HomeWHENWhy Do You See Stars When You Hit Your Head

Why Do You See Stars When You Hit Your Head

Q-The other night I opened the door of the cabinet above the sink to take out some plates, but I forgot to close it and, when I stood erect, gave the top of my head a real blow.

Talk about seeing stars! That’s what I would like you to do, talk about stars, and tell me why you see them when you knock your head.

Does it mean that I have been seriously injured and don’t realize it? I feel fine now but would like to be sure.

A-Seeing stars, or light bursts, after a solid blow to the head is so common that cartoonists often draw the stars to illustrate the feeling. We can find an explanation by understanding a bit of anatomy and physiology.

The brain is enclosed in a wonderfully protective case, the skull, but there is a bit of extra room that permits the brain to move back and forward. Located at the rear of the brain are the tissues responsible for translating nerve impulses coming from the eye into images (the occiput). That is how we “see,” recognizing the images formed by the complex brain structure and linking them to known objects.

A bang on the head can shake the brain, creating pressure on these tissues and causing the cells to discharge, scattering electrical impulses across the cortex in a random manner. The electric discharge is interpreted as light in a twinkling disorganized pattern that can be liken to the pattern stars make in the dark sky. A second or two later, as you massage the area on the scalp where the blow struck, the stars disappear and everything returns to order, with no permanent damage and no cause for concern.

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Of course, seeing flashes when there has been no blow or an extremely light belt may mean something quite different. Sometimes these images signal a tear in the retina (the lining in the back of the eye that translates light images into electrical stimuli), a condition that requires immediate attention. And some sufferers from migraine headaches also report star sightings as the headache begins. However, your case is clear and you can be assured that nothing is amiss. Close the door next time.

Q-I have seen you address questions about safety in your column and hope you can offer the final word on the use of car seat belts.

We get flak from the kids that you can get hurt by belts during an accident and that now, with airbags in place, belts are no longer needed.

If other parents are having the same problem as we are, you can provide a real service to many by giving us the facts.

A-If the facts will convince your children, then here they are.

Seat belts are there to prevent you from flying out into space from the shock of a collision. The greatest number of deaths and injuries occur among people who are thrown from cars.

Placing the belts correctly, low and tight across the lap (not the lower abdomen) and across the chest (not around the neck), provides real protection without a risk of belt injury.

Airbags are great to prevent serious injuries that occur when your chest and face strike the steering wheel or dashboard, but they won’t hold you safely in place.

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The best results come when both safety devices are in place to protect the passengers.

Those are the facts, but if they don’t make your case, this should: In many states, buckling up is the law and must be respected, for the law was made with your safety and welfare in mind.

Buckling up should become a habit, the first thing you do after you take your seat in the car. It’s the smart thing to do too.


Dr. Allan Bruckheim welcomes questions from readers. Although he cannot respond to each one individually, he will answer those of general interest in his column. Write to Dr. Bruckheim in care of Tribune Media Services, 435 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 1500, Chicago, Ill. 60611.


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