Which British Army Unit Was Given The Motto

Task force deployed to the Gulf

At the time of writing – June 2006 – there are around 8,000 British troops still based in Iraq. The British troops are based in the southern province of Basra, which has become increasingly dangerous in recent months.

Overall, the British are responsible for four Iraqi provinces in the south, although it is planned for the security of the volatile Maysan province to be handed over to Iraqis in the coming months.

Organisation of the British army

The corpsThe army is principally divided into more than a dozen different corps, which are a collection of regiments or small groupings of soldiers that share a common area of specialist expertise, such as infantry, artillery, cavalry or even dentistry.

The regimentsA regiment normally contains of around 650 soldiers depending on its role. Sometimes infantry regiments have more than one unit of this size and are referred to as a battalion. A battalion unit comprises of three or more companies of similar size. A company is made up of two or more platoons, which are around 10 to 12 men strong and commanded by a lieutenant. Guards regiments have operational and ceremonial duties at, for instance, royal residences.

The brigadesA brigade is a collection of different regiments and supporting units that have been grouped together for a specific purpose. A fighting brigade will traditionally contain infantry, cavalry and artillery regiments together with many supporting cap badges. The composition of each brigade will differ depending on its responsibility but could often contain 5,000 soldiers. A regiment varying in size from a battalion to a number of battalions.

Army brigades in full:1 Mechanised brigade4 Armoured brigade7th Armoured brigade (Desert Rats)12 Mechanised brigade15 (north-east) brigade16 (air assault) brigade19 Mechanised brigade20 Armoured brigade39 Infantry brigade42 (north-west) brigade49 (east) brigade43 (Wessex) brigade51 (Scottish) brigade52 Infantry brigade102 Logistics brigade160 brigade

The divisionsA division would traditionally be made up of three or four brigades depending on the specific role it is to undertake, and is configured in a similar fashion to a brigade but on a larger scale. 1 (UK) division and 3 (UK) division are fighting divisions whereas 2, 4 and 5 division are responsible for administrative support.1 (UK) Armoured division2 (UK) division3 (UK) division4 (UK) division5 (UK) division

The corps of the British army

Household Cavalry and Royal Armoured corpsThe Royal Armoured corps (RAC) and Household Cavalry consists of cavalry regiments and the royal tank regiment. It provides mobile firepower and is in the process of being equipped with the Challenger 2 main battle tanks. It is also equipped with armoured reconnaissance vehicles that use advanced technology to locate the enemy. In addition, the Household Cavalry provides troops for ceremonial duties. Jump to our guide to individual Household Cavalry and Royal Armoured corps regiments

Royal regiment of ArtilleryThe Royal Artillery provides indirect fire support and air defence for the army in the field, working closely with other corps. Their equipment ranges from hand-held air defence weapons to self-propelled tracked gun and multiple launch rocket systems. Known as the “Gunners”, they also operate various surveillance and target acquisition systems. They started to use the Phoenix remotely piloted aircraft, which provides real-time target information, in Kosovo. Jump to our guide to the British army’s armour

The infantrySee further below for details on each infantry regiment. The infantry’s main role in war is to make contact with and destroy the enemy on the ground. Making up just over one-fifth of the army, they can operate in any terrain or climate. Delivery to the combat zone can be by air, sea or land. The Warrior armoured infantry fighting vehicle enables infantry to operate alongside tanks and close to the enemy while remaining well protected. Jump to our guide to individual infantry regiments

The Royal EngineersThe Royal Engineers’ prime task is to improve the army’s mobility while restricting the enemy’s. Their responsibilities range from building bridges and destroying them, to clearing minefields and laying anti-vehicle mines, surveying and producing maps for all the services, constructing camps, generating electricity, building airstrips for the RAF and bomb disposal.Engineer regiments.

The Royal Logistics corpsResponsible for the provision and distribution of vehicles, equipment and stores, transporting personnel, mail and freight by rail, road, sea and air, providing catering, fuel and ammunition.

The Royal Electrical and Mechanical EngineersMaintain and repair the army’s technical equipment.

Army Physical Training corpsMaintains the fitness of the army.

