HomeWHICHWhich Statement Best Describes Athens Military

Which Statement Best Describes Athens Military

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Sparta was ruled by two kings, who ruled until they died or were forced out of office. Athens was ruled by archons, who were elected annually. Thus, because both parts of Athens’ government had leaders who were elected, Athens is said to have been the birthplace of democracy. Spartan life was simple.

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How did the Spartan government differ from the government in Athens quizlet?

In what ways did Spartan government differ from Athenian government? Spartan government was headed by two kings and they had an oligarchy. Athenian government was headed by the citizens and had a democracy.

How did Athens and Sparta differ quizlet?

Athens and Sparta differed because Athens was a democracy and Sparta was an oligarchy. Also, Spartans focused very much on military and that was the main goal- to raise strong boys to be in the military whereas Athens wanted to raise educated people not just for fighting.

Why did Athens and Sparta develop different political systems?

Why did ancient city-states of Athens and Sparta develop different political systems? The Byzantine Empire dictated government policies. The mountainous topography resulted in the isolation of these city-states. Foreign travelers introduced new philosophies.

Why was spartan government better than Athens?

Sparta is far superior to Athens because their army was fierce and protective, girls received some education and women had more freedom than in other poleis. First, the army of Sparta was the strongest fighting force in Greece.

How were Athenian and Spartan governments different?

The main difference between Athens and Sparta is their government, economy, and society. Athenian society, which was based on trade, valued art and culture and was ruled under a form of democracy. Spartan society, on the other hand, was a militant society whose economy was based on farming and conquering.

How are the governments of Sparta and the United States similar?

How are the governments of Sparta and the United States similar? Both systems separate governmental powers into three different branches. How did Pericles influence the formation of the United States government? He encouraged the people of Athens to write their own constitution.

What was the Spartan government like?


Which characteristic of government describes Athens not Sparta?

Terms in this set (10) Which characteristic of government describes Athens, not Sparta? All citizens could debate any issue. Who was forced to raise food for the soldiers?

How were Athens and Sparta similar quizlet?

They are alike because both had slaves and women could not take part in government. They are different because Athens was a democracy and Sparta was a strictly-ruled military state. In Athens, women had very few rights. In Sparta, women had more rights than other city-states.

How did Sparta differ from other city-states?

Unlike such Greek city-states as Athens, a center for the arts, learning and philosophy, Sparta was centered on a warrior culture. Male Spartan citizens were allowed only one occupation: soldier. Indoctrination into this lifestyle began early.

What type of government was Athens?


What type of government did Sparta have and how did it work?

Sparta had a highly unusual system of government. Two kings ruled the city, but a 28-member ‘council of elders’ limited their powers. These men were recruited from the highest social class, the aristocratic Spartiates.

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What was ancient Athens government like?

Athenian democracy developed around the fifth century B.C.E. The Greek idea of democracy was different from present-day democracy because, in Athens, all adult citizens were required to take an active part in the government. If they did not fulfill their duty they would be fined and sometimes marked with red paint.

Why did Sparta develop its unique form of government?

Why did Sparta develop its unique form of government? – Sparta:Land grab and a military build up to maintain. Built by military culture. Government: monarchy, oligarchy, democracy- 2 kings, council of elders, general assembly, Ephors.

What kind of government did Sparta have quizlet?

Sparta was called an oligarchy because the real power was in the hands of a few people. The important decisions were made by the council of elders. Council members had to be at least 60 and wealthy. Council members served for life.

What are the main differences between the powerful city-states of Sparta and Athens what was valued in each of the city-states?

Each city-state ruled itself. They differed greatly from the each other in governing philosophies and interests. For example, Sparta was ruled by two kings and a council of elders. It emphasized maintaining a strong military, while Athens valued education and art.

Which statement best describes how American government compares to the one that existed in ancient Athens?

Which statement best describes how American government compares to the one that existed in ancient Athens? Both governments encouraged citizens to participate in the decision-making process. What is the main idea of Pericles’s statement?

What was the biggest difference between government in ancient Athens and in ancient Rome?

Answer. The significant difference between Athens and Rome was that Athenswas a democracy and Rome was an oligarchy with some democratic components. Athens was a democratic city-state while Romefollowed the Oligarchy form of government. Athens was supervised by a democratically elected assembly.

Which best describes the Spartan government quizlet?

Terms in this set (10)

Which best describes the Spartan government? It had elements of democracy, oligarchy, and monarchy.

