennials (Born 1981-1996)

  • Characteristics: Tech-savvy, ambitious, and socially conscious, Millennials (or Generation Y) grew up during the internet boom and are comfortable with rapid change.
  • Values: They value diversity, social equality, and environmental sustainability.
  • Cultural Impact: Millennials have been pivotal in the digital revolution, reshaping communication, media, and workplace dynamics.
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Generation Z (Born 1997-2012)

  • Characteristics: True digital natives, Gen Zers are known for their creativity, entrepreneurial spirit, and progressive views.
  • Values: They prioritize mental health, inclusivity, and authenticity.
  • Cultural Impact: Growing up in a hyper-connected world, they are influencing trends in social media, entertainment, and global activism.

Generation Alpha (Born 2013-Present)

  • Characteristics: It’s still a little too early to define, but this generation is expected to be the most technologically immersed.
  • Values: Likely to value digital connectivity, global awareness, and yet-to-be-defined cultural norms.
  • Cultural Impact: As they grow, they will shape and be shaped by emerging technologies and global events.

Conclusion: Your place in history

We’ll end our generations article with a final thought. Each different generation has brought a unique blend of experiences, challenges, and opportunities that have shaped the people growing up and living within it. Whether you’re a Baby Boomer, a Millennial, or part of Generation Z, your generation has contributed to what is a rich tapestry of history.

Armed with more knowledge about the generations, you can use it to bridge generational gaps and foster deeper understanding with your family and those around you. Because, goodness knows, we need more love and understanding in our increasingly divided and polarized world.

Calculator created by Alastair Hazell


  1. Age range by generation – Beresford Research
  2. Defining generations – Pew Research Center


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