Queen Alexandra’s Royal Army Nursing corpsProvides nursing support to the army.

The Army Air corpsThis corps’ tasks range from armed action, reconnaissance, directing artillery and ground attack aircraft to moving troops and stores, evacuating casualties or acting as an airborne command post. They currently operate Lynx and Gazelle helicopters as well as Islander light aircraft. Apache attack helicopters will be introduced over the next few years.

The Adjutant Generals corpsProvides support in a number of areas including financial management, administration, education and policing.

The Royal corps of SignalsThe Royal Signals provide essential communication and electronic warfare support to commanders on the battlefield. They are capable of passing information securely and instantaneously across the globe using state-of-the-art communications systems. Includes Queen’s Gurkha Signals.

The Intelligence corpsCritical information about the enemy is supplied to commanders by the Intelligence Corps. They also help to protect troops from enemy spying.

Royal Army Veterinary corpsCares for the army’s animals.

Small Arms School corpsTrains instructors in all aspects of infantry weapon handling.

The Army Medical servicesResponsible for the sick and wounded on the battlefield and for providing for the medical needs of army personnel and their families in peacetime garrisons.

The Royal Army Chaplains’ departmentProvides chaplains of all denominations and is responsible for moral and spiritual welfare.

The corps of Army Music

The infantry regiments

The regimentsThe infantry corps has 32 regiments, made up of 40 battalions.

The Royal ScotsThe oldest regiment of the line (traditionally regiments were either of the line or foot guards) will cease to exist on August 1 2006 when it merges with the Kings Own Scottish Borderers Battalion to form the The Royal Scots Borderers, Ist Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland. The Royal Scots was formed in 1633 by King Charles I for service in France. It recruits in Edinburgh and the Lothians.

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The Princess of Wales’s Royal regimentKnown as the Tigers. Formed in 1992 by amalgamating the Queen’s regiment and the Royal Hampshire regiment, which have forbears back to 1572. Its two current regular battalions are based in Hampshire and are both armoured, with the 1st battalion using Warrior combat vehicles and the 2nd battalion using the Saxon vehicle. The 1st battalion is part of 1 Mechanised Brigade and was deployed with its Warrior vehicles to Kosovo.

The King’s Own Royal Border regimentThe successor of three former regiments, dating from as early as 1680, which were amalgamated in 1881. In recent years, the regiment has completed several tours of Northern Ireland and became a meachanised regiment using the Warrior combat vehicle. A battalion was deployed to Macedonia in 1998.

The Royal regiment of FusiliersFormed in 1968 from four other regiments. The regimental HQ is in the Tower of London, where they operate a ceremonial guard. Mascot is an Indian Black Buck antelope. Currently has two regular battalions with upcoming tours in Northern Ireland and probably also in the Balkans, using the Warrior armoured vehicle.

The King’s regimentFormed in 1685, its soldiers are called Kingsmen and many recruits come from Liverpool and Manchester. The colonel in chief of the regiment was the Queen Mother, until her death in 2002. In the same year, the regiment’s 1st battalion acquired Warrior vehicles and established itself in a new base in North Yorkshire. The regiment’s motto is “Difficulties be damned”.

The Royal Anglian regimentFormed in 1964 from the regiments of the East Anglian brigade, but has a history dating back to 1685. The regiment today has two battalions. The 1st battalion (the Vikings) are stationed in Pirbright, Surrey, specialising in a light mechanised role, and are equipped with Saxon personnel carriers. The 2nd battalion (the Poachers) are stationed in Chepstow, Gwent, and are a light role battalion specialising in jungle operations.

The Devonshire and Dorset regimentThe county regiment of Devon and Dorset was formed in 1958 with the amalgamation of the Devonshire regiment and the Dorset regiment, which had forbears back to the 17th century. In recent years, the regiment has been heavily involved in operations in Bosnia and Northern Ireland. It has left its HQ in Hounslow, London, where it had ceremonial duties, and moved Ballykinler, County Down, Northern Ireland, to begin a two-year operational tour.

