HomeWHICHWhich Of The Following Statements About Solar Energy Is True

Which Of The Following Statements About Solar Energy Is True

Around the subject of photovoltaic solar energy, certain myths have been created that make people doubt the effectiveness of this service. Today, we give ourselves the task of disproving these myths and showing you why this is so.

which of the following statements about solar energy is true?

Next we will give some statements about solar energy and we will analyze which is true or false giving the corresponding explanation.

Solar panels only work in areas where sunlight is direct and abundant.


Solar panels can generate a large amount of solar energy even if the weather is cold or there are clouds, even today they can generate energy even when it rains. The panels receive energy from solar radiation, so they do not have to have direct sunlight for their function.

Solar panels work in areas where there is snow


l. Solar panels work with sunlight, so it doesn’t matter if there is snow, the important thing is that sunlight shines in that area so that they can generate electricity.

A solar panel is very expensive


The initial cost may seem high, a luxury product only suitable for people with great purchasing power. But, currently, the installation price has decreased considerably and its efficiency has risen. With these tips, energy savings will be possible and the greatest natural resource can be used in your home, in a very simple way.

Solar panels are resistant to hail


. Solar panels are very resistant to hail, when they are manufactured they go through very demanding quality tests and are hit with different elements that simulate hail and must pass the test.

Nobody uses solar energy.


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. This technology has grown exponentially in recent years. It is such a popular technology that in countries like Germany where 25% of the population’s energy needs are met by solar energy.

If the ambient temperature is much higher than 25º the efficiency of the solar panel decreases


On the contrary, we can think that if there are high temperatures, the solar panel will produce more electricity, but this is not the case.

As the temperature rises and exceeds 25º Celsius, the panel begins to lose conversion efficiency because the panels heat up and perform less.

Solar panels are difficult to install and difficult to maintain


Go ahead, as is logical, the time to assemble a solar panel installation is directly related to the dimensions of the installation. Bigger, longer. This seems logical, right? That being said, unless the installation is for a large company that needs hundreds of panels and a large battery storage system, the process typically takes no more than a few days to complete. In addition, since the panels are generally located on the roof of houses, warehouses and buildings, the installation does not usually entail a notable alteration in the day-to-day life of those who live and work in the property. Come on, piece of cake.

A quick summary of how a photovoltaic installation is developed:

1 – Your installation service will begin by making sure that the roof of the property is in optimal conditions to carry out the solar installation .

2 – Next, the wiring and the supports where your panels will rest will be placed. The latter are the only pieces that will be anchored to the roof of your property. Do not worry, the structure will not damage your cover in any case.

3 – With the structure for solar panels well fixed, it is time to place the panels.

4 – At the end of the process, it is time to connect the panels to the inverter, which, in general, will need its own space where it can be placed with the appropriate protections and security measures.

5 – If you need a solar battery system , it is normal that these also go in the same space as the inverter.

As for maintenance, this will hardly require an effort beyond the review that by law must be done annually. The manufacturers would not offer you a 25-year guarantee if they did not trust the durability of their equipment, would they? To begin with, because since there are no moving parts, photovoltaic installations hardly cause problems. The wind itself and the rain help to keep the panels clean and all the components are extraordinarily resistant to the weather. Even the most sensitive elements of the facilities – the batteries – are increasingly autonomous and require little maintenance, especially if you opt for lithium batteries .

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For your peace of mind, most new systems come with a simple mobile app where you can keep track of how your panels are performing and if there are any issues. You have the control.

Monocrystalline photovoltaic solar panels are more efficient than a monocrystalline panel.


Of the three options, panels made from monocrystalline silicon cells have the highest efficiency (13-17%), but they are also the most complicated to produce as they require more time and energy to manufacture and are more expensive.

Monocrystalline solar panels, because they are made of the highest purity silicon, are more efficient than polycrystalline solar panels that are made of lower quality silicon.

Installing solar panels is expensive and not profitable


Of course, the initial outlay involved in a solar installation of solar panels can sometimes be high, but everything will always depend on the electricity needs that we want to cover with our installation, which is what will determine its dimensions.

