HomeWHEREWhere Is Level 4 In Zelda

Where Is Level 4 In Zelda

Level 4 (Second Quest)

The entrance to Level 4 is located in the Lost Hills at square L-2. If your life meter isn’t at full strength, please go north four times to take advantage of the Fairy at L-1. To access the fourth dungeon, you must have the Power Bracelet. With it, push the east rock at L-2 to reveal the entrance. Note that it’s possible to have the following before beginning this dungeon:

  • 9 hearts in life meter
  • 2nd Potion
  • Food
  • White Sword
  • Magical Shield
  • Magical Boomerang
  • 8 Bomb carrying capacity
  • Blue Candle
  • Blue Ring
  • Power Bracelet
  • Recorder

Also, you’ll want to have at least 150 Rupees before entering!

Book of Magic and Bombs Increase

Go west and light up the dark room with your Blue Candle. Defeat the Keese and Zols while evading the Bubbles to obtain Key #1. Now go east two times to be introduced to a horrible variation on a familiar old foe: Red Bubbles. When a regular Bubble touches you, you can’t use your sword for a few seconds. But if a Red Bubble touches you, that curse is permanent! The only way to regain the use of your sword after being hit by a Red Bubble is to touch a Blue Bubble, use a potion, collect a Triforce piece, or visit a Fairy in the overworld. Avoid these enemies at all costs! Though if you get hit by a Red Bubble in this particular room, it’s no big deal, since the room to the north is filled with Blue Bubbles, who helpfully restore your sword swinging capability.

After going north into the Blue Bubble room, go west to face off against Digdogger (and two hostile Stone Statues). Play the Recorder and then methodically defeat the three smaller versions of the foe (don’t forget to use your boomerang to stun them). Once they’re gone, the west door will open. Go through to find two each of Red and Blue Darknuts, plus a pair of Pols Voices. Yes, this is going to be that kind of dungeon. Focus on the Red Darknuts first since they’re easier, then the Blue. Use the block formations to your advantage. Then you just have to take down the Pols Voices. Beating them all will yield the Compass. Go north.

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Immediately use a candle to light up this dangerous room, which is inhabited by Red and Blue Darknuts, as well as Red and Blue Bubbles. Don’t bother fighting-just make a beeline to the east door and unlock it. In the next room, you’ll encounter the relatively safe enemy Aquamentus. Destroy the former boss to open the east door and proceed through it. Defeat the many and various foes in the room beyond, then push the west central block to create an opening. Venture inside to find the Book of Magic. Without the Magical Rod, though, this item doesn’t do you a lick of good yet! That’s okay, though-we’re about to get something quite a bit more useful. Upon emerging from the basement, walk through the wall north (this is a one-way passage). Gladly pay the old man 100 Rupees to increase your carrying capacity to 12 Bombs!

Raft and Triforce Piece #4

After your business with the old man is concluded, pass through the wall west and take down all the Red Darknuts for 8 Bombs (which means you can freely use four Bombs after what you bought from the old man in the previous room). Continue west into a daunting room filled with Blue Darknuts. Thankfully the statues are inert, so focus on patiently taking out one Darknut at a time. Defeating them all will yield Key #2.

Go north through the one-way door and quickly get out of the way of the Blade Traps. Dispatch the pair of Zols in here, then you’ll need a careful strategy to reach the east door unscathed. Go to the north wall to trigger the Blade Traps. As the eastern one is receding, quickly sneak in behind it and go south once you reach the corner (this will trigger the southeast Blade Trap, but it won’t reach you). Quickly run through the east door. In the next room you’ll have to take out two Keese, two Gibdos, and two Pols Voices to earn Key #3. Bomb the east wall to find a nice stash of 10 Rupees, then return west.

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Go north, push aside the block in your way and bomb your way into the next room east. Defeat the lone Dodongo in here while dodging fire from the four Stone Statues, then head north. You’ll find yourself in a nightmarish room with a bunch more Blue Darknuts, but this time the two Stone Statues are active and will fire on you! If you want the Map, you’ll have no choice but to take them down. Again, focus on one at a time, and use a potion if needed. Your prize will be the Map, revealing that this dungeon is shaped like the letter D.

Go back south and west to return to the block puzzle room. Push the block and go north, then return south to reset the puzzle. Push the block down and now go west. Defeat the witless Zols to obtain 4 Bombs. Use one to bomb north. In the next room is another barrage of Darknuts and Red and Blue Bubbles. Avoid the enemies and pass through the north wall to meet an old man who tells you: “If you go in the direction of the arrow.” No one really knows what this hint means, but I have a couple theories: At square J-1 in the overworld is a cluster of rocks in the shape of an arrow, pointing you west. If you push the west rock at the tip of the arrow, it creates the opening you need to find the Magical Sword (which we’ll cover later in this guide). Or it could refer to the fact that if you go all the way west from that arrow to the northwest corner of the overworld, you’ll find the entrance to Level 9 (if you use a Bomb in the right place).

Anyway, walk through the wall east. The previous old man may have been cryptic, but this next old man is downright hostile: “Leave your life or money.” In order to open the east door, you’ll be forced to either give up an entire Heart Container or 50 Rupees. Always choose to pay the 50 Rupees in cases like this. Do not ever give up a Heart Container because if you do, you can never get it back! If you don’t have enough Rupees, go back and get more by defeating enemies, then return. Anyway, go east once the old man is appeased in order to find a handy room filled with Blue Bubbles. See the two blocks in the center? Push the western one of those to create an underground passage.

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Be ready as soon as you emerge from that underground passage because you’ll find yourself in a room with three Red Bubbles! Unlock the north door to fight Digdogger again. Defeat it just like you did earlier in this dungeon (though now you’ll have to contend with four Stone Statues shooting at you instead of two), and then take Heart Container #7 as your prize. Yep, this was the boss! But again, we’re not done with this dungeon just yet.

Go north to find the Triforce, but don’t take it yet. Walk through the wall north and dispatch three Red Darknuts while dodging fire from Stone Statues to open a door further north. Make sure you have a good supply of Bombs before forging ahead because in the next room are three Dodongos. Take them out in your preferred way, but be careful of the four Stone Statues-you don’t want an errant fireball to push you out of position when you’re trying to set a Bomb next to a Dodongo! Once all three are destroyed, head north into a claustrophobic room with two each of Pols Voices, Red Darknuts, and Blue Darknuts. Use the layout to your advantage as you can get free hits on any Darknut as long as it’s walking by any blocks north of you, since Link’s sword can hit through a block while facing north. Be aware, though, that Pols Voices can pass through blocks. Defeat all the enemies, then push the western block (the one that’s closest to the west door) to create an underground passage in the northeast corner of the room. Inside is the Raft, which you’ll need to access the next dungeon.

With the Raft in hand, make your way all the way back south to the Triforce room. Pick up Triforce Piece #4 to finish this dungeon. On to Level 5!


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