HomeWHICHWhich Silent Voice Character Are You

Which Silent Voice Character Are You

A Silent Voice is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yoshitoki Ōima. The series follows a young girl named Shoko Nishimiya, who has a hearing impairment, and her former classmate, Shoya Ishida, who bullied her incessantly in elementary school.


Silent Voice Quiz

Have you ever wondered which “A Silent Voice” character you’re most like? Well, wonder no more! This fun quiz will focus on your personality and tell you which character you’re most like.

There are 20 questions in total, ranging from your favorite things to do to how you react in certain situations. The questions are interesting and engaging, and will give you a good idea of who you relate to the most.

So, without further ado, let’s find out which “A Silent Voice” character you are.

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Shoya Ishida

Shoya is the protagonist of the story. He was a former delinquent who bullied Shoko, a girl with a hearing impairment. But after he realized the error of his ways, he set out to make amends with her.

He’s a kind and caring person, with a strong sense of justice. And he’s also an excellent student, skilled in basketball and table tennis. Plus, he’s a talented singer. It’s clear that Shoya has a lot of good in him. And that’s what makes his story so compelling.

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Shoya’s journey is one of redemption. He made a mistake in the past, but he’s doing everything he can to make up for it. He’s changed for the better, and we can’t help but root for him.

Shoko Nishimiya

Shoko is a reserved and kind-hearted individual who is hard of hearing. Even though she strives to be independent, she is often misunderstood. Shoko has a close relationship with her grandmother and is also close friends with Miyoko Sahara.

Yuzuru Nishimiya

Yuzuru is a shy and introverted girl who was born deaf. Despite her disability, she is a talented artist who likes to sketch and paint. Yuzuru is very close to her mother and they have a strong bond. Her mother is her biggest supporter and has helped her overcome many challenges.

Yuzuru’s story is one of inspiration and hope. She has faced many obstacles in her life, but she has never let her disability stop her from pursuing her dreams. With the support of her mother, she has been able to achieve more than anyone ever thought possible.

Naoka Ueno

Naoka is always looking out for her friends. She’s the one they can count on to be there for them, no matter what. Naoka is also incredibly talented. Not only is she a great singer, but she also has a real gift for songwriting.

Despite all of her talents, though, Naoka has a difficult relationship with her parents. They’re constantly pressuring her to succeed, which makes it hard for her to enjoy her life.

Silent Voice Quiz

Tomohiro Nagatsua

Tomohiro Nagatsuka is a supporting character in the anime A Silent Voice. He is tall, has an afro, and is always seen smiling. Nagatsuka comes from a wealthy family and is skilled at basketball. He befriends the anime’s protagonist, Shoya Ishida.

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Nagatsuka is a lovable character who is always trying to make friends. He is motivated by his desire to be liked and his skill at basketball. His outgoing personality and friendly nature make him a great friend for Shoya.

Nagatsuka is a great example of a supportive friend. He is always there for Shoya, whether he needs a shoulder to cry on or someone to help him out. Nagatsuka is a great friend and an important part of the anime.

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Miyoko Sahara

She is a close friend of Shoko Nishimiya, and is always there for her. Miyoko is a kind and caring person, always looking out for her friend. She has a strong sense of justice, and is always willing to stand up for what she believes in.

Miki Kawai

Miki is a popular girl in Shoya’s class. She is kind and always looks out for her friends. Even though she is shy around boys, she is attracted to Shoya. Miki is also a talented artist and likes to draw.

Shoya notices that Miki is always there for her friends, but she seems to be hiding something. He eventually learns that she is shy around boys because she likes them.


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