HomeWHICHWhich Sequence Of Events Best Represents Ecological Succession

Which Sequence Of Events Best Represents Ecological Succession

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Ecological succession is a natural process where different groups or communities colonize the same area over time in a definite sequence. It is an important concept in biology and understanding the sequence of events in ecological succession is crucial. In this article, we will explore multiple-choice questions related to ecological succession and provide answers and explanations for each question.

Biology MCQ For NEET With Answers Ecological Succession

Question 1. The natural process by which different groups or communities colonize the same area over a period of time in a definite sequence is called

  1. Adaptation
  2. Variation
  3. Succession
  4. Biological rhythm

Answer: 3. Succession

Succession is the natural process by which different groups or communities colonize the same area over a period of time in a definite sequence. It involves the gradual and predictable change in species composition in a given area.

Question 2. During ecological succession

  1. The Number And Types Of Animals Remain Constant
  2. The Changes Lead To A Community That Is In Near Equilibrium With The Environment And Is Called Pioneer Community
  3. The Gradual And Predictable Change In Species Composition Occurs In A Given Area
  4. The establishment of a new biotic community is very fast in its primary phase

Answer: 3. The Gradual And Predictable Change In Species Composition Occurs In A Given Area

The sequential, gradual, and predictable changes in the species composition in an area are called ecological succession. This process leads to the development of a community that is in near equilibrium with the environment.

Question 3. Ecological succession is

  1. A Long Term Process
  2. A Very Fast Process
  3. A Short Term Process
  4. Also known as migration

Answer: 1. A Long Term Process

Ecological succession is a long-term process. It involves the progressive replacement of one community by another in a given area over an extended period of time.

Question 4. What is represented by this sequence? Cyanobacteria → Crustose lichens → Foliose lichens → Mosses → Shrubs → Dicotyledonous plants

  1. Genetic drift
  2. Eltonian pyramid
  3. Ecological succession
  4. Phylogenetic relationships
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Answer: 3. Ecological succession

The given sequence represents ecological succession. It illustrates the change in the species structure of an ecological community over time.

Question 5. Succession showing changes in communities at a place is called

  1. Geographical Succession
  2. Biotic Succession
  3. Physiographic Succession
  4. Climatic succession

Answer: 2. Biotic Succession

Communities are never stable but keep on changing. This relatively definite sequence of communities over a period of time in the same area is called ecological or biotic succession.

Question 6. Biotic succession is caused by

  1. Competition Amongst Species
  2. Occurrence Of Diseases
  3. Changes Is Grazing Habits
  4. Adaptive ability to environmental changes

Answer: 4. Adaptive ability to environmental changes

Biotic succession is caused by the adaptive ability of a species to environmental changes. The species that can adapt to changing conditions are more likely to colonize and succeed in a given area.

Question 7. Succession occurs in

  1. Plant
  2. Animal
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. None of the above

Answer: 3. Both 1 and 2

Succession can occur in both plants and animals. It is a process that involves changes in the composition and structure of both plant and animal communities over time.

Question 8. Plant succession is an ……………… process.

  1. Definite
  2. Haphazard
  3. Unimportant
  4. Orderly

Answer: 4. Orderly

Plant succession is an orderly process of community change in an area over a period of time. It follows a predictable sequence of events and leads to the establishment of a stable and diverse plant community.

Question 9. ……….. can be defined as the entire sequence of communities that successively change in a given area.

  1. Sere
  2. Climax
  3. Pioneer species
  4. Xerarch

Answer: 1. Sere

The entire sequence of development stages of biotic succession from pioneer to a climax community is known as a sere. It represents the progressive changes in the plant and animal communities over time.

Question 10. Ecesis is

  1. Establishment Of A Plant In A New Place
  2. A Condition Of Equilibrium
  3. Climax
  4. Invasion of a number of plants

Answer: 1. Establishment Of A Plant In A New Place

Ecesis is the process by which a plant or animal becomes established in a new habitat. It involves the successful establishment and survival of a plant in a new place.

Question 11. The process by which a bare area is created is

  1. Invasion
  2. Nudation
  3. Reaction
  4. Coaction

Answer: 2. Nudation

Nudation is the process by which a bare area is created. It involves the removal or destruction of existing vegetation or cover, creating a bare substrate.

