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Which Overwatch Character Are You

Hey, seriously, which Overwatch character are you? Answering the 20 questions of the following quiz reveals your Overwatch Generation Hero instantly.

This Personality Test Reveals Which Overwatch Hero You Are

The questionary you take on this page focuses on your characteristics, matching them to that of heroes. It is a simple quiz that both Overwatch players and non-players enjoy. Here is what you find out by taking the Which Overwatch Character Are You test.


The initial result lets you know who your soulmate is in Blizzard’s Overwatch universe.


Another piece of information you get is your in-game class. Overwatch has four main classes, Attack, Defense, Support, and Tank. Taking the quiz reveals yours based on your personality and traits.

List of the Most Popular Overwatch Characters

The Which Overwatch Character Are You quiz works based on the latest list of the most popular heroes. According to the most recent data, gamers searched the following hero names more than others.

Overwatch Hero Estimated Popularity (Search Trend) D.Va 60.000.000 Mercy 57.000.000 Roadhog 49.000.000 Junkrat 48.000.000 Reaper 46.000.000 Pharah 45.000.000 Reinhardt 43.000.000 Genji 42.000.000 Symmetra 42.000.000 McCree 42.000.000

Other Ways to Find Out Which Overwatch Character You Are

Taking the Which Overwatch Hero Are You test is the best approach. However, if you are not interested in online quizzes, here are some alternative methods.

#1: Playstyle

Your in-game behavior is one of the best ways to find your Overwatch soulmate. Blizzard’s Hero Shooter game offers three primary playstyles, damage, tank, and support. Each character is specialized in one of these gameplay types. So, how you play narrows down your choices when wondering which Overwatch character are you.

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Damage is one of the main classes in the game. It is the best option for aggressive, brave, and fast gamers. If your playstyle matches this class, then your possible hero matches are as follows.

Ashe Bastion Doomfist Echo Genji Hanzo Junkrat McCree Mei Pharah Reaper Soldier: 76 Sombra Symmetra Torbjörn Tracer Widowmaker


Only the most reliable players choose this class. Tank gamers are strategic, strong, and helpful. If you are one of them, the following Overwatch characters match your personality.

D.Va Orisa Reinhardt Roadhog Sigma Winston Wrecking Ball Zarya


Other games introduce this class as a healer. However, in Overwatch, supporters are sometimes the hidden heroes. Players who choose this class are often giving, smart, and humble. Your possible in-game character match is one of the following personalities.

Ana Baptiste Brigitte Lúcio Mercy Moira Zenyatta

#2: Backstory

Blizzard tells the story of each Overwatch character through short animated movies and other forms of media. Knowing what happened to the heroes could help you discover your perfect match easier. Fandom.com has an excellent article on the Five Best ‘Overwatch’ Character Backstories. You can also head to overwatch.fandom.com to read every character’s origin story to see which one you relate to the most.

#3: Personality

The Which Overwatch Character Are You analyzes your persona to come up with an accurate result. However, you can follow a simpler method to expose the hero within you. Below, you see a table of the most iconic treats of each popular Overwatch hero. See which column pairs with your behavior to discover your soulmate.

Hero Name Characteristics D.Va Competent, egotistical, loves video games Mercy Pacifist, violence hater, caring McCree Calm, carefree, polite, and respectful Reaper high-functioning psychopath, a dark humor fan Winston Wise, smart, innovative, strong Hanzo Responsible, honorable, giving

#4: Game Mode Preference

Blizzard’s MMORPG has four primary modes, Escort, Hybrid, Assault, and Control. Your favorite game mode explains what classes suit your personality. And your class reveals what type of character would match you.

  • Escort players match Support Heroes.
  • Hybrid players match Tank Heroes.
  • Assault Mode gamers match Attacker Heroes.
  • Control players match Defense Heroes.
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Accuracy of the Overwatch Hero Personality Test

The Which Overwatch Character Are You quiz is highly accurate due to its broad criteria. During the test, your traits, beliefs, behaviors, and interests are assessed. That is while many other questionaries only consider your interests. The game has 32 main characters. So, none of the online tests is 100% accurate. However, this page’s one is the most reliable as it is an analytical exam rather than a simple self-report.

Which Overwatch or Blackwatch Character Are You?

Not only does this quiz reveals your Overwatch hero, but it also uncovers your Blackwatch persona—if you have one. Not every persona in the game is purely innocent. There are some individuals like Reaper who might have dark and villain-ish intentions. That is why the QuizExpo questionary aims to see your deeper and darker sides for a more precise result.

