HomeWHICHWhich Of The Following Are True About Compiled Programming Languages

Which Of The Following Are True About Compiled Programming Languages

1. The Samba application is a:

  • File Server
  • Web Server
  • Security Server
  • Mail Server

2. Which of the following are examples of desktop software? (choose two)

  • Web server
  • File share
  • Web browser
  • Music player
  • Compiler

3. If you wanted to set up a blog, which software would be most helpful?

  • WordPress
  • MySQL
  • Samba
  • Postfix
  • Dovecot

4. Which of the following pieces of software deal with file sharing? (choose three)

  • Netatalk
  • NFS
  • X-Windows
  • Samba
  • PostgreSQL

5. If you wanted to create and print an invoice, which software could you use?

  • Evolution
  • Firefox
  • Compiz
  • LibreOffice

6. POP and IMAP are related to:

  • Sharing files
  • Email
  • Reading and writing music
  • Serving web pages
  • Letting users log in to multiple servers with 1 set of credentials

7. When a computer boots, it can get its network information through:

  • X11
  • DNS
  • DHCP
  • LDAP
  • SMTP

8. Which of the following are examples of text editors? (choose four)

  • pico
  • emacs
  • yum
  • vim
  • nano

9. A package manager: (choose two)

  • Downloads software from the Internet
  • Emails you when software is out of date
  • Keeps track of which files belong to which packages
  • Can optionally repartition your disk to make room for Linux
  • Performs a fresh install of Linux

10. An interpreted programming language: (choose two)

  • Takes fewer resources to run than a compiled language
  • Tends to offer more features than compiled languages
  • Is converted into machine specific instructions as the program runs
  • Requires a linking step but no compilation step
  • Requires a compilation step but no linking step

11. Which of the following are true about compiled programming languages?

  • Compiled languages are great for system administration tasks like scripting
  • C is a compiled language
  • Ruby is a compiled language
  • Perl is a compiled language
  • A programmer is usually more productive when using a compiled language
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12. Which package manager is used in Fedora, a Red Hat derived system?

  • vim
  • tar
  • apt-get
  • bash
  • yum

13. The Linux shell: (choose three)

  • Has a scripting language
  • Has a built in text editor
  • Is responsible for tracking the location of configuration files
  • Is customizable
  • Allows you to launch programs

14. Which application would you use to edit and piece together sound files to make podcast?

  • GIMP
  • Bash
  • Thunderbird
  • Audacity
  • Audiolicious

15. The two main families of Linux shells are: (choose two)

  • Python Shell
  • Korn shell
  • emacs
  • Bourne Shell
  • C Shell

16. Which server software would you use to create a company directory that you could search and authenticate against?

  • Netatalk
  • OpenLDAP
  • bind
  • Samba

17. A Mail Transfer Agent’s primary purpose is to:

  • Filter out spam
  • Manage the end user’s inbox
  • Serve email to end clients
  • Deliver mail between servers
  • Act as a gateway between faxes and email

18. Which of the following are examples of a web server? (choose two)

  • postfix
  • NFS
  • Nginx
  • WordPress
  • Apache

19. If you wanted to let a Linux machine share files with Windows clients and servers, you would use:

  • Netatalk
  • DNS
  • Samba
  • NFS
  • bind

20. Richard Stallman is associated with:

  • The Open Source Initiative
  • Microsoft
  • The Free Software Foundation
  • BSD Unix
  • The Apache foundation

21. A “copyleft provision” in a software license means:

  • If you redistribute the software, you must distribute the source to any changes you make
  • You may not link against third party closed source software
  • You must provide free copies of the software if you use it
  • You must provide support for your modifications
  • You give up your copyright to the software

22. The largest difference between the GPLv2 and BSD licenses is:

  • GPLv2 is not approved by the OSI
  • Only BSD allows commercial use
  • Nothing, they are virtually identical
  • BSD has no copyleft provision
  • GPLv2 requires assigning copyright to the FSF
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23. The Free Software Foundation believes that: (choose two)

  • Software should be free to modify
  • No money should ever change hands
  • Software should be free to share
  • People should write software with no expectation of making money
  • Software should not have copyright

24. Which of the following licenses was made by the FSF?

  • MIT
  • BSD
  • GPLv3
  • Creative Commons
  • Apache

25. A permissive free software license: (choose two)

  • Means you can use the software for anything you want
  • Does not allow the software to be locked to certain hardware
  • Places no restrictions on sharing modifications
  • Places the software in the public domain
  • Requires you share software changes but not binaries

26. Linux is distributed under which license?

  • Linux Foundation
  • MIT
  • BSD
  • GPLv2
  • GPLv3

27. Who founded the Open Source Initiative? (choose two)

  • Richard Stallman
  • University of California at Berkeley
  • Eric Raymond
  • Linus Torvalds
  • Bruce Perens

28. A generic term for Open Source and Free Software is:

  • Libre Software
  • GPL
  • OS/FS

29. Which are examples of permissive software licenses? (choose two)

  • GPLv3
  • GPLv2
  • LGPLv3
  • MIT
  • BSD

30. What does it mean when a work is placed in the public domain?

  • The work was done by a government agency
  • The author has died
  • You must redistribute changes to the software
  • You may not use the work for commercial purposes
  • The author has relinquished the copyright on the work

31. Creative Commons licenses allow you to: (choose three)

  • Specify whether or not people may distribute changes
  • Receive royalties on the use of the work
  • Specify whether or not changes must be shared
  • Allow or disallow commercial use
  • Get a veto on where the work is used

32. If a podcast is licensed under the CC BY-ND license, you may: (choose two)

  • Use an interview or song from it for your own podcast
  • Post it to your website
  • Add ads to it and post it to your website.
  • Share it as long as you give credit to the author
  • Sell it as part of a compilation
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33. How can you make money from open source software? (choose three)

  • Charge a yearly fee for the right to use the software
  • Take payments for fixing bugs
  • Sell hardware that’s built to work with the software
  • Provide paid consulting services for users
  • Unlock premium features for people that pay

34. To place software under an open source license, you must give up your copyright.True or False?

  • True
  • False

35. The difference between the GPL and LGPL licenses are:

  • LGPL is shorter than GPL
  • LGPL allows linking to non GPLed software
  • LGPL applies to web services
  • LGPL was made by the OSI while GPL was made by the FSF
  • LGPL allows you to distribute the software in binary-only form

36. Permissive free software licenses: (choose three)

  • Are not approved by the OSI
  • Are not approved by the FSF
  • Include the GPLv2 and BSD
  • Can allow software to be used inside closed source software
  • Don’t have a copyleft provision

37. The Creative Commons version of Public Domain licensing is:

  • Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
  • Attribution-NonCommercial
  • Attribution
  • NoAttribution-ShareAlike
  • No Rights Reserved

38. Your company makes a hardware firewall that runs a custom Linux kernel. What are your obligations under GPLv2?

  • You must ensure your custom kernel runs on a regular Intel machine
  • You must make the source to your kernel available
  • There are no requirements
  • You must make the source to your custom web interface available
  • You must make your hardware designs available

39. Participating in open source projects can improve your technical skills, even if it is not your day job. True or False?

  • True
  • False

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