HomeWHICHWhich Festool Dust Extractor

Which Festool Dust Extractor

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Do you know which extractor to choose? And are there are specific power tools or systems you should consider using too? There are three classes of dust; L-Class (low risk), M-Class (medium risk) and H-Class (high risk). Dust is classed based on its potential to cause harm including particle size. The primary focus when choosing a dust extractor is to consider the type of dust you need to remove.

Which Dust Class Are You Working With?

It may seem difficult at first to work out which class of dust you need to extract. However, it largely depends on the material you are working with and what you’re doing with it.

  • A good first point-of-call is the material supplier or manufacturer. Unsure about what a certain material contains? Ask the them.
  • M-Class extractors are a safe bet nowadays because they ensure you’re covered in multiple scenarios. With the rise of the silicosis topic, default safety requirements are increasing to the point where some union sites require M-Class extractors regardless of the material.
  • Don’t underestimate hazardous materials. If you’re around asbestos, lead, engineered stone or mould, use the best dust extraction you can. Skimping on equipment isn’t worth the health risks.
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Festool dust extractors are designed with L, M and H-Class dust in mind. The top-of-the-line unit removes H-Class particles from the air effortlessly, while there is also a range of units that extract and secure M and L-Class dust at the source.

Features to Consider

Festool extractors are fitted with many helpful features. These not only help to make your workplace safer but also help to make dust extraction more efficient.

  • ‘Auto-start’ and ‘delayed shut-off’ for Festool power tools means the extractor automatically turns on as soon as you start the tool, ensuring no dust slips through.
  • Festool extractors are Bluetooth compatible which further eases automatic control of the dust extractors even when using cordless power tools.
  • Autoclean extractors are an option throughout the Festool range and are designed for certain materials. As the name suggests, systems fitted with this technology will clean out filters for you leading to more consistent suction and greater longevity.
  • The newer hoses are anti-static which prevent the build-up of electricity, avoiding electric shocks, short-circuiting and loss of power on a site.
  • Festool extractors can handle wet and dry materials – you just need to change or remove the dust bag and filter depending on the material.

For more information, take a look at our product range online or call us on 1300 063 900 today.

How to choose the correct dust extractor

Disclaimer: This information is not endorsed by any Work Health and Safety governing body and shouldn’t be interpreted as any form of legal or health advice. All regulatory and compliance enquiries must go to the relevant Worksafe organisation responsible for each region of Australia. All health-based enquiries should be discussed with and handled by a Medical Professional. Information provided in this article is accurate as of August 2019.

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