Where To Place Ear Seeds For Weight Loss

Auriculotherapy has recently gained popularity as a home remedy for a variety of health conditions like weight loss, stress relief, anxiety and insomnia. Ear acupuncture can indeed treat obesity. The ear is like an inverted fetus which is rich in nerves and blood vessels. There are holographic acupoints representing various parts of the body.

Combined with TCM syndrome differentiation, selectively stimulating the acupuncture points in the ear can improve the body’s metabolism. The function of nerves inhibits the abnormally excited appetite of obese patients, thereby achieving the effect of weight loss.

Ear acupuncture for weight loss

Obesity is a complex disease caused by excessive caloric intake and excessive accumulation of adipose tissue in the body due to biochemical and physiological changes in the body. It is often accompanied by complications such as diabetes, coronary heart disease, and hypertension.

According to Chinese medicine, the five zang-fu organs, the nine orifices of the skin, and the bones of the four limbs are all connected closely with the auricle through the meridians.There is a saying that “the ear is where the veins gather”. In TCM, auricular points correspond with different body parts. Auricular acupuncture can be use to treat or prevent diseases of the corresponding organs of the body by stimulating auricular points. It can regulate yin and yang, suppress excessive appetite, and reduce fat and lose weight.

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Ear seeds

The most commonly used method for ear acupuncture to lose weight is ear seeds. It is a safe, non-invasive, needle-less form of acupuncture which uses physical pressure applied to the ear acupressure point by Vaccaria seeds (王不留行籽). The following is how and where to place the ear seeds:

How to use ear seeds

After sterilizing the auricle with alcohol, it need to stick the Vaccaria seeds on the 0.6cm tape and apply it on the auricular point, and press it with thumb until it is sore, numb, swollen or sore. Soreness, numbness, bloating, pain or heat. Only one side of the auricular point is applied at a time, and the two ears are applied alternately. It is better to rub it four or five times a day. Generally, it has good effects when pressing it before eating or when you feel hungry. The course of treatment is once a week and it last 10 times continually.

Ear acupressure points:

Main acupoints: Endocrine(内分泌), Shenmen (神门).

Matched acupoints: The large intestine(大肠), spleen(脾), stomach(胃), hunger point(饥点).

Use ear seeds correctly

It’s easy to apply ear seeds yourself at home. Place the ear seeds on the external part of the ear. Do not put them inside the ear canal. You can also consult a TCM physician first to guide and show you exactly where to place them for an optimal outcome.


  • Clean your ear and ensure it is completely dry before sticking the ear seeds. The ear seeds are to be placed on the external part of the ear instead of in the ear canal.
  • Locate the points that you require. For pain issues, if you have pain on your left side, place the ear seeds on your left (i.e. same side) ear.
  • Use tweezers or your fingers to attach the ear seed to the points that you have identified.
  • Press down gently on the ear seed to ensure the ear seed stays on the skin. Press each point for around 10 times till your ear feels a warm sensation. You may experience a sore, tenderness or pain sensation on the ear when the point is stimulated.
  • Massage the ear seeds gently for 2-3 times per day or whenever necessary.
  • You can leave the ear seeds on for 3-7days . (They may fall off naturally during showering or daily activities). If they do not, remove them after a week.
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Ear seeds provide a newer form of auriculotherapy, a type of acupressure that focuses on the ear. Using the seeds in certain spots can stimulate the pressure points to help reduce weight.

For person who wishes to try ear seeds should consult an acupuncturist first. This is to learn the exact positions to place the seeds for weight loss.

If you are interested to know how” TCM help weight loss “or you can refer to the article “Secret Chinese Herbs for Weight Loss“, you are always welcomed to call us or make an appointment.

#TCM #acupuncture #acupuncturedubai #herbalmedicine

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