For some of the participants, the question is, “which Blackwatch character are you?”

Tips on What to Do After Taking the Blizzard’s Overwatch Heroes Quiz

It is important to know that taking the Overwatch character quiz should not affect your gameplay. So, these are some tips to have in mind before embracing your soulmate.

Tip #1: Do not main your Overwatch Hero

The game promotes strategic approaches to win each match. That is, you should learn when and how to change your character to win the advantage over your opponents. So, do not let the results of the Which Overwatch Hero Are You quiz affect that. You still need to play with other personas as well as your main protagonist.

Tip #2: Do not change your playstyle because of the test results

Do not change your playstyle just because the test told you.

Suppose you are a Tank class player with a Supporter character match, no need to worry. Although the questionary digs into your gameplay preferences, it is still a personality analysis.

Tip #3: Find the perfect match for each team

Blizzard encourages the MMORPG players to adapt and change during each game. So, you are better off without one particular hero. It is best to try out other classes and personas as well.


Blizzard Entertainment owns the right to all the images used in the Which Overwatch Character Are You quiz.

Questions of the quiz

  • 1
    • Find a cover

    • Ask someone WTF is going on?

    • Hide and plan an escape

    • Get on top of a building and scout

    • Find a gun and start blasting everyone

    • Try to stop the fight/battle

  • 2
    • Recruiting and preparation

    • Waiting for them to show up

    • Find out more details about their plan

    • Evacuating the cities and preparing for a war

    • Attacking them in advance

    • Start negotiations

  • 3
    • D.Va

    • McCree

    • Winston

    • Hanzo

    • Reaper

    • Mercy

  • 4
  • 5
    • Jail them

    • Shoot them in the head?

    • We need to let a court decide

    • They should never be called a hero again

    • Torture them to death

    • Forgive them or let them go

  • 6
    • Losing a fight

    • Being scared of an enemy

    • Becoming a self-centered person

    • Forgetting about their family

    • Living like a miserable regular person

    • Becoming the slave of revenge and hatred

  • 7
    • Virginity

    • Physical strength

    • Knowledge

    • Integrity

    • Power

    • Feelings

  • 8
    • Black Widow

    • Hawkeye

    • Iron-Man

    • Captain America

    • Loki

    • Vanda

  • 9
    • You accidentally flash your enemy

    • You start crying

    • You make a foolish mistake

    • You hurt an innocent person

    • You lose the battle because of a stupid hero

    • You kill anyone in the battleground

  • 10
    • Having so many fans

    • Free adventures

    • Helping the world

    • Fighting for honor

    • Being the most powerful human

    • Saving lives

  • 11
    • Kissing one of them with closed eyes

    • Striptease

    • Shouting “I’m a fool” in front of your crush

    • Doing 250 pushups in 15 minutes

    • Jumping off the highest tower

    • Breastfeeding one of the heroes

  • 12
    • Tank

    • Assault

    • Defense

    • All of them

    • I don’t care about classes

    • Support

  • 13
    • Escort

    • Assault

    • Hybrid

    • Control

    • Deathmatches

    • None of the above

  • 14
    • Remaining the cool kid

    • Being as badass as possible

    • Being strategic

    • Avoid winning through betrayal

    • Killing every living thing in the battleground

    • Saving and protecting your friends

  • 15
    • I hug him

    • I make fun of him

    • I leave him alone

    • I wait for him to finish and then ask what happened

    • I’d record it so I can blackmail him later

    • I do everything I can to help him feel better

  • 16
    • Excuse me, do you wanna fight or flirt?

    • Hey boy, leave me alone before I blow your head up

    • Don’t talk to me unless you have something to say

    • I’d rather die than accept failure

    • Who wants to be a hero when you can be a god?

    • May the force be with those who’d shine the light on Earth

  • 17
    • I kill them in a funny way

    • I kick them in the ass before blowing their head up

    • I kill them in the most painless way

    • I ask them to turn around and face me before killing them

    • I rip their head off instantly

    • I trap them, so they are harmless

  • 18
    • Stunning enemies anytime you want

    • Having a bulletproof torso

    • Reading minds

    • Flying

    • Invisibility

    • Ultimate healing powers

  • 19
    • I’d never reveal it

    • I don’t know

    • I’d wrote a letter

    • I would protect them in every battle

    • I’d kill them, so the problem is solved

    • I’d ask them on a date

  • 20
    • Depression

    • Insomnia

    • Oblivion

    • Some weird phobia

    • Psychopathy

    • General Anxiety Disorder

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