Question 12. The correct sequence of events during ecological succession is

  1. Nudation, Invasion, Reaction, Stabilisation
  2. Invasion, Nudation, Stabilisation, Reaction
  3. Reaction, Invasion, Coaction, Climax
  4. Stabilisation, Reaction, Nudation, Climax

Answer: 1. Nudation, Invasion, Reaction, Stabilisation

The correct sequence of events during ecological succession is nudation, invasion, reaction, and stabilisation. It starts with the creation of a bare area (nudation), followed by the colonization of the area by pioneer species (invasion), leading to changes in the community structure (reaction), and finally, the establishment of a stable community (stabilisation).

Question 13. Succession on the secondary bare area is

  1. Primosere
  2. Xerosere
  3. Subsere
  4. None of the above

Answer: 3. Subsere

Subsere is a secondary succession arising after an ecological climax community that has been interrupted or destroyed. It occurs when the primary succession is disrupted by natural events or human activity.

Question 14. An individual transitional community in ecological succession is termed as

  1. Climax Community
  2. Pioneer Community
  3. Seral Communities
  4. Single community

Answer: 3. Seral Communities

The various biotic communities that develop during biotic succession are termed as seral or transitional communities. They represent intermediate stages in the progression from pioneer species to a climax community.

Question 15. In succession, the seral forms are

  1. Large Sized
  2. Long Lived
  3. Less Diverse
  4. Slow growing

Answer: 3. Less Diverse

A seral community consists of less diverse, short-lived, usually small-sized, and fast-growing species. These species gradually give way to more diverse and stable communities as succession progresses.

Question 16. In autogenic succession

  1. Early And Continued Dominance Of Autotrophic Organisms Takes Place
  2. Replacement Of Existing Communities Caused Largely By Any Other External Condition
  3. Early Dominance Of Heterotrophs Takes Place Such As Bacteria, Fungi And Other Animals
  4. Community Itself Modifies Its Own Environment, Thus Causing Its Own Replacement By New Communities

Answer: 4. Community Itself Modifies Its Own Environment, Thus Causing Its Own Replacement By New Communities

Autogenic succession (auto-self, genic-generate) is the modification and development of a new environment made by the community itself. The community modifies its own environment in a way that causes its own replacement by new communities over time.

Question 17. The species that invade a bare area in ecological succession are called

  1. Benthos
  2. Founding Species
  3. Seral Species
  4. Pioneer species

Answer: 4. Pioneer species

The first biotic community that develops in a bare area and starts succession is called the pioneer community or species. Pioneer species are characterized by their ability to colonize and establish themselves in harsh or newly formed environments. They play a crucial role in the initiation of succession.

Question 18. A community that starts succession in a habitat is

  1. Pioneer Community
  2. Seral Community
  3. Biotic Community
  4. Ecosere

Answer: 1. Pioneer Community

The first biotic community that develops in a bare area and starts succession is called the pioneer community or species. Pioneer communities have very little diversity and play a crucial role in preparing the environment for the establishment of more complex communities.

Question 19. The sequence of successional stages that occur on sand is known as

  1. Lithosere
  2. Hydrosere
  3. Psammosere
  4. Xerosere

Answer: 3. Psammosere

A psammosere is an ecological succession that begins life on newly exposed coastal sand. It represents the sequence of successional stages that occur on sand dunes or other areas with sandy substrates.

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Question 20. Primary succession is the development of communities on

  1. Cleared Forest Area
  2. Previously Unoccupied Sites
  3. Fresh Harvested Crop Field
  4. Pond filled after a rainy season

Answer: 2. Previously Unoccupied Sites

Primary succession occurs in areas where no living organisms have ever existed, such as newly exposed surfaces or previously unoccupied sites. It involves the colonization of barren or sterile areas and the development of a new community from scratch.

Question 21. The communities of primary succession are called

  1. Sub-Sere
  2. Mesosere
  3. Pioneer Sere
  4. None of the above

Answer: 3. Pioneer Sere

The communities of primary succession are called pioneer sere. These communities are the first to develop in a barren or sterile area and set the stage for the establishment of subsequent communities through ecological succession.

