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Why Does My Stomach Hurt When I Laugh

We have all heard that laughter is the best medicine but are there really hidden health benefits that can be tied to laughter? While there is the possibility for more studies to be done and answers to be found, studies thus far have proven that there are many health related benefits associated with laughter that go beyond improving one’s mood or demeanor. Individuals who incorporate laughing into their lives on a daily basis might be surprised by the benefits their bodies receive from the simple gesture.

From the slight giggle to a belly chuckle, laughter has more benefits than just improving your mood. In fact, laughter has been linked to health benefits similar to proper diet and exercise.

Jeff Guse, A.R.N.P. states, “dating back to the 1300s, laughter was used by surgeons as a way to distract patients from pain. Researchers found that simply making laughter vibrations could elevate mood and improve the patient’s overall mental health.”

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Discover other surprising ways laughter impacts the human body below as the UnityPoint Clinic experts dive into the medicine behind laughter in their latest infographic.

Laughter can lower stress levels

Similar to when an individual exercises, laughter stimulates circulation in the body. This sudden stimulus of circulation increases oxygen levels while also increasing levels of endorphins and reducing levels of cortisol, epinephrine and other stress causing hormones.

Use laughter as an easy, fun and unintentional workout

During laughter, muscles in the abdomen expand and contract, very similar to the motions that occur during abdominal exercises. The diaphragm, abdomen and face muscles actively flex and release during laughter. Have you ever felt like your face hurt or your core was sore after laughing for an extended period? This is why!

Genuine laughter improves heart health

Laughter is a healthy and safe way to increase an individual’s heart rate, even for those who have trouble with normal physical activity. Laughter does not have the same side effects of physical activities that can strain the body and cause over-stimulation. Instead, it enables the heart to beat faster while requiring it to pump additional blood and oxygen to the engaged muscles and organs of the body!

Naturally decrease pain with laughter

Researchers at the University of Oxford have found that a good laugh is linked with feeling less pain. Laughing causes the body to release chemicals like endorphins, which trigger positive feelings almost acting like a feel good chemical. Breathing deeply during laughter stimulates circulation, aiding in relaxing the muscles. Laughter is also linked to breaking the pain-spasm cycle that is associated with chronic pain and muscle disorders.

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Laughter can help reduce blood pressure (in the long run)

After laughing, blood vessels dilate due to the increased amount of oxygen being taken in during the deep breathing that occurs during laughter, resulting in the body’s blood pressure decreasing!

Boost your immune system with a daily dose of laughter

Negative thoughts and stress create a chemical in the body that can decrease immunity. On the other hand, laughter increases infection-fighting antibodies, cells that regulate immune function, and cells that seek out and destroy viral and tumor cells. Laughter is also linked to boosting T cells and neuropeptides that help your body fight off sickness!

Laughter stimulates your organs

The sudden increase in oxygen levels that occur when breathing deeply during laughter stimulates the heart, lungs, brain and various other muscles in the body. This stimulation increases cell regeneration, organ health and provides a low impact activity.

Laughter burns calories

Dr. Buchowski, from Vanderbilt University Medical Center, discovered that 10 to 15 minutes of heavy laughter can burn between 10 and 40 calories. The rate at which calories are burned depends on the individual’s body type as well as how deep and genuine the laugh was. For instance, a deep belly laugh would burn more calories than a light-hearted chuckle.

Don’t Ditch Your Exercise Regimen Yet

Yes, genuine laughter can burn up to 40 calories in 15 minutes, but that means you would have to laugh consistently for 22 hours in order to burn a single pound. To put this in perspective, a person would need to laugh for about 7 hours and 15 minutes in order to burn off an average sized jelly filled donut. So don’t cancel your gym membership with the intention of laughing off those unwanted pounds!

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Increase The Amount of Laughter in Your Life

If you are intrigued by the health-related benefits of laughter and are looking for ways to increase the level of humor in your life, consider these ideas:

  • Read the comics in the Sunday Newspaper
  • Consider a “laughter yoga” class
  • Have a game night and play charades, Pictionary, and other games that lead to laughter
  • Share a joke every day with your friends, family or coworkers
  • See what is in the humor section of your local bookstore
  • Attend a comedy club or comedy show
  • Take your friends to karaoke night
  • Watch your favorite funny TV show or movie
  • Learn to laugh at yourself instead of taking life too seriously
  • Spend more time with the funny people in your life
  • Laughter is contagious, help those around you to laugh more
  • Compile things that you think are funny in a Pinterest board or folder to look at when your day needs more laughter

Use Laughter To Create a Positive Outlook on Life

Laughter can lessen feelings or symptoms of depression, possibly helping a person feel happier. Additionally, laughter stimulates the brain to produce more endorphins, which is a neurotransmitter, emitting happier feelings. Embracing humor helps our outlook become more positive and can add joy to our lives.


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