Which statements best describes Athens military?

Which statement best describes Athens’s military? Both men and women served in the military. Though they served, women did not lead. Athens had a large and capable navy.

How did the Greek view of government differ from the views of other ancient civilizations?

How did the Greek view of government differ from the views of other ancient civilizations? C. The Greeks believed that people could use their minds and reason to choose and run good governments.

What is Sparta economy?

Sparta’s economy relied on farming and conquering other people. Sparta didn’t have enough land to feed its entire population, so Spartans took the land they needed from their neighbors. Because Spartan men spent their lives as warriors, Sparta used slaves and noncitizens to produce needed goods.

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What is a difference between the US Congress and the Assembly of ancient Athens?

What is a difference between the US Congress and the Assembly of ancient Athens? The Assembly used a system of voting to pass laws. The Assembly had the power to pass and enforce laws. Congress allows noncitizen participation in government.

Is Sparta democracy?

Sparta was not a democracy. Like in its famous army, decisions were made by a small group of people and the rest had to obey. But there are some elements of the Spartan government that are very similar to modern democracies like the United States.

What were the major differences between how Athens developed as a city-state versus how Sparta developed?

The two city-states that best represent each form of government were Sparta (oligarchy) and Athens (democracy). Athens focused more on culture, while Sparta focused more on war. The oligarchy structure in Sparta enabled it to keep war as a top priority.

What is the correct order of governments in Athens from their first government type to their last government type?

Democracy – rule by the people (male citizens). Monarchy – rule by an individual who had inherited his role. Oligarchy – rule by a select group of individuals. Tyranny – rule by an individual who had seized power by unconstitutional means.

Did Athens or Sparta have a representative government to lead the city?

Greek democracy created at Athens was direct, rather than representative: any adult male citizen over the age of 20 could take part, and it was a duty to do so.

What is the biggest difference between Athens and Sparta?

The main difference between Athens and Sparta is that Athens was a form of democracy, whereas Sparta was a form of oligarchy. Athens and Sparta are two prominent Greek rival city-states.

Which statement best summarizes the differences between Sparta and Athens?

Which statement best describes how Spartan and Athenian education differed? – Spartan education taught the arts, while Athenian education emphasized courage.

In what way did a boy’s life in Athens differ from a boy’s life in Sparta?

Q. In what way did a boy’s life in Athens differ from a boy’s life in Sparta? Athenian boys went to school; Spartan boys served in the military. Athenian boys studied combat; Spartan boys played sports.

How is Athens different from other Greek city-states?

The culture of Athens differed from other Greek city-states by the way that Athenians valued knowledge and learning. Athens was also a democracy, unlike several other Greek city-states. Athens’s main focus was educating boys and young men and for them to take an active role in pubic affairs.

What was characteristic of Spartan society quizlet?

They were economically privleged and had all political power. They were forbidden to engage in farming, trade and industry > done by lower social classes.

How the ancient Athenian government influence the US government?

Another important ancient Greek concept that influenced the formation of the United States government was the written constitution. Aristotle, or possibly one of his students, compiled and recorded The Constitution of the Athenians and the laws of many other Greek city-states.

Which statement best describes Spartan trading practices?

Spartan trading practices can best be described as? “Trading within our own league is our best option, plus we avoid Persia“. Sparta had a part of their government called the Council of Elders.

Who led the Athenian empire?

The so-called golden age of Athenian culture flourished under the leadership of Pericles (495-429 B.C.), a brilliant general, orator, patron of the arts and politician—”the first citizen” of democratic Athens, according to the historian Thucydides.

What did the Athenian and Roman government have in common?

Both old governments were established with the intent to give most of the power to the people. The power to vote for leaders, and important issues to be settled in a calm and civilized manner. Athenian and Roman Government shaped our government today, with other European influences.

What was an important difference between the political systems of the Romans and Greeks group of answer choices?

What was an important difference between the political systems of the Romans and Greeks? Greeks endured civil war, while Romans did not. Rome had written laws, while no Greek city-states did. Rome extended citizenship to its conquered peoples, while the Greeks did not.

What were the main similarities and differences between Greek and Roman political structures?

Rome’s political structure provided for representation by two political parties in the Senate. The patricians represented the aristocracy, or nobles, while the plebeians represented the middle-class and wealthy merchants. The Greek government did not have political parties.

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Post by: c1thule-bd.edu.vn

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