The Light infantryThe Light Infantry was created from five regiments between 1808 and 1858. The regiment’s 1st battalion is currently serving as armoured infantry in Paderborn, Germany, equipped with the Warrior vehicle. The 2nd battalion is in Dhekelia, Cyprus for at least two years.

The Prince of Wales’s Own regiment of YorkshireFounded in 1685, this is the oldest line infantry regiment in the county, serving for over 300 years in every major military campaign and operation. Nicknamed the Yorkies, reflecting their Yorkshire roots, it is a light role infantry battalion, with the capacity to switch between a war-fighting role and a humanitarian support role. Currently based in Chester.

The Green HowardsFormed in 1668, and since the second world war has been active in Malaya, Cyprus, Northern Ireland and Bosnia. The Green Howards have a link to the Scandinavian royal family dating back to 1875, when Princess Alexandra of Denmark presented colours to the regiment.

The Royal Highland FusiliersFormed in 1959 as a result of the amalgamation of the Royal Scots and the Highlanders. The regimental motto is nemo nos impune Lacesset – no one molests us with impunity. Has one armoured division.

The Cheshire regimentRaised in its home county in 1689 for service under William III. However, it has spent much of the last 300 years on garrison duty outside the UK. It now consists of the 1st battalion and the Kings and Cheshire regiment. In recent years, the 1st battalion has served in Malaya, Cyprus, Northern Ireland and Bosnia.

The Royal Welsh FusiliersThe oldest Welsh regiment, formed in 1689. It claims to be one of the most distinguished regiments of the British army. Personnel wear the ‘flash’ of five black ribbons on the collar, which is worn by all serving Welshmen.

The Royal regiment of WalesAmong the oldest regiments in Wales, and one of the most decorated infantry regiments in Britain. The 1st Battalion has just completed an 18-month tour of public duties in London. The Prince of Wales is colonel-in-chief of the regiment.

The King’s Own Scottish BorderersCreated in 1689 to protect Edinburgh against the Jacobites. Since 1970 the 1st battalion has been deployed in Northern Ireland. In 1991 amalgamation with the Royal Scots was proposed but due to extensive campaigning the decision was reversed. Its motto is “Once a borderer, always a borderer”.

The Royal Irish regimentFormed in 1992 as a result of the Royal Irish Rangers, the oldest Irish regiment, being amalgamated with the Ulster Defence Regiment, the youngest. It is the largest infantry regiment in the British army, with four battalions in operation. One is based in Canterbury and the other three are based in Northern Ireland. Its motto is “Faugh -a- ballagh” – clear the way.

The Royal Gloucestershire, Berkshire and WiltshireOne of the youngest regiments in Britain, formed in 1994. It has recently returned to England from Northern Ireland after a two-year tour. The regiment has gained 209 battle honours, sixteen Victoria Crosses and one George Cross.

The Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters regimentEstablished in 1794 and currently stationed in Northern Ireland. It was formed by the amalgamation of the Worcestershire regiment and the Sherwood foresters. Motto: “firm”. The regiment has one regular battalion and two territorial companies.

The Queen’s Lancashire regimentThe 1st battalion was the last British battalion to serve in Berlin between 1992 and 1994. Its motto is “Loyally I Serve”. The regiment can trace its history back to Castleton’s regiment, raised in 1689 in York.

The Duke of Wellington’s regimentIn existence for nearly 300 years, it is one of a handful of regiments that have not been disbanded or amalgamated. It goes by the nickname of “dukes”. As a light-role battalion it is generally used for operational tours. Since 2000 the 1st battalion has been stationed in Osnabruck in Germany as an armoured infantry battalion.

The Staffordshire regimentKnown as the Staffords. Formed in 1959 from a regiment founded in 1705. Currently based in Tidbury, near Salisbury, in Wiltshire, the regiment has 650 men at its disposal, all trained to use rifles, and mortar, Warrior and Scimitar tanks as part of an armed infantry battalion. Most recently, the Staffords fought in the 1991 Gulf war, and served in Kosovo.

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The Black WatchFormed in 1725 in the wake of the 1715 Jacobite rebellion, the Black Watch was raised to keep watch on the Scottish highlands. Currently based in Fallingbostel, Germany, the regiment functions as an armoured infantry battalion, using Warrior tanks and other combat and reconnaissance vehicles. Claims to be Scotland’s premier fighting infantry unit. Recently part of peacekeeping operations in Kosovo.

