HomeWHICHWhich Of The Following Statements About Plagiarism Is False

Which Of The Following Statements About Plagiarism Is False

Answer/ Explanation:


1. Awareness and Support

One of the good news about this disorder is that many studies have been made and research still continues. With the prevalence of autism not only in the U.S. but also in other parts of the world, more people are now aware of this disorder. Consequently, people understand this condition more and there are support groups willing to help people with autism as well as their families.

2. Can Be Highly Functional

Some people diagnosed with autism do not socialize with others and some do not even speak. However, there are also those who are highly functional and are able to have jobs. There are even famous celebrities and people who have been diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome, which is related to autism but on the higher functioning end. Some of these notable figures are Dan Aykroyd and Mozart. Even Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton are said to have been autistic.

3. Individuality

Autism might be a disorder but it can also be a gift that makes an autistic person unique and different from the rest of the world. Some people with this disorder see themselves as special and distinct individuals. As such, they are given the privilege to be given special education. Moreover, the traits or characteristics of some autistic people are repetitive actions and focus on one activity which they can use to their advantage. Some become great musicians or mathematicians.

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1. Prone to Bullying

One of the disadvantages of being diagnosed with autism is the possibility of being bullied in school or in other places where people are ignorant about the condition and what it really is. Since some autistic children do not socialize or talk to other children, some kids tend to find them weird and either bully or not accept them as friends.

2. Limited Abilities

Another setback of autism is that most of the people with this disorder have learning disabilities. This can have a negative impact since they cannot attend regular schools and some are not able to study at all. Although there are those who get employment, a larger percentage of them get rejected or discriminated upon.

3. Issues on Medicaid Coverage

Although there are support groups worldwide and there is a Federal directive, not all children with autism will be given Medicaid coverage. There is therapy known as Applied Behavior Analysis but it is expensive. The directive was supposed to make the states pay for the medical coverage of children who are diagnosed with autism and are eligible for Medicaid. These are children 21 years old and below. However, there have been reported cases where children are denied.

Autism sure has its challenges but because of the increase in awareness and the qualities some autistic individuals have, there are also advantages to this condition. What is important is for people and family members become more accepting. The government should also do its share and ensure the rights of people with autism are protected.

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