HomeWHICHWhich Country Has The Strongest People

Which Country Has The Strongest People

New research reveals that england is home to the world’s 4th physically strongest people.

For some, a well-brewed cask ale stands superior to any Belgian lager, while French wine enthusiasts could insist that nothing matches the bouquet of a vintage Bordeaux, sparking lively debates. On the culinary stage, one might find Yorkshiremen boasting about the superiority of their Yorkshire pudding in the Sunday roast tradition, while across the border, Scots may argue that nothing compares to the flavors of their traditional smoked salmon. And on the sporting stage, the age-old rivalry between the rugby teams of England and Wales encapsulates the intensity of national sports contests, mirroring longstanding regional and cultural schisms. Of course, all these rivalries are subjective and are likely to, at worst, anger and appall, and at best, reach a compromise by agreeing to disagree. But what if a true ranking of countries and states exists, whereby you could quantifiably, without disagreement, rank each from best to worst?

Lift Vault, an online resource for powerlifting, bodybuilding and strength training, analyzed data, and set out to determine where in the world do the physically strongest men & women reside? They scoured through 5 years of data provided by Open Powerlifting focusing on 3 main powerlifting categories – the squat (a strength exercise in which the trainee lowers their hips from a standing position and then stands back up); the bench press (an upper-body weight training exercise in which the trainee presses a weight upwards while lying on a weight training bench); and a deadlift (in which a weight is lifted off the ground to the level of the hips, before being placed back on the ground).

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The data reveals that the world’s strongest men and women reside in the United States. Their stats were: average squat: 710 lbs; average bench press: 437 lbs; average deadlift: 752 lbs.

When it came to the UK, it is revealed that the English came in 4th position overall – their results were : 610 lbs; average bench press: 375 lbs; average deadlift: 688 lbs.

They were followed by the Scots in 23rd; the Welsh in 45th; and Northern Irish in 62nd.

The ‘weakest’ lifters turned out to be from Cayman Islands. While the numbers suggest that Cayman Islanders’ weightlifters might not be hoisting the heaviest iron in the world, it’s worth noting that strength comes in many forms. Perhaps they are too busy swimming in their beautiful seas or working out on beaches to hang around the squat rack.

2023’s Five Strongest Countries:

1. United States 2. France 3. Sweden 4. England 5. Canada

2023’s Five Weakest Counties:

81. Cayman Islands 80. Moldova 79. Panama 78. Sri Lanka 77. Cyprus

Lift Vault also broke down America’s results by state, finding that Texans are America’s strongest, which you can see in this MSN article.

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