Question 22. Serule is

  1. Hydrosere
  2. Biosphere
  3. Microbial Succession
  4. Lithosere

Answer: 3. Microbial Succession

A succession of microorganisms like fungi, bacteria, etc., occurring within a microhabitat is known as microbial succession or serule. This type of succession occurs within communities, such as in dead trees or animal droppings.

Question 23. Secondary succession is uncomplicated and fast as

  1. The Area Already Has Soil And Some Vegetation
  2. The Area Is Soilless
  3. The Area Is Barren With No Animals Too
  4. None of the above

Answer: 1. The Area Already Has Soil And Some Vegetation

Secondary succession is relatively fast and uncomplicated because the area already has soil and some vegetation. Soil and vegetation provide a foundation for the establishment of new communities, making secondary succession a faster process compared to primary succession.

Question 24. Secondary succession starts in an area

  1. Where No Living Organisms Ever Existed
  2. Which Has Lost All The Living Organisms Once Existed
  3. Where Only One Species Of Organism Existed
  4. Where Human Beings Live

Answer: 2. Which Has Lost All The Living Organisms Once Existed

Secondary succession starts in an area that has lost all the living organisms once existed. It occurs when an existing community is disturbed or removed, allowing for the reestablishment of new communities.

Question 25. Which one of the following statements is incorrect about secondary succession?

  1. It occurs in an area that has been renewed recently
  2. Soil is present at the time of the beginning of secondary succession
  3. Reproductive structures of the previous occupants are present in the area
  4. It begins on a bare rock

Answer: 4. It begins on a bare rock

The statement in option 4 is incorrect and can be corrected as Secondary succession begins in areas where natural biotic communities have been destroyed, e.g., abandoned farmlands, buried or cut forests (deforested site). Since soil is available, it is a faster process. Primary succession begins in areas where no living organisms ever existed, e.g., bare rock.

Question 26. Which one of the following statements is correct for secondary succession?

  1. It begins on a bare rock
  2. It occurs on a deforested site
  3. It follows primary succession
  4. It is similar to primary succession except that it has a relatively fast pace

Answer: 2. It occurs on a deforested site

Secondary succession begins in areas where natural biotic communities have been destroyed, e.g., abandoned farmlands, buried or cut forests (deforested site). Since the soil is available, it is a faster process compared to primary succession.

Question 27. Primary succession takes much longer than secondary succession because it involves

  1. Development Of The Soil
  2. Development Of A Seed Bank
  3. Colonization By Organisms That Are Farther Away
  4. Colonization by more K-selected organisms

Answer: 1. Development Of The Soil

Primary succession is a biotic succession that occurs on a sterile or bare area, unlike secondary succession. It takes a longer time to develop because it involves the development of soil from scratch, which is a time-consuming process.

Question 28. Which of the following would appear as the pioneer organisms on bare rocks?

  1. Lichens
  2. Liverworts
  3. Mosses
  4. Green algae

Answer: 1. Lichens

Lichens are the pioneer organisms on bare rocks. They are capable of colonizing and surviving in harsh environments, such as on rocks, by secreting enzymes and converting them into soil. Lichens are the first organisms to appear during primary succession on barren rocks.

Question 29. In any lithosere, the pioneer community is

  1. Blue-Green Algae
  2. Foliose Lichens
  3. Mosses
  4. Crustose lichen

Answer: 4. Crustose lichen

The pioneer community in any lithosere (succession on rocks) is composed of crustose lichens. These lichens secrete acids that contribute to the weathering of rocks, helping to create a suitable substrate for further colonization by other organisms.

Question 30. The pioneer species in xerarch and hydrarch succession are, respectively

  1. Lichens And Phytoplanktons
  2. Lichens And Sedges
  3. Phytoplanktons And Lichens
  4. Lichens and rooted hydrophytes

Answer: 1. Lichens And Phytoplanktons

The species that invade a bare area are called pioneer species. In xerarch succession, which occurs in dry areas, lichens are the pioneer species. In primary succession in water, which is known as hydrarch, the pioneers are small phytoplanktons.

Question 31. The first plants to reappear in a badly burned forest area will most probably be

  1. Mosses
  2. Liverworts
  3. Ferns
  4. Grasses

Answer: 3. Ferns

Ferns are the first plants to reappear after a forest fire. They are able to withstand fire and other extreme environmental conditions by gripping the soil with their extensive network of roots. Ferns play a crucial role in the early stages of plant recolonization following a fire.

