Where Can I Buy Apricot Kernels

Apricot kernels, the seeds found within the stone of apricots, have long been a subject of both nutritional intrigue and health-related controversy. This comprehensive exploration delves into their historical uses, potential health benefits, and, crucially, the potential side effects, including the risks associated with cyanide poisoning.

Overview of Apricot Kernels

Apricot kernels are classified into two types: sweet and bitter. Bitter kernels contain significant amounts of amygdalin, which can produce cyanide—a toxic compound—when ingested. This risk contrasts starkly with their historical use in traditional medicine across various cultures.

Historical Use in Traditional Medicine

In traditional medicinal practices, particularly in Asian cultures, apricot kernels have been used for their perceived therapeutic properties, notably in respiratory health.

Section 1: The Benefits of Apricot Kernels

Traditional Health Benefits

Traditionally, apricot kernels have been used for their purported immune-boosting and analgesic properties and as a natural cancer remedy. However, there is no supporting scientific data for these claims.

Section 2: Apricot Kernels in Modern Health Practices

Current Research and Studies

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Modern research is investigating, but findings still need to be conclusive. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health highlights the importance of cautious use due to cyanide risks.

Role in Natural Therapy

In natural therapy, apricot kernel supplements and oil are noted for their purported health benefits, although these claims often lack solid scientific backing.

Section 3: How to Use Apricot Kernels

Ingesting Apricot Kernels

It’s critical to adhere to safe consumption guidelines due to the risk of cyanide poisoning.

Apricot Kernel Oil in Skincare

The oil is popular in skincare for its moisturising properties.

Section 4: Choosing the Right Apricot Kernel Products

Selecting Quality Products

Opt for certified organic products from reputable brands.

Recommended Products

  • Apricot Kernel Supplements
  • Apricot Kernel Oil

Section 5: Safety and Risks

Potential Risks and Side Effects

The primary risk associated with apricot kernels is cyanide poisoning. Symptoms range from mild (headaches, dizziness, nausea) to severe (respiratory failure, cardiac arrest). In extreme cases, cyanide poisoning from apricot kernels can be fatal. Although death is rare, it underscores the importance of adhering to safe consumption guidelines. The World Health Organization advises against consuming more than two small bitter apricot kernels per day for adults, with even lower limits for those of lower body weight and vulnerable groups such as pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Dosage and Precautions

Adhering to recommended dosages is crucial, especially for at-risk groups.


Apricot kernels are a complex subject; while they hold traditional medicinal value and nutritional benefits, their potential health risks, particularly the danger of cyanide poisoning, must be carefully considered. Understanding their benefits and risks is essential for making informed health choices.

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FAQ Section

  1. Health Benefits: Nutrient-rich, with potential anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, though conclusive evidence is lacking.
  2. Illness Treatment: No substantial evidence supports their use in treating cancer-related diseases.
  3. Consumption: Should be consumed within recommended safety limits.
  4. Risks: Cyanide poisoning, potentially fatal in high doses.
  5. Bitter vs. Sweet Kernels: Bitter kernels have higher amygdalin levels, increasing cyanide risk.
  6. External Use: Apricot kernel oil is used to moisturise skincare.
  7. Quality Products: Look for certified organic products from trusted sources.

Disclaimer: Apricot kernels contain amygdalin, a substance that can be metabolized into hydrogen cyanide in the body. Hydrogen cyanide is a poisonous substance that can cause serious health problems, including death. The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified amygdalin (vitamin B17) as a possible human carcinogen. Due to the potential health risks associated with apricot kernels, we recommend that you consult with a healthcare professional before consuming them.


  • NICM Health Research Institute, Australia.
  • Australian Traditional Medicine Society.
  • National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, U.S.
  • PubMed: [“Current Studies on Apricot Kernels”].
  • Cochrane: [“Health Impacts of Apricot Kernels Review”].
  • World Health Organization: [“Guidelines on Apricot Kernel Consumption”].

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