HomeWHICHWhich Of The Following Is Not An Automated Bidding Strategy

Which Of The Following Is Not An Automated Bidding Strategy

Q: Which of the following is NOT an automated bidding strategy?

A) Target ROASB) Target CPAC) Maximize conversionsD) Maximize views

Correct Answer is D) Maximize views

Which of the following is NOT an automated bidding strategy?


Automated bidding is a feature in digital advertising that allows advertisers to set certain goals, such as maximizing clicks or conversions, and let the ad platform automatically adjust bids for each auction in real-time. This approach saves time and effort, as advertisers don’t need to manually adjust bids for each auction, but instead rely on the platform to optimize bids for them. However, not all automated bidding strategies are created equal, and some may be more effective than others depending on the campaign goals and ad platform being used.

Statement: Which of the following is NOT an automated bidding strategy?

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To answer this question, we need to first understand what automated bidding strategies are available in digital advertising.

Maximize clicks

Maximize clicks is an automated bidding strategy that is designed to help advertisers get as many clicks as possible within a given budget. This strategy is useful for advertisers who want to drive traffic to their website or landing page, without focusing on specific conversion goals.

Target cost per acquisition (CPA)

Target CPA is an automated bidding strategy that sets bids to help advertisers get as many conversions as possible at a specific target cost per acquisition. This strategy is useful for advertisers who have a clear understanding of the value of each conversion and want to maximize the number of conversions they get within their budget.

Enhanced cost per click (ECPC)

Enhanced cost per click is an automated bidding strategy that adjusts bids in real-time to help advertisers get more conversions while maintaining their average cost per click. This strategy is useful for advertisers who want to focus on getting more conversions without sacrificing their overall cost per click.

Target return on ad spend (ROAS)

Target ROAS is an automated bidding strategy that sets bids to help advertisers get as much revenue as possible at a specific target return on ad spend. This strategy is useful for advertisers who have a clear understanding of the value of each conversion and want to maximize revenue while staying within their advertising budget.

Based on the above information, we can eliminate the following statement as it is not an automated bidding strategy:

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Statement: “Manual bidding”

Manual bidding is not an automated bidding strategy, but rather a manual process where the advertiser sets the bid for each auction. Manual bidding requires the advertiser to closely monitor their campaigns and adjust bids manually to achieve their desired results. This approach can be time-consuming and challenging, particularly for larger campaigns or those with many ad groups.

In contrast, automated bidding strategies use machine learning algorithms to optimize bids in real-time, based on a variety of factors such as the user’s device, location, time of day, and more. This approach saves time and effort for advertisers, while also providing more accurate and efficient bidding.


In conclusion, when it comes to automated bidding strategies in digital advertising, there are several options available, including maximizing clicks, target CPA, ECPC, and target ROAS. These strategies use machine learning algorithms to optimize bids in real-time, based on a variety of factors, and are designed to help advertisers achieve their campaign goals more efficiently. Manual bidding, on the other hand, is not an automated bidding strategy, and requires advertisers to set bids manually for each auction, which can be time-consuming and less efficient.


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