HomeWHICHWhich Fruit Of The Spirit Are You

Which Fruit Of The Spirit Are You

In our modern culture, where the notion of judgment is often discouraged, it can be challenging to navigate through the shifting sands of societal standards and changing ideas of morality. While it’s important not to condemn others, God instructs us to discern the fruit in other people’s lives to protect ourselves from being influenced by the world’s morality.

In Matthew 7:15-20, Jesus warns us to be wary of false prophets who appear as harmless as sheep but are actually ferocious wolves. He urges us to judge them by their fruit, for a good tree bears good fruit, while a bad tree bears bad fruit. This analogy emphasizes the importance of recognizing the characteristics that accompany a genuine believer.

The Apostle Paul further elaborates on this concept in Galatians 5:22-23, where he lists the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. These virtues reflect the inward presence of the Holy Spirit and stand in direct contrast to the acts of the flesh described in Galatians 5:19-21.

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How Do We See These Fruit?

The fruit of the Spirit represents the visible virtues exhibited by believers. It serves as evidence of the Holy Spirit’s indwelling presence and distinguishes them from those who follow the fleshly desires. The acts of the flesh, described in Galatians 5:19-21, include sexual immorality, impurity, idolatry, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, and more. Recognizing these characteristic traits helps us discern true believers from those who merely claim to be.

An illustrative example of this discernment is demonstrated by an experience I had as an assistant pastor. A couple approached me, citing their love for Jesus and their need for assistance. Despite their scriptural references and Christian jargon, my spirit discerned an air of entitlement and manipulation in their attitude. Although they appeared to be genuine believers, their fruit revealed dishonesty and guilt. Consequently, I sought counsel and refrained from providing material support. As it turned out, my discernment was accurate, as they never followed through with their promises. This experience taught me the importance of recognizing the fruit in someone’s life.

Spiritual Fruit Separates the Fakers from the Faithful

Those who habitually practice the desires of the flesh cannot be considered genuine believers. It is vital to distinguish between occasional failures and a persistent pattern of unrepentant behavior. Merely claiming to be a Christian does not guarantee an individual’s authenticity. This discernment becomes particularly crucial when making personal or life decisions, such as whom to hire, marry, or trust with confidential matters. The enemy often sends people into our lives to undermine our faith and hinder our destiny.

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Spiritual Fruit Empowers Us to Faithfully Represent Christ

The genuineness of spiritual fruit cannot be faked. It is significantly distinct from natural human virtues; it is a direct result of our relationship with Jesus Christ. Acts 16 provides an excellent example of this, as Paul and Silas, despite being unjustly imprisoned and beaten, responded with praise and love for their captors. Their compassionate and selfless actions exemplified Christ’s character and led to the conversion of a prison guard. This kind of love is unnatural and reflects a true representation of Jesus.

Spiritual Fruit is the By-product of our Love for Christ

Although we are saved by grace alone, the fruits of the Spirit require our intentional effort. Showing love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control should be the result of our love for Christ. John 14:15 affirms this, stating that those who love Jesus will keep His commands. We cultivate spiritual fruit as an expression of our love for God, a gift we offer Him to demonstrate our devotion. The presence of the Holy Spirit enables us to exhibit godly virtues beyond our natural capabilities and helps us recognize other genuine believers.

Developing our own spiritual fruit should be a daily goal. By obeying God and following His commandments, we allow the Holy Spirit to cultivate a rich harvest of spiritual fruit within us.

In conclusion, discerning the fruit in someone’s life is crucial for protecting ourselves from false teachings and influences. Likewise, cultivating spiritual fruit in our own lives is essential to demonstrate our love for God and faithfully represent Christ.

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Comments or illustrative examples to make the article more valuable in practice.

Illustrating the concept of recognizing spiritual fruit, I recall an encounter with a colleague who consistently displayed patience, kindness, and self-control amidst challenging circumstances. Despite facing adversity, their actions remained in line with the fruit of the Spirit, providing an inspiring example for others. This experience emphasized the significance of personal growth and striving to reflect Christ’s character in our daily lives.

Moreover, understanding the concept of spiritual fruit allows us to hold ourselves accountable and examine areas in our lives that require further sanctification. By addressing our own shortcomings and surrendering them to Christ, we invite the Holy Spirit to cultivate a more abundant harvest of spiritual fruit.

Through continuous growth in the fruits of the Spirit, we not only become better representatives of Christ but also contribute to the transformation of our communities and the world at large.


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