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Which Of The Following Is A Characteristic Of Car Sharing

Answer: Vieta’s Formulas were discovered by the French mathematician François Viète. Vieta’s Formulas can be used to relate the sum and product of the roots of a polynomial to its coefficients. The simplest application of this is with quadratics. If we have a quadratic $x^2+ax+b=0$ with solutions $p$ and $q$, then we know that we can factor it as:


(Note that the first term is $x^2$, not $ax^2$.) Using the distributive property to expand the right side we now have


We know that two polynomials are equal if and only if their coefficients are equal, so $x^2+ax+b=x^2-(p+q)x+pq$ means that $a=-(p+q)$ and $b=pq$. In other words, the product of the roots is equal to the constant term, and the sum of the roots is the opposite of the coefficient of the $x$ term.

A similar set of relations for cubics can be found by expanding $x^3+ax^2+bx+c=(x-p)(x-q)(x-r)$.

We can state Vieta’s formulas more rigorously and generally. Let $P(x)$ be a polynomial of degree $n$, so $P(x)={a_n}x^n+{a_{n-1}}x^{n-1}+cdots+{a_1}x+a_0$, where the coefficient of $x^{i}$ is ${a}_i$ and $a_n neq 0$. As a consequence of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, we can also write $P(x)=a_n(x-r_1)(x-r_2)cdots(x-r_n)$, where ${r}_i$ are the roots of $P(x)$. We thus have that

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$a_nx^n+a_{n-1}x^{n-1}+cdots+a_1x+a_0 = a_n(x-r_1)(x-r_2)cdots(x-r_n).$

Expanding out the right-hand side gives us

$a_nx^n – a_n(r_1+r_2+!cdots!+r_n)x^{n-1} + a_n(r_1r_2 + r_1r_3 +! cdots! + r_{n-1}r_n)x^{n-2} +! cdots! + (-1)^na_n r_1r_2cdots r_n.$

The coefficient of $x^k$ in this expression will be the $(n-k)$-th elementary symmetric sum of the $r_i$.

We now have two different expressions for $P(x)$. These must be equal. However, the only way for two polynomials to be equal for all values of $x$ is for each of their corresponding coefficients to be equal. So, starting with the coefficient of $x^n$, we see that

$a_n = a_n$

$a_{n-1} = -a_n(r_1+r_2+cdots+r_n)$

$a_{n-2} = a_n(r_1r_2+r_1r_3+cdots+r_{n-1}r_n)$


$a_0 = (-1)^n a_n r_1r_2cdots r_n$

More commonly, these are written with the roots on one side and the $a_i$ on the other (this can be arrived at by dividing both sides of all the equations by $a_n$).

If we denote $sigma_k$ as the $k$-th elementary symmetric sum, then we can write those formulas more compactly as $sigma_k = (-1)^kcdot frac{a_{n-k}}{a_n{}}$, for $1le kle {n}$. Also, $-b/a = p + q, c/a = p cdot q$.

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