Question 32. The succession includes in series

  1. Lichens → Mosses → Shrubs
  2. Lichens → Mosses → Trees
  3. Mosses → Trees → Shrubs
  4. Mosses → Lichens → Trees

Answer: 1. Lichens → Mosses → Shrubs

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The succession series includes lichens, mosses, and shrubs. These are the initial stages of ecological succession and pave the way for the establishment of trees and other advanced plant communities.

Question 33. Which one of the following is correct for xerarch succession?

  1. Successional series from xeric to mesic condition
  2. Successional series from hydric to mesic condition
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. None of the above

Answer: 1. Successional series from xeric to mesic condition

Xerarch succession is a plant succession that occurs in dry areas, leading to a successional series from xeric (dry) to mesic (moist) conditions. It involves the colonization and establishment of plants that are adapted to drought and arid conditions.

Question 34. In which of the following will the succession time be the least?

  1. Newly created reservoir
  2. Bare rock
  3. Buried or cut forest
  4. Newly cooled lava

Answer: 1. Newly created reservoir

The succession time will be the least in a newly created reservoir. This is because the area already has soil and some vegetation, allowing for faster colonization and establishment of new communities compared to other types of areas, such as bare rock or newly cooled lava.

Question 35. Xerarch succession is observed in

  1. Desert Areas
  2. Terrestrial Areas
  3. Aquatic Areas
  4. Marshy areas

Answer: 1. Desert Areas

Xerarch succession is a plant succession that takes place in dry areas such as desert areas. It involves the sequential development of plant communities adapted to arid conditions, leading to the establishment of a stable and diverse desert ecosystem.

Question 36. What role does acid secreted by pioneer species on a barren rock play?

  1. It helps in dissolving rocks.
  2. It helps in weathering.
  3. It helps in soil formation.

Which of the statements given above are correct?

  1. 1 and 2
  2. 1 and 3
  3. 2 and 3
  4. 1, 2 and 3

Answer: 4. 1, 2 and 3

The acid secreted by pioneer species on a barren rock plays multiple roles. It helps in dissolving rocks, weathering the surface, and contributing to soil formation. The acid secretions help break down the rock’s minerals, creating a suitable substrate for the establishment of new plant communities.

Question 37. Assertion: A lake can undergo ecological succession and become a forest over time.

Reason: A bare rock can become a forest through ecological succession.

  1. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
  2. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
  3. A is true, but R is false
  4. Both A and R are false

Answer: 2. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A

Both the assertion (A lake can undergo ecological succession and become a forest over time) and the reason (A bare rock can become a forest through ecological succession) are true. However, the reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion. Ecological succession can transform a lake into a forest, but the process and factors involved are different from those of a bare rock becoming a forest.

Question 38. The final stable community in an ecological succession is

  1. Pioneers
  2. Sere
  3. Climax
  4. Carnivore

Answer: 3. Climax

The final stable community in an ecological succession is called the climax community. It is the fully developed and self-perpetuating community that is in near equilibrium with the physical environment. The climax community represents the endpoint of succession and is characterized by maximum diversity and niche specialization.

Question 39. The climax community found in a large restricted land body is known as

  1. Biogeographic Realms Dpmt
  2. Biome
  3. Savannah
  4. None of the above

Answer: 3. Savannah

The climax community found in a large restricted land body is known as a savannah. A savannah is a specific type of climax community characterized by grassland with scattered trees or shrubs. It is commonly found in tropical or subtropical regions and is adapted to a specific set of climatic conditions.

Question 40. The nature of the climax community ultimately depends on

  1. Climate Cbse Aipmt
  2. Bed Rock
  3. Soil Organisms
  4. Pool of available nutrients

Answer: 1. Climate Cbse Aipmt

The nature of the climax community ultimately depends on the climate of the region. Climatic factors such as temperature, rainfall, and sunlight determine the types of plants and animals that can thrive in an area. The climax community is in harmony with the climatic conditions and represents the stable and final state of the ecosystem.

