HomeWHICHWhich Barley Grass Powder Is Best

Which Barley Grass Powder Is Best

You’re probably here because you’re looking for the best barley grass. As one of the world’s most amazing superfoods, you need to make sure that you’re drinking only the freshest and cleanest barley grass that your body needs.

After all, not all companies have your best interests at heart. In fact, you might have encountered a barley grass distributor in the past that had so many outrageous and false claims about their products. Instead of maximizing the health benefits of this health food, you simply ended up spending a lot more money for something that doesn’t actually work.

Gone are your days of having to trust false advertisements, because Santé is a barley grass supplier like you’ve never seen before. Here’s why.

Our Best Barley Grass Products

Our Best Barley Grass Products

We at Santé prioritize the need for ethical practices and transparency. This means that when we claim our products are 100% organic, freshly-harvested, and imported from only the finest barley grass grams in the world, we really do mean it.

The thing that sets our best barley grass apart from the rest, is that we don’t mislead our customers. Some barley grass suppliers may say that they don’t use artificial fertilizers and pesticides — you’ll eventually find this not to be true.

At Santé, we guarantee you that every stage in our farming, production, packing, and distribution process is all natural. We cultivate our best barley grass in a method called “broadacre” wherein the crops are planted in large fields. This ensures that our barley grass gets all the necessary macro and micronutrients, natural sunlight, airflow, and rainwater.

Our 100% organic, natural, and non-GMO signature barley grass products all come from the world’s center of agriculture and horticulture — the Canterbury region in New Zealand. The farms are all operated and 100% certified by BioGro Ltd. — the world’s most well-known certifier of organic products. This ensures that all our products are well-milled without any substance or chemicals that you wouldn’t want to put in your body.

What better way to experience the best barley grass products than by trying out our all-natural green barley powder and barley grass supplement? Check them out!

Santé Barley™ Powder

The best barley grass doesn’t get any purer than our Santé Barley™ Powder. With this product, just add water and you’ll be able to drink barley grass juice in its simplest and freshest form. No frills, no unnatural additives, and preservatives — the Santé Barley™ Powder makes the perfect accompaniment to your daily healthy lifestyle.

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Santé Barley™ Powder comes in 30 packets of 3-gram pure organic barley grass powder. Unlike other barley powders which have a grassy taste to them, our version of this all-natural superfood has been sweetened with another all-natural sweetener, Stevia.

This means that you don’t have to add any refined sugar just to sweeten up your daily barley grass drink. This is because our Stevia sweetener comes from the naturally-occurring Stevea rebaudiana — it’s significantly sweeter than refined sugars and it’s also perfect for those that are on a low blood sugar and low cholesterol diet.

To maximize our best barley grass powder, mix it with cold water. Have a glass 30 minutes before eating meals, or drink it with your favorite snacks.

Santé Barley™ Powder In Canister

Our topnotch barley grass powder also comes in a canister, with the Santé Barley™ powder. Like our signature Santé Barley™ powder in sachets, this pure barley has been finely processed and pulverized from the purest and most organic young barley grass.

Once you open the can, you’ll get a whiff of the familiar sweet barley grass scent that you’ll only find from Santé’s best barley grass powder. Featuring fine particles of a rich, dark-green colored powder, this canister version of the barley grass that you know retains all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients, like chlorophyll and carotenoids.

It’s naturally sweetened with Stevia, making it an ideal green drink before every meal. Combined with a healthy diet of grains, cereals, vegetables, meat, fish, and other wholefoods, you’ll be able to benefit from a nutrient boost and antioxidant properties that you’ll get only from our Santé Barley™ Powder.

Santé Barley™ Capsules

Santé Barley Capsules are suitable for those who want a quicker and faster way of getting the key nutrients of barley grass. Although each barley grass powder comes in only a 500mg capsule, it definitely packs a healthy punch, giving your body the boost it needs in just a pop.

Each 500mg barley grass powder is packed in a vegetable capsule, making it ideal for those who are adopting a vegetarian or a vegan diet. Unlike other barley grass supplements that come in gelatin capsules, our vegetable version has a lower moisture content — you can store it in your pantry, kitchen shelves, or fridge, if you like.

To complete your daily recommended requirements of our best barley grass, take three (3) capsules twice (2) daily, before meals. It doesn’t get any more healthy and convenient as this.

Unique Barley Grass Drinks

Unique Barley Grass Drinks

There is more than one way of enjoying our barley grass. Apart from our fresh selections of barley grass powder and supplements, we also offer you with unique barley grass drinks and beverages that you certainly won’t find elsewhere.

Ever wanted to pair our best barley grass with your daily coffee? How about a chocolate milk drink or a warm cup of refreshing tea? You’ll definitely find these and more, only with Santé. Now you’ll be able to enjoy a cup of our freshest and healthiest barley grass drink with all the flavor and richness of your favorite flavors!

