HomeWHICHWhich Of The Following Is An Example Of A Dce

Which Of The Following Is An Example Of A Dce

1. Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) : It includes any unit that functions either as a source of or as a destination for binary digital data. At physical layer, it can be a terminal, microcomputer, computer, printer, fax, machine or any other device that generates or consumes digital data. DTEs do not often communicate information but need an intermediary to be able to communicate.

2. Data Circuit Terminating Equipment (DCE) : It includes any functional unit that transmit or receives data in form of an analog or digital signal through a network. At physical layer, a DCE takes data generated by a DTE, converts them to an appropriate signal, and then introduces signal onto telecommunication link. Commonly used DCEs at this layer include modems. In any network, a DTE generates digital data and passes them to a DCE. DCE converts that data to a form acceptable to transmission medium and sends converted signal to another DCE on network. The second DCE takes signal off line, converts it to a form usable by its DTE, and delivers it.

Difference between DTE and DCE

How they work:

  1. DTE generates or receives data: The DTE, which can be a computer, modem, or other device, generates or receives data that needs to be transmitted over a network.
  2. DTE converts data to serial format: Before the data can be transmitted over a network, the DTE converts it to a serial format. This means that the data is transmitted one bit at a time, rather than in parallel.
  3. DTE sends data to DCE: The DTE sends the serial data to the DCE, which provides the interface between the DTE and the network.
  4. DCE manages physical connection: The DCE is responsible for managing the physical connection between the DTE and the network. This includes tasks such as encoding and decoding the data, checking for errors, and controlling the flow of data.
  5. DCE transmits data: Once the DCE has received the data from the DTE, it transmits it over the network using the appropriate protocol.
  6. DCE receives data: As data is transmitted over the network, the DCE receives it and performs tasks such as error checking and flow control.
  7. DCE sends data to DTE: Once the data reaches its destination, the DCE sends it to the receiving DTE.
  8. DTE converts data back to original format: The receiving DTE converts the serial data back into its original format so that it can be processed and used.
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Difference between DTE and DCE :

Conclusion :

DTEs are end user devices that generate or receive data, while DCEs are the equipment that facilitates the transmission of data between DTEs. DTEs typically connect to the communication network via a serial port or other interface, while DCEs provide the interface between the DTE and the communication network.


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