Question 41. All the characteristics are true for the climax community except that

  1. It Rapidly Keeps On Changing To Reach Equilibrium
  2. It Is The Final Community
  3. It Is The End Of Succession
  4. It is stable

Answer: 1. It Rapidly Keeps On Changing To Reach Equilibrium

All the characteristics mentioned in the options are true for the climax community except for option 1. The climax community is stable and remains in near equilibrium with the environment. It represents the final stage of succession and is characterized by maximum diversity, niche specialization, and stability.

Question 42. In plant succession, when the climax community is reached, the net productivity

  1. Continues To Increase
  2. Becomes Zero
  3. Becomes Reduced
  4. Becomes stable

Answer: 4. Becomes stable

When the climax community is reached in plant succession, the net productivity becomes stable. The climax community is in perfect harmony with the physical environment and has a stable net productivity, maximum diversity, and niche specialization. It represents the final and self-perpetuating stage of plant succession.

Question 43. Climax community is

  1. Self-Perpetuating
  2. Final Biotic Community
  3. Stable
  4. All of the above

Answer: 4. All of the above

The climax community is stable, self-perpetuating, and represents the final biotic community that develops at the end of biotic succession. It is in perfect harmony with the physical environment, has a stable net productivity, and exhibits maximum diversity and niche specialization.

Question 44. In ecological succession from pioneer to climax community, the biomass shall

  1. Decrease
  2. Increase And Then Decrease
  3. No Relation
  4. Increase continuously

Answer: 4. Increase continuously

In ecological succession from pioneer to climax community, the biomass shall increase continuously. As succession progresses, the species become stable and do not change significantly. This leads to an increase in biomass as new communities establish themselves and contribute to the overall productivity of the ecosystem.

Question 45. In ecological succession, the climax community is best recognized by the following state

  1. P = R
  2. P > R
  3. P < R
  4. P ≠ R

Answer: 1. P = R

The climax community is recognized by the state where productivity (P) is equal to respiration (R). This state represents a stable and self-perpetuating community that has achieved a balance with its environment. The productivity and respiration rates are in equilibrium, and the community is in near equilibrium with the immediate environment.

Question 46. Climax vegetation of a region is generally

  1. Xerophytic
  2. Hydrophytic
  3. Mesophytic
  4. Depends upon the climate

Answer: 3. Mesophytic

The climax vegetation of a region is generally characterized as mesophytic. Mesophytes are terrestrial plants that are neither adapted to particularly dry nor particularly wet environments. These plants are well adapted to average climate and moisture conditions, making them dominant in climax communities.

Question 47. Plagioclimax is the climax of plagiosere which means

  1. Sere Of Marine Plants
  2. Deflected Sere Resulting In Deviation Of Plant Succession From Natural Course Due To Human Activity
  3. Sere where plant succession deviates from its natural course due to human activity
  4. Both 2 and 3

Answer: 4. Both 2 and 3

Plagioclimax refers to a climax community or area where human activities have prevented the ecosystem from reaching its full natural climatic climax or deviated the succession to a different climax. Human activities, such as cutting down existing vegetation, can create plagioclimax communities that restrict further development of the ecosystem.

Question 48. Assertion Every biological system resists change and wants to remain in a state of equilibrium.

Reason Climax communities of an ecosystem are produced after several changes it has gone through succession.

  1. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
  2. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
  3. A is true, but R is false
  4. Both A and R are false

Answer: 2. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A

Both the assertion (Every biological system resists change and wants to remain in a state of equilibrium) and the reason (Climax communities of an ecosystem are produced after several changes it has gone through succession) are true. However, the reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion. While it is true that biological systems tend to resist change and maintain equilibrium, climax communities do not represent the end of succession but rather a stable and self-perpetuating stage in the succession process.

Question 49. Identify the changes that occur in successive seral stages to reach climax.

  1. Changes in the diversity of species of organisms
  2. Increase in the number of species and organisms
  3. Increase in total biomass

Choose the correct option.

  1. Only 1
  2. Only 2
  3. Only 3
  4. 1, 2, and 3

Answer: 4. 1, 2, and 3

In successive seral stages, changes in the diversity of species, increase in the number of species and organisms, and an increase in total biomass occur. These changes are part of the progressive development and maturation of the ecological community towards reaching a climax state.


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