The HighlandersThe Highlanders are the newest British combat infantry battalion, formed in 1994 from five 18th-century Scottish battalions. Now based in Catterick, North Yorkshire, the the Highlanders act as the lead mechanised infantry battlegroup of 19 Mechanised brigade. The regiment served in the Gulf war and has been part of peacekeeping operations in Northern Ireland and Kosovo.

The Argyll and Sutherland HighlandersHas one regular battalion, based in Scotland. The 550 men of the 1st battalion are usually engaged in a variety of duties from machine gun use to driving heavy vehicles. The 1st battalion has served within a peacekeeping unit deployed in Bosnia.

The Parachute regimentThe airborne regiment of the British army. There are three regular battalions, 1, 2 and 3 Para. Each battalion is up to 550 men strong. The Paras were formed after Winston Churchill put forward the idea to form 5,000 parachute troopers in 1940 and since then they have served in the second world war and the Falklands. Both 1 Para and 3 Para were deployed to Kosovo as the spearhead of Kfor, the Nato peacekeeping task force. Currently based at Aldershot, in Hampshire.

The Royal Gurkha RiflesThe 660 men belonging to the 1st battalion of the Royal Gurkha Rifles are part of the Brigade of Gurkhas which comprise of engineers, signalmen and logistics teams as well as the rifles. Originally from the Gorkha region of Nepal, Gurkha soldiers were integrated into the British army in 1815 after the British East India company noticed their fierce fighting skills in the British war with Nepal.

Today, they are still reckoned to be one of the toughest fighting forces around, and are known for their natural markesmanship. Recruitment for the Gurkhas is extremely tough and includes running up hills for 40 minutes carrying 70lbs of rocks in wicker baskets. The regiment motto is “Better to die than be a coward”. The Gurkhas were in the vanguard of the British army’s Kosovan operation. Collective headquarters are in Netharovan, Wiltshire.

The Royal Green JacketsFormed in 1966. Around 1,300 men serve in the two regular batallions today as premier infantrymen. Their motto, “Swift and bold” refers to their training on tactics and marksmanship. The Green Jackets are considered a “crack” force, and are always the first to be deployed as motor batallions on the ground. The regimental headquarters are in Winchester.

The Royal Gibraltar regimentThis regiment has three infantry companies, two of which are volunteer companies. The regiment was initially founded in 1915 as the Gibraltar Volunteer Force, to protect British sovereignty on the Rock. It evolved through both world wars as artillery, air defence and infantry units, until it was reformed in 1991 to become three infantry units. In 1999, it became the Royal Gibraltar regiment after the Queen bestowed her title on it.

The guards regiments

Coldstream guardsThe product of a merger of five companies in 1650. The Coldstreamers, which has one active battalion, claims to be the parent of the Royal Marines, which started when 500 Coldstreamers were co-opted for sea service. Responsible for the security of the sovereign. The regiment – whose slogan is “Second to none” – was most recently deployed to fight in the Gulf and for peacekeeping in Bosnia.

Grenadier guardsFormed in Bruges in 1656 by the exiled King Charles II during the civil war. The regiment received its title after the battle of Waterloo in 1815 as it deployed grenades. The Grenadiers wear furry bearskin caps and red tunics for guarding the crown jewels and other ceremonial responsibilities.

Scots guardsThis five-battalion strong regiment is the child of the 1642 King’s Lyfe Guard of Foot and was known in the latter part of the 17th century as the Kiddies. Recently deployed in the Persian Gulf as armoured infantry and medics. The Scots guards have served peacekeeping roles for UN and Nato in Kosovo and Macedonia.

Irish guardsFormed in 1900 with the nickname Bob’s Own. The regiment, now widely known as the Micks, was heavily deployed during both world wars. More recently, it has been using its armoured infantry skills in Poland, Canada and Oman. Has the motto “Who shall separate us”.

