Which Roomba Do I Have

The iRobot Roomba j7+ is top-notch in all the ways we want it to be; it has a self-emptying base and smart-mapping features, and is super user-friendly and intuitive. Setup involves downloading an iRobot app and letting the j7+ take a spin around your home for mapping-it even cleans on its first run, which is unique among robot vacuums. Plus, it seems to learn its space better with each clean.

The Roomba j series created a lot of buzz upon its release because it promised to avoid pet waste. The Pet Owner’s Official Promise (lovingly named the P.O.O.P. Promise) is currently offered on the iRobot Roomba j7+ Robot Vacuum, and based on our testing experience, it really does work. We noticed that the vacuum expertly navigated around real pet waste, and picked up pet hair that’s not super visible, too. Notably, if your Roomba j7+ does not avoid solid pet waste (causing you to clean up pet stains from carpet and more by hand) during its first year of use, iRobot will replace it.

Pet owners aren’t the only buyers who will benefit, though. The edge-sweeping brush does really well with baseboards and walls, which are a notorious struggle for most robot vacuums. The hardy battery life can cover multiple rooms at a time, and like two of our other favorite models (the iRobot Roomba i+ EVO and the iRobot Roomba i7+), it’ll send itself back to the base to charge, and then resume cleaning when it has the power to do so. The base is also where the self-emptying occurs, allowing users to go up to 60 days without hassling with a dust bag.

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Really, there’s not much we would change about this machine; it’s powerful, effective, easy to use, and features some smart technological advances that make life easier for the user. If you were to twist our arm, we’d point out that it would be more convenient for users if more dust bags were included (it comes with two), but that is a small note for an otherwise great machine.

How It Performed Long-Term

The j7+ continues to perform really well. We’ve now used it long enough to see how the app communicates about replacing the filter, which is a very simple process (just remove the dust bin, snap off the filter, and pop the new one on). We love the reliability and seamlessness of the scheduling function, and are still really pleased with this Roomba overall.

Battery Life: 90 minutes | Cleaning Path Width: 7 inches | Smart Features: Alexa and Google compatible, smart mapping, smart charge and resume, visual navigation, custom cleaning routine, on-demand cleaning, self-emptying, obstacle avoidance

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