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Which Parent Questions

Are you planning a baby shower but need instructions on how to start? Or activities to use? The Mommy or Daddy baby shower game is simple to play and makes an excellent option for any get-together – even if you’re going virtual!

This one is easy

Since this game is simple and hardly takes any prep time, you can have a fun activity added to your baby shower roster in no time. It’s also a great pick for playing over a video call when you host a virtual baby shower! We’ve got the info to add this game to your party, including how to play, things you’ll need, and more! If you’re looking for other printable baby shower games check out our baby shower games resource page.

The Basics of the Mommy or Daddy Baby Shower Game

The Mommy or Daddy baby shower game is simple in concept. Your party guests (women or men) will receive a series of questions about which parent is more likely to do certain things after the baby is born – from ideas like who will change the most diapers to which parent will be the helicopter parent. The guests get to cast their vote on who they think is most likely to do the activity in the question.

Think of the game like a fun survey that you can look back on later to see how everyone’s predictions came through. Since there aren’t any right or wrong answers, there isn’t a winner – but you and your guests can get a laugh out of the results.

Why Choose The Mommy or Daddy Baby Shower Game

Since there isn’t a winner, you don’t have to worry about things getting competitive. Everyone can just relax and have fun! There also isn’t a lot of prep work, so you can quickly put it together if your baby shower is fast approaching. And It can also be ended at any point by just not asking any more questions.

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This game is also excellent because it’s versatile. You can play it in person or over video chat, too, making it an excellent fit for a virtual baby shower!

Play as a Virtual Baby Shower Game

Playing the Mom vs. Dad baby shower game virtually is simple, making it an excellent contender for a video chat hosted baby showers. You can either print the quiz sheets out in advance to mail to guests or email a file that they can print out on their own.

Even with COVID-19 happening, you can still play this great game with a little bit of planning. WebBabyShower can help you get ready to have a fantastic virtual baby shower experience!

Where to Get the Mommy or Daddy Baby Shower Game for Free?

Right here! We offer this game completely for free in a printable version. Inside a WebBabyShower we also offer a version for screen based play as part of a one time paid plan. This is just a small sample of the many games we offer in our bundle. Or grab the game printable download right here for free!

How to Play the Mommy or Daddy Baby Shower Game

Playing this game is simple and can be done at any time during a baby shower.

Just follow these steps!

Step 1

Setting up the game starts by prepping a quiz sheet to give to guests. This sheet has the list of questions about the parents to be. There will also be an indicator of both mommy and daddy next to each item. This can be either the names, icons (lips and mustache, for example), or whatever represents the parents. If you make your own question sheets, this can be as creative as you like!

Step 2

You can start playing by passing out the quiz sheet to guests, whether that’s mailing a sheet to them in advance or linking everyone to a virtual copy of the sheet. Everyone will have time to answer whether they think mommy or daddy will be more likely to do the tasks on the sheet.

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Step 3

Once everyone’s filled out their sheets, it’s time to check the answers. The mom and dad can come forward with props that match their icons on the sheet or fill out an answer sheet in advance.

Step 4

Someone can serve as the host, reading each question out loud. The parents to be will then raise their props to give their answers to the players. Feel free to have fun with this part! Let the guests talk about their answers and why they think Mommy or Daddy is more likely to take over the task.

Step 5

Each guest is responsible for checking over their sheet, or players can trade with each other to check answers. While there isn’t necessarily a winner to the game, feel free to collect the surveys afterward to remember the game.

Prop Ideas for this Baby Shower Game

One of the best parts of this game is that you can make the props just about anything to fit the parents or the baby shower design.

Mommy or Daddy Baby Shower Game Prop Ideas to Consider:

Oh, using props for the “Mommy or Daddy” game at a baby shower is a total laugh! Imagine everyone holding up mustaches or lips for each guess – mustaches for Dad, lips for Mom. It’s not just about guessing; it’s about how goofy you look waving a giant pacifier or a colorful bib in the air. Plus, it makes for some hilarious photos. You know, like everyone trying to look serious with fake mustaches or pouting with those big lips props. It’s all about making the game more lively and giving everyone a good chuckle. Plus, it’s super easy to see who’s guessing what, which just adds to the fun. A few ideas.

  1. Mustache vs. lips
  2. Different colored lips
  3. Different colored onesies
  4. Different colored bibs
  5. Different colored pacifier
  6. Different colored feeding bottle
  7. Different colored footprints
  8. Cards with Mom vs. Dad words

Don’t be afraid to get creative and enjoy picking out something that connects to the parents-to-be!

Sample Questions

If you make personalized quiz sheets, you can also add whatever questions you like to the game!

Mommy or Daddy Baby Shower Question Ideas:

  1. Who will be the first to teach the baby a silly dance?
  2. Who is more likely to accidentally put the baby’s clothes on backward?
  3. Who will be more eager to watch cartoons with the baby?
  4. Who will master the art of making the perfect baby food puree?
  5. Who’s more likely to invent funny nicknames for the baby?
  6. Who will be the expert at assembling baby toys and furniture?
  7. Who’s more likely to turn the house into a playground?
  8. Who is more likely to have a secret stash of baby snacks?
  9. Who will initiate the first family selfie with the baby?
  10. Who will be more creative in making up bedtime stories?
  11. Who’s more likely to end up playing with baby toys themselves?
  12. Who will be the master of swaddling the baby?
  13. Who will be more enthusiastic about attending parent-baby classes?
  14. Who is more likely to sing off-key lullabies to the baby?
  15. Who will be the pro at baby-proofing the entire house?
  16. Who will have the most effective tricks for soothing a fussy baby?
  17. Who will be more excited about planning the baby’s first birthday?
  18. Who will create the most colorful and engaging baby photo albums?
  19. Who’s more likely to start a baby fashion trend within the family?
  20. Who will be the one to pick up the kids from school more often?
  21. Which parent will be quicker to call the pediatrician if they think the baby is sick?
  22. Who’s going to be best at packing the diaper bag?
  23. Who’s going to worry more during labor and delivery?
  24. Who’s going to be better at putting the baby into their car seat?
  25. Who’s going to be in charge of baby proofing the home?
  26. Which parent suspected pregnancy first?
  27. Who’s going to be the favorite parent?
  28. Which parent will pick up more of the baby’s stuff around the house?
  29. Who wants to have more kids?
  30. Which parent is going to be stricter?
  31. Who is more likely to teach the baby an imaginary language?
  32. Who will invent the most ridiculous bedtime story character?
  33. Who’s more likely to dress the baby in a superhero costume for a regular day out?
  34. Who will attempt to make the baby’s first word something humorous or unexpected?
  35. Who is more likely to have a competition with the baby over who can make the silliest face?
  36. Who will create the most bizarre baby food combinations?
  37. Who’s more likely to choreograph a family dance routine for a home video?
  38. Who will be caught using baby talk in public more often?
  39. Who is more likely to build an elaborate fort out of blankets and pillows for the baby?
  40. Who will pretend to be a character from the baby’s favorite storybook during playtime?
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What a Fun Game

With so many potential baby shower games out there, it can be hard to choose which ones you want to play. This one is easy to set up, simple to play and can make a lot of great memories. It’s also super flexible, letting you customize the game to any couple – and you can play it in person or virtually. With all that in mind, there’s no reason not to add it to the list of your baby shower games for mom and dad!


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