Where Is The Sanctum Universum

During character creation in Starfield you can choose to be a member of one of the galaxy’s major religions. The biggest on the UC side of space society is the Sanctum Universum, a philosophical doctrine that believes God gave space travel to humans so that they could explore the universe and eventually find him.

Throughout your adventure, you can find various holy texts and writings that divulge more about the teachings of the Sanctum Universum, however, practically, one of the main benefits of choosing to be raised Universal is gaining access to the Sanctum Universum chests in churches around the galaxy.

These chests offer a small cache of useful items which will always come in handy, whatever your playstyle, so are definitely worth the diversion to visit. Here’s where to find them.

Where to find the Sanctum Universum chest in Starfield

The first Sanctum Universum chest you can find in Starfield is next to Father Aquilas’ office in the New Atlantis church.

It’s found between the commercial district and the embassies, on the other side of the park to the Lodge and the other side of the city from the MAST building.

Look for the church’s distinctive geometric roof next to Galbank and the Enhance clinic where you can change your appearance. The first time you pass, you will see Father Aquilas speaking to a group of followers and can get a quest from one of them.

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To access the chest though, follow Father Aquilas inside the building. On the right of the door to his office, you will find a storage chest with your items inside.

While there’s nothing mind-blowing inside, just a few useful medpacks, clothing items and texts relating to the Sanctum Universum, you can’t argue with a free gift.

Really, you’re picking one of the religion traits for the unique dialogue options rather than the chest of items. But remember, you can also remove the trait by speaking to Father Aquilas and telling him you no longer believe in the church.

That’s not it though, you can also access an additional Sanctum Universum chest on Mars, in the community center room in the residential zone of Cydonia.

Alternatively, picking the opposite religion trait grants you the Enlightened chest.

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