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Where Are The Reactants In A Chemical Equation Located

Writing Chemical Equations

When sulfur dioxide is added to oxygen, sulfur trioxide is produced. Sulfur dioxide and oxygen, (ce{SO_2} + ce{O_2}), are reactants and sulfur trioxide, (ce{SO_3}), is the product.

[ underbrace{ce{2 SO2(g) + O2(g) }}_{text{Reactants}} rightarrow underbrace{ce{2SO3(g)}}_{text{Products}} nonumber ]

In chemical reactions, the reactants are found before the symbol “(rightarrow)” and the products are found after the symbol “(rightarrow)”. The general equation for a reaction is:

[text{Reactants } rightarrow text{Products} nonumber ]

There are a few special symbols that we need to know in order to “talk” in chemical shorthand. In the table below is the summary of the major symbols used in chemical equations. Table (PageIndex{1}) shows a listing of symbols used in chemical equations.

Table (PageIndex{1}): Symbols Used in Chemical Equations Symbol Description Symbol Description (+) used to separate multiple reactants or products (left( s right)) reactant or product in the solid state (rightarrow) yield sign; separates reactants from products (left( l right)) reactant or product in the liquid state (rightleftharpoons) replaces the yield sign for reversible reactions that reach equilibrium (left( g right)) reactant or product in the gas state (overset{ce{Pt}}{rightarrow}) formula written above the arrow is used as a catalyst in the reaction (left( aq right)) reactant or product in an aqueous solution (dissolved in water) (overset{Delta}{rightarrow}) triangle indicates that the reaction is being heated

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Chemists have a choice of methods for describing a chemical reaction.

1. They could draw a picture of the chemical reaction.

2. They could write a word equation for the chemical reaction: “Two molecules of hydrogen gas react with one molecule of oxygen gas to produce two molecules of water vapor.”

3. They could write the equation in chemical shorthand.

[2 ce{H_2} left( g right) + ce{O_2} left( g right) rightarrow 2 ce{H_2O} left( g right) nonumber ]

In the symbolic equation, chemical formulas are used instead of chemical names for reactants and products, while symbols are used to indicate the phase of each substance. It should be apparent that the chemical shorthand method is the quickest and clearest method for writing chemical equations.

We could write that an aqueous solution of calcium nitrate is added to an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide to produce solid calcium hydroxide and an aqueous solution of sodium nitrate. Or in shorthand we could write:

[ce{Ca(NO_3)_2} left( aq right) + 2 ce{NaOH} left( aq right) rightarrow ce{Ca(OH)_2} left( s right) + 2 ce{NaNO_3} left( aq right) nonumber ]

How much easier is that to read? Let’s try it in reverse. Look at the following reaction in shorthand and write the word equation for the reaction:

[ce{Cu} left( s right) + ce{AgNO_3} left( aq right) rightarrow ce{Cu(NO_3)_2} left( aq right) + ce{Ag} left( s right) nonumber ]

The word equation for this reaction might read something like “solid copper reacts with an aqueous solution of silver nitrate to produce a solution of copper (II) nitrate with solid silver.”

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To turn word equations into symbolic equations, we need to follow the given steps:

  1. Identify the reactants and products. This will help you know which symbols go on each side of the arrow and where the (+) signs go.
  2. Write the correct formulas for all compounds. You will need to use the rules you learned in Chapter 5 (including making all ionic compounds charge balanced).
  3. Write the correct formulas for all elements. Usually this is given straight off of the periodic table. However, there are seven elements that are considered diatomic, meaning that they are always found in pairs in nature. They include those elements listed in the table.

Table (PageIndex{1}): Diatomic Elements Element Name Hydrogen Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Chlorine Bromine Iodine Formula (H_2) (N_2) (O_2) (F_2) (Cl_2) (Br_2) (I_2)

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