Welsh guardsFormed in 1915 by order of King George V. The regiment now has one active battalion. These guards have a reputation for the high standards and have toured extensively. Carried out operational tours in Northern Ireland, and formed part of the task force in the Falklands in 1982.

The Household Cavalry regiments

The Life GuardsFormed in 1778 from the disbanded Troops of the Horse Guards. There were originally a 1st and 2nd Life Guards but these amalgamated in 1922 which coincided with a change in role making the soldiers an armoured car regiment using vehicles such as Scimitar, Striker and Spartan, which are built for speed and agility. The 1991 defence review changed the structure of the regiment once again by reducing it to two squadrons, which are based in Windsor. Recently deployed with the UN in Bosnia.

Blues and RoyalsBased with the Life Guards at Windsor, the Blues and Royals were formed in 1969 by merging the Royal Horse Guards (Blues) and the Royal Dragoons (1st Dragoons), both of which were mounted cavalry. The regiment provided the only armoured reconnaissance during the Falklands campaign in 1982. Recently, the squadrons have had operational duties in Bosnia and Kosovo.

Royal Horse ArtilleryThis mainly ceremonial mounted artillery is stationed at St John’s Wood, in London. Soldiers either work with horses and become gunners, or are employed as saddlers, farriers, tailors, storemen, vehicle drivers or orderlies, though all learn to ride. The regiment is charged with territorial defence of the UK by giving military aid to the civil community. In the summer the regiment perform the Musical Drive at the Royal Tournament, and at various agricultural shows and military tattoos across the country.

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The Royal Armoured corps regiments

The Queen’s Dragoon GuardsFormed in 1959 from the merger of the 1st King’s Dragoon Guards and the Queen’s Bays (2nd Dragoon Guards), both of which were horse guards that moved to mechanical transport in the 1930s. In the past two decades, the regiment has been a peacekeeping force in Lebanon and Bosnia, and has deployed its armoury skills in the Gulf.

The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards (Carbiniers and Greys)Formed in 1971 from the union of the Carabiniers and Greys, and as the name suggests, based in Scotland. The regiment’s horses have been replaced by tanks and armoured cars, which the squadrons operated during the Gulf war. The guards are once again serving with the Desert Rats of 7th Armoured brigade. The regiment released a pipes and drums rendition of Amazing Grace in 1971, which won a number of gold discs.

The Royal Dragoon GuardsFormed in 1992 from the amalgamation of four British cavalries, including the 4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards and the 5th Royal Inniskilling Guards. During its short existence, the regiment has been deployed to Canada to take part in exercises, as well as undertaking an operational tour in Bosnia. Of late, the troops have been undergoing conversion training for Challenger 2 tanks. Based in Tidworth, Wiltshire.

The Queen’s Royal Irish HussarsFormed in 1993 from the amalgamation of the Queen’s Own Hussars and the Queen’s Royal Irish Hussars, tracing its roots back to 1685. Currently based in Sennelager, Germany, the regiment’s role is to destroy enemy tanks and support the infantry in close combat. It is equipped with 58 Challenger 2 tanks, and also has a section of pipes and drums, reflecting its Irish roots, which were are used in performances at the late Queen mother’s birthday celebrations. Recently deployed in Kosovo.

9th/12th Lancers (Prince of Wales’s)Amalgamated in 1960 from the 9th Queen’s Royal Lancers and the 12th Royal Lancers (Prince of Wales’s), both formed in 1715. The regiment’s main purpose is armoured reconnaissance. It uses vehicles such as Sultan command vehicles, Scimitars, Striker anti-tank missile launchers and Spartan armoured personnel carriers. Recently deployed in Cyprus, Bosnia, Belize and Northern Ireland. Currently based in Germany.

The King’s Royal HussarsFormed in 1992 from the amalgamation of the Royal Hussars (Prince of Wales’s Own) and the 14th/20th King’s Hussars, which date back to 1715. The regiment is an armoured cavalry, and its foot soldiers operate anywhere the army is serving, including Belfast, Bosnia and Kosovo. The King’s Royal Hussars wear a brown beret, which is the oldest cavalry beret and is unique in the British army.