Having said this, it is important that we change the perception of a fundamental aspect, and that is that any disbursement that we make in photovoltaic technology is not a simple expense but an investment .. An installation of solar panels will help us save a significant part of our electricity bill – between 40 and 45% depending on the type of installation for periods of up to 25 years, which is the usual useful life of solar panels. In other words, unlike fixing the garden fence or changing the kitchen furniture, a photovoltaic installation will generate a net economic benefit for our pocket from day one.

And once you have amortized the equipment -normally in less than 10 years- you will still enjoy these savings on your electricity bill for at least 15 more years. Add to this the drastic drop in equipment prices in recent years, the fact that the government has just established a system that will compensate you for the energy you have left over, the subsidies you are entitled to for investing in renewables, and the fact that Having a photovoltaic installation increases the price of your property… and well, surely you have already realized that it is difficult to find a product with a better quality price.

Solar panels only work if there is sun and it is hot


Logically, solar panels offer better performance on very sunny days but they are perfectly capable of generating energy even if it is so cloudy that you cannot even see the sun. As for the cold, contrary to what you may think, the conductivity of the energy is betterin low temperatures than in hot days.

Note that it is solar radiation, not so much heat and temperature, that generates photovoltaic energy.. In any case, and even if it registers variations, your panels will work with more or less sun, more or less temperature. If this were not the case, there would not be cases as interesting as that of Germany. It is far from being the country that enjoys the most hours of daylight per year, and yet, today, it registers one of the highest photovoltaic energy productions on the planet.

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You might wonder, and during the night? Well, during the night the photovoltaic panels do not produce energy, but that is not a problem either if you have a battery storage system. The energy produced by your solar panels during the day can be stored so that at night you can also use solar energy to cover your electricity needs.

Solar panels are not efficient


Perhaps you have heard or read comments that photovoltaic solar panels are inefficient. To understand why this statement is false, let’s start, first of all, by defining what “efficiency” means in photovoltaic language.

[bctt tweet=”Solar panels are very efficient, being 25º the most optimal temperature for production” username=”@cambioenergetic”]

Despite what it may seem, not all sunlight that falls on a solar panelactually converted to electricity, but only a percentage. Logically, the higher this percentage of efficiency, the greater the power of the panel and, therefore, its performance, which is what ultimately interests us in terms of saving on our electricity bill. At first glance, the efficiency percentages offered by most manufacturers may seem insufficient – they usually do not exceed between 15% and 22% in the best cases – but don’t worry.

Science simply goes that far: not even in laboratory experiments does that percentage usually exceed 24%. In any case, these percentages, although they may seem small, are more than enough to cover the electrical needs of a home or a company, whatever its size. Learn all about efficiency andquality of solar panels in this article on our blog.

Solar panels can be installed on the ground


Solar panels can be installed perfectly on the ground, a specific place must be allocated that meets certain conditions, such as that there is no shadow that affects the panels. Special supports must also be used to fix the solar panels on the ground.

Solar panels will make my roof look ugly


Nothing is written about tastes, of course, but we can assure you one thing: all manufacturers without exception are clearly committed to producing increasingly aesthetic photovoltaic installations that are integrated into residences and buildings. This effort has given rise to a new scenario in which a sort of “battle for photovoltaic beauty” is being waged. One arena of that battle is the adaptability of facilities to architectural structures such as roofs and decks.

Here you can find everything from coplanar structures that “stick” to the roof, perfectly matching the natural inclination of the roofs and going unnoticed, to elements as “camouflage” as solar tiles, identical to conventional ones but with the capacity to produce solar energy. The technology of the panels themselves is also in full search for aesthetics and you can already find them in different colors and even with designs created with ceramic printing. Finally, some of the crudest elements of any installation, such as batteries, are presented today with futuristic designs that almost make you want to put them in your living room. If you want to know more about this topic, don’t miss this article on our blog aboutphotovoltaic aesthetics .


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