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Santé Fit N’ Trim

Here at Santé, we pride ourselves with providing our customers with high-quality barley grass that’s simply nothing like they’ve ever tried before. While our barley grass already has all the nutrients that you’d expect from this nutritious food, we step it up by incorporating classic flavors, especially with your Santé Fit N’ Trim.

Each packet contains 3-in-1 metabolism-boosting and fat-burning capabilities that are definitely unique and different from any barley grass beverage that you’ll find in the market. Particularly, our Santé Fit N’ Trim concoction has been fortified with L-Carnitine — an essential chemical that allows your body to convert fat into energy in a much more efficient way.

You’ll definitely have an enjoyable time reaching your weight goals with Santé’s Fit N’ Trim! After all, the road to a healthier and more fulfilling life should be a fun one — make our absolutely fruity, tasty, yet healthy barley green tea powder a part of that.

Santé Choco Barley Powder

Other barley grass suppliers will claim that their products are also good for children of all ages, but when you look at the ingredients list, what can you find? You’ll likely find many substances and chemicals that are almost too difficult to pronounce. Surely, it’s safer for your child to consume only natural ingredients? Fortunately with our chocolate-barley powder mix, you and your child can now experience a more delicious way of enjoying our best barley grass.

Our chocolate-based barley powder combines all the beneficial nutrients and vitamins of barley powder with our own version of the classic chocolate drink. If you have a child, our chocolate-barley drink is a great way to sneak greens into their diet — especially if they’re picky eaters and not really a fan of the taste of vegetables.

If you don’t have a child, then there’s also no reason not to try this unique drink out. Featuring protein and lots of essential amino acids, this drink fits perfectly well with your high-protein and high-calcium diet.

Santé Fusion Coffee

A cup of coffee is perfect for any time of the day. There’s simply nothing like starting off your day, or relaxing in the afternoon with a freshly brewed cupper. Now, you can try Santé’s best barley grass with our very own brew of instant coffee!

Each 15-gram sachet of barley grass-coffee combination gives you that peace, knowing that your coffee is loaded with superfood. You don’t even have to spend a dime on buying an expensive cup of coffee that, quite frankly, doesn’t even match expectations when it comes to the taste.

With the Santé Fusion Coffee, you’ll find the signature robust and silky smooth taste of all-natural instant coffee, with the health benefits of barley grass powder. The best part is, you can drink this at any time of the day you wish, whether with your favorite breakfast, afternoon snack, or for your nightly coffee fix.

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Delicious Barley Grass Snacks

Santé offers you with more than just different ways to enjoy our signature products. In fact, we’ve also been able to come up with a barley grass snack food that’s laden with other natural and energy-boosting ingredients!

No, we’re not talking about candies, barley grass powder balls, or any other junk food that’s just going to do your body more harm than good. What we’re talking about is a barley grass energy bar that definitely packs a punch. Check it out!

Santé FibrEnergy Drink

Whether you’re a health and fitness buff, or just someone who wants to satisfy their snack cravings for the day, our Santé FibrEnergy drink is sure to get the job done for you.

This is just no ordinary drink that you’ll find in other supermarkets. First of all, it doesn’t have all the artificial flavors and ingredients that other companies claim to be beneficial for you. Rather, FibrEnergy contains all-natural selections such as chia seeds, oats, and our very own Santé Barley™ grass powder.

Oats and chia seeds are rich in soluble fiber that can aid your body in digestion. Low in calories, high in fiber, nutrients, as well as amazing antioxidants, FibrEnergy is perfect for those who are looking for a delicious, yet healthy hunger buster.

Get The Best Barley Grass From Santé Today!

Get The Best Barley Grass From Santé Today!

At Santé, we are wholly devoted to our customers. We always strive our best to better their lives by providing premier barley grass products and wellness selections that are designed to help them live healthier and more fulfilling lives.

We have been operating for more than a decade now, tracing our humble beginnings back in 2007, where Santé started as a direct seller, supplier, and distributor of the best barley grass that you’ll ever find.

While our flagship products primarily focus on barley grass, we’ve since been able to branch out into other ventures. We’ve been able to develop unique barley grass-based snacks, beverages, toothpastes, toothbrushes, soaps, and even hygienic products. We’re also managing a health, wellness, and rehabilitation center through our Santé Fitness Lab. Truly, we haven’t even scratched the surface of this invaluable superfood venture.

Very much unlike other companies, Santé takes pride in its ethical approaches and practices to our processes. As much as we take care of our customers, we also take care of the important people behind our team.

This is why we use only natural techniques when it comes to harvesting our barley crops in New Zealand — we don’t use artificial pesticides or other volatile compounds that can cause health problems. Rather, we adopt a natural approach all throughout, and this has consistently defined the Santé Barley that you know today.

Currently, Santé has multiple locations in other countries and regions like New Zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore, Philippines, Macao, UAE, Qatar, Cyprus, and Nigeria. Ascribing to our key values of sincerity, excellence, inventiveness, humility, transparency, positivity, and victoriousness, we continue to serve and provide our customers with only the highest-quality barley grass products there is.

Now, you can finally have the chance to get the best barley grass. Click here to shop now!


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