HomeWHEREWhere To Get A Venus Fly Trap

Where To Get A Venus Fly Trap

Venus Flytraps (Dionaea muscipula)

There is only one species Venus Flytraps with the official name Dionaea muscipula, but they come in many different colours, shapes and sizes. Over the years we have increased the range of our Venus Flytraps including some bred and named by ourselves (‘Spider’, ‘South West Giant’). All our Venus Flytraps are sent as plants in their pots and come with full instructions. They require a sunny position.

We grow many different forms of Venus Flytrap, including the following: South West Giant, Royal Red, All Green, Sharks Tooth, Big Mouth, Spider, South West Giant Hybrid, B52, Darwin and many more.

The Venus Flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) is not your average leafy green companion. This fascinating carnivorous plant belongs to the genus Dionaea and is renowned for its unique ability to capture and digest insects. Native to the wetlands of the Carolinas in the United States, the Venus Flytrap has become a popular choice among plant enthusiasts and curious minds alike.

In the realm of flora, this petite yet mighty specimen stands out for its modified leaves that form jaw-like structures, adorned with sensitive trigger hairs. When an unsuspecting insect makes contact with these trigger hairs, a rapid process is set into motion. The hinged lobes of the leaves snap shut, creating a temporary enclosure for the prey. The plant then secretes digestive enzymes to break down the insect, absorbing essential nutrients for its own growth.

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The Venus Flytrap requires a specific environment to thrive, characterized by acidic, nutrient-poor soil and ample sunlight. Despite its carnivorous nature, it still engages in photosynthesis to supplement its nutrient intake.

Cultivating a Venus Flytrap can be a rewarding experience for those intrigued by the wonders of the natural world. However, it’s crucial to understand and mimic its native habitat to ensure optimal health and carnivorous capabilities. From its mesmerizing traps to its strategic adaptation for survival, the Venus Flytrap remains a captivating and extraordinary addition to any botanical collection.

Care Tips for Venus Flytraps

Taking care of these carnivorous wonders is like having a pet with a green twist. Here are some care tips to keep your Venus Flytrap thriving and a few fun facts to sprinkle in:

1. Light and Location: Venus Flytraps are sun lovers, so give them a sunny spot! They crave at least 4-6 hours of direct sunlight daily. If you’re growing them indoors, a south-facing windowsill is their ideal hangout.

2. Soil: Mimic their natural habitat with acidic, nutrient-poor soil. Say no to regular potting soil—it’s too rich for their taste. Check our special Carnivorous plant and Venus Flytrap compost here.

3. Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Rainwater or distilled water is their drink of choice; avoid tap water with minerals. Make sure the soil stays damp, like a well-wrung sponge.

4. Feeding: Contrary to popular belief, they don’t survive on a diet of flies alone. While they can catch their meals, if you want to play caretaker, you can feed them small insects every 2-4 weeks. Just no hamburger-sized bugs, please!

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5. Dormancy: Venus Flytraps experience winter dormancy. During this time, they’ll look less lively, and some leaves may turn black and die off. Keep them cool (around 2-10°C) during this period, and reduce watering. They’ll bounce back come spring!

Fun Facts:

1. Rapid Reflexes: A Venus Flytrap’s trap can snap shut in as little as a tenth of a second. Talk about quick dining!

2. Limited Meals: Despite their carnivorous abilities, they don’t catch meals on the regular. Each trap can only close and reopen about 3-4 times before it loses its mojo.

3. Little Eaters: While they can consume spiders, ants, and beetles, they prefer juicy insects like flies and gnats. They’ve got a refined palate!

Enjoy your time with these captivating botanical hunters, and remember, patience is key. Growing a Venus Flytrap is like having a tiny, leafy companion with its own set of peculiar habits and preferences. For more information and full care instructions click here.


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