Which State Has The Cheapest Surrogacy

Finding the cheapest surrogacy in the world is a priority for couples who want to become parents. The cost of participation in a surrogacy program varies significantly throughout the world. Before making the final decision, a couple should be aware of all the factors that will influence the procedure’s overall cost. The destination country is perhaps the most prominent factor influencing the final treatment cost.

Finding a suitable country for surrogacy is a problem for many couples for a few reasons. Some find it too expensive to enter the program in their home country, and in some countries, surrogacy is simply illegal.

Of course, not every couple is ready to travel to cheap surrogacy countries ‒ it costs a lot. Luckily, in some countries where surrogacy is legal, the costs for the program can be relatively low.

Best surrogacy-friendly countries in 2023

Which country has the cheapest surrogacy? The most popular surrogacy destinations nowadays are:

  1. Canada. Unlike many other countries, Canada supports only altruistic surrogacy, meaning there is no compensation for surrogate mothers except for the coverage of medical expenses associated with the pregnancy. Foreign intended parents can enter a surrogacy program there, but since the only legal surrogacy type there is altruistic, there is a waiting list of gestational carriers.
  2. Georgia. Both altruistic and commercial, traditional and gestational surrogacy programs are legal in Georgia since 1977. The program requires very little paperwork compared to other countries, but surrogacy there is possible only for married heterosexual couples.
  3. Ukraine. Ukraine is often considered the cheapest country for surrogacy due to its more affordable costs compared to many other destinations. This country has surrogacy laws similar to the ones in Georgia, except for allowing gestational surrogacy programs only. Both intended parents are included in the child’s birth certificate, and no adoption orders are required in order to obtain parental rights. This is also one of the most affordable surrogacy destinations.
  4. United Kingdom. Surrogacy laws in the UK state that only altruistic surrogacy is allowed, and such services shouldn’t be advertised. However, both traditional and gestational surrogacy programs are allowed.
  5. Unites States of America. It gets a bit difficult with the USA as every state has its own surrogacy laws. It is important to note that surrogacy costs can vary within the United States, and the term “cheapest surrogacy in the USA” is subjective. However, some states, such as Nevada and Arkansas, are known for having relatively lower costs for surrogacy compared to other states in the country. Most states find surrogacy legal ‒ however, it’s always best to check in with particular state laws. Surrogacy programs are available both for US citizens and foreigners ‒ however, the costs are somewhat high. Finding the cheapest state for surrogacy can be an important consideration for couples looking to manage their expenses.
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Many developed European countries still have a ban on surrogacy, which creates the need for the intended parents to travel internationally for their surrogacy programs. In a case like that, the most logical solution is to choose a country with suitable laws and affordable prices.

The costs of surrogacy

The costs in the cheapest countries for surrogacy can range. In more economically developed countries like the USA and the UK, the costs can be as high as 150000 US dollars or 20000 pounds respectively.

That doesn’t mean that cheaper options have worse “quality.” For example, in Ukraine, the final price of the program can be around $40000. Still, the laws and the high quality of services are no worse than in countries that double that price.

The cost can also vary depending on the type of the surrogacy program and services it entails.

Services included

Payment for surrogacy is given only in cases of commercial surrogacy. The payment is based on a number of variables, including:

  • the agency’s financial guidelines, which the gestational carrier consents to follow;
  • the country in which the surrogacy program is carried out;
  • the number of embryos.

After the surrogate decides to get pregnant and begins the process, the payment arrives in stages.

The cost of surrogacy agency services is another expense. Every agency has a different policy. Your agency manages your surrogacy journey from the start until the point when all legal processes are successfully completed, and you return home with your infant.

Throughout the process, agencies help the parties ‒ they resolve any conflicts that may occur and coordinate all the participants in the process. The intended parents need the aid of a trusted agency to support them during the intricate surrogacy process, direct them in the best and safest direction, and offer them the required services.

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The cost of surrogacy often includes a number of medical treatments, including IVF, screening and matching of the surrogate and IPs, blood tests, STD testing, hormone testing, ultrasound exams, psychological assessments, and background checks.

One of the essential requirements of the surrogacy procedure is legal assistance. In order to ensure that all sides are equally supported throughout contracts, the intending parents and the surrogate will each have their own legal representation.

Which state has the cheapest surrogacy?

Fertility lawyers are professionals well-versed in the legal requirements of the surrogacy process and can assist you in having a child without any legal issues. Their services can be either paid separately, or included in the program cost — it depends on the surrogacy agency and their legal partners.

Affordable destinations

Surrogacy does not always result in success on the first try; a second or even third attempt might well be required.

Since each attempt entails a considerable cost, all these factors must be taken into account while picking a suitable location for this particular infertility therapy.

Many foreign couples are becoming more and more interested in Ukraine surrogacy due to the attractive program prices and high quality of medical and legal services. Another advantage of this destination is favorable surrogacy laws which allow returning to a home country without any difficulties in establishing parental rights and citizenship of the baby.

Commercial surrogacy is strictly governed in Ukraine. There, surrogacy normally costs between $30000 and $40,000 per pregnancy attempt.

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