Which Of The Following Is An Example Of Downward Communication

Which of the following is an example of downward communication?

A) An employee provides feedback to higher-ups regarding her progress toward goals. B) An employee suggests a way of improving efficiency of a process to his team lead. C) An employee receives mail from her team leader pointing out problems that need attention. D) An employee informs her colleague about changes in the company policy. E) An employee informs his friend from a different department about a new coffee shop that has just opened in the town.

The Correct Answer for the given question is Option C) An employee receives mail from her team leader pointing out problems that need attention.

Answer Explanation:

Downward communication is a crucial aspect of organizational communication, and it typically flows from higher levels of management or authority to lower levels within the organizational hierarchy.

It serves to inform, instruct, and guide employees on various matters, including goals, policies, procedures, and performance feedback. In this context, we will explain why option C is the correct example of downward communication, and why the other options are not.

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Correct Answer: C) An employee receives mail from her team leader pointing out problems that need attention.

Option C represents downward communication because it involves information being transmitted from a higher-level authority (the team leader) to a lower-level employee. In this scenario, the employee is on the receiving end of communication, and the team leader is addressing specific issues or problems that require the employee’s attention.

This form of communication is often used to provide guidance, raise awareness about critical matters, and initiate corrective actions. The fact that it is in written form (mail) does not change its nature as downward communication, as written communication can be a common medium for such messages in organizations.

Now, let’s dissect why the other options do not represent downward communication:

A) An employee provides feedback to higher-ups regarding her progress toward goals.

Option A is an example of upward communication. In this case, the employee is the one initiating the communication by providing feedback to higher-ups (management or supervisors) regarding her progress. Upward communication is used by employees to inform their superiors about their work, achievements, concerns, or suggestions.

B) An employee suggests a way of improving efficiency of a process to his team lead.

Option B represents upward communication as well. The employee is suggesting an improvement to their team lead, which is a form of feedback and a suggestion. The team lead occupies a higher position within the team, making this communication direction upward.

D) An employee informs her colleague about changes in the company policy.

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Option D is an example of horizontal or lateral communication. In this case, the communication is occurring between employees who are typically on the same hierarchical level within the organization. It does not involve information flowing from higher levels of authority to lower levels, which is the defining characteristic of downward communication.

E) An employee informs his friend from a different department about a new coffee shop that has just opened in the town.

Option E is also a form of horizontal or lateral communication. It involves communication between employees, but the content of the message is not related to work, goals, policies, or instructions within the organization. It’s a casual exchange of information unrelated to the hierarchy or formal organizational communication.

In summary, downward communication involves the transmission of information from higher levels of authority to lower levels in the organizational hierarchy. Option C is the correct example because it demonstrates a team leader (higher authority) communicating with an employee (lower in the hierarchy) about issues requiring attention.

The other options either represent upward communication, horizontal communication, or casual communication unrelated to organizational matters, making them inappropriate examples of downward communication within the context of organizational communication.

Downward communication

Downward communication occurs when information flows from a higher level in an organization to a lower level. In other words, communication from superiors to subordinates in a chain of command is called downward communication.

Managers use this channel of communication to convey work-related information to lower-level employees. It is essential that employees obtain this information in order to perform their jobs and meet the expectations of their managers.Managers use downward communication for the following purposes:

  • Providing performance feedback to employees.
  • Providing instructions for the job.
  • By providing a comprehensive understanding of the employees’ jobs as well as explaining how their jobs relate to other jobs within the organization.
  • Communicating the mission and vision of the organization to the employees.
  • Identifying where attention needs to be focused.
  • Specify the communication objective.
  • Make sure the message is accurate, specific and unambiguous.
  • Communicate with the receiver using the most appropriate communication technique
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Which of the following is a disadvantage of downward communication?

A) inability to convey feedback B) inferiority complex C) fear of authority chain D) communication apprehension E) one-way nature

The Correct Answer for the given question is Option E) one-way nature

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