The Light DragoonsA reconnaissance regiment formed in the early 18th century, amalgamating the 13th/18th Royal Hussars (Queen Mary’s Own) and the 15th/19th King’s Royal Hussars. It used to be a light cavalry squad, but now uses high speed light tanks such as Scimitar, Striker, Spartan and Sultan. Light Dragoons today are trained in peacekeeping and nuclear warfare. Until very recently, the regiment was deployed in Hohne, Germany, but has now returned to the UK and is based in Norfolk. Recent tours include Northern Ireland and Bosnia.

The Queen’s Royal LancersThe regiment was created by an amalgamation of the 16th/5th The Queen’s Royal Lancers and the 17th/21st Lancers, in 1993. Uses tanks such as the Challenger 2. It served in Cyprus, and Bosnia in 1995 and 1999. Currently based in Osnabruck, Germany.

1st Royal Tank regimentCreated in 1939 when the army mechanised. The regiment adopted the black beret because it found it impossible to see out of the visor of a tank with a peaked cap. It is equipped with Fuchs reconnaissaince vehicles with some squardons using Challenger 2 tanks. It has some soldiers based permanately in Kuwait, with other positioned in Canada, Cyprus, USA and Thailand. Otherwise based at the RAF base in Honington, Suffolk. Due to a large Scottish membership, there is a Pipes and Drums section.

2nd Royal Tank regimentHas a very similar history to the 1st Royal Tank regiment, and was created not long after it. Currently based near Hannover, Germany, in a small village that was once host to SS barracks. It has access to the Challenger 2 tanks and was the second brigade of the army to be equipped with them. The regiment is currently part of the Desert Rats 7th armoured brigade, and is currently the lead battle group of the Allied Joint Rapid Development Force, which means that its has a mandate to be the first armoured formation deployed in a conflict. It currently has solidiers stationed in Northern Ireland and Canada.

Special operations

Special Air Service regiment (SAS)Formed by Captain David Stirling while he was in hospital in the second world war after a parachuting accident, the SAS was initially created as a desert raiding force to weaken Nazi general Erwin Rommel’s North African logistics network, as well as hinder aircraft operations.

One of their roles as the air troop is to jump out of a plane at 25,000ft and land deep behind enemy lines. The SAS became globally renowned after they dramatically ended a siege at London’s Iranian embassy in 1980 and were later famously sent to Iraq during the Gulf war to search for mobile Scud launchers.

Their motto, “Who dares wins”, could reflect the rigorous selection process as much as the job, with only 10 out of 125 soldiers surviving the harsh selection proceedure to be awarded the prestigious Winged Dagger beret badge. The SAS is based at Credenhill, a former RAF base, near Hereford.


Challenger 2 tankAmount: 386 tanksThe army’s main battle tank.

Sabre tankAmount: 136 tanksUsed for close reconnaissance and features a chain gun.

Scimitar tanksAmount: 315 tanksUsed for medium-range reconnaisance and has a 30mm cannon.

Fv 432Amount: 1100 vehiclesMulti-purpose armoured vehicle, used as a command post, ambulance and troop carrier.

MCV 80 WarriorAmount: 550 vehiclesArmoured combat vehicle used by infantry, the Royal Artillery and Royal Engineers. Has a 30mm cannon.

SpartanAmount: 520 vehiclesArmoured combat vehicle used by specialist troops, such as mortar teams and anti-aircraft teams equipped with Javelin missiles, and can be used as engineer command vehicles.

SaxonAmount: 590 vehiclesArmoured troop carrier, fitted with 7.62mm machine gun.

FuchsAmount: 11 vehiclesAmphibious, six-wheeled vehicle which will become the core element of the UK’s nuclear, biological and chemical defence regiment.

Other army information

Where the army is deployedSpecific missions, such as the task force assembled to go to the Gulf, obviously affect the deployment of the army.

Northern Ireland is usually the largest normal operational area of deployment. Significant numbers of troops are also deployed as part of multi-national forces with the UN in Bosnia, Kosovo and Cyprus. The army has garrison forces in Brunei, Gibraltar and the Falkland Islands. In addition, military teams and advisers are provided to 25 countries around the world.

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