HomeWHICHWhich Statement Best Represents The Conflict In This Passage

Which Statement Best Represents The Conflict In This Passage















Emphasis: • Increase vocabulary by determining the meanings of words in context.

Stimulus Attributes: • Test items may include phrases, sentences, and/or wording from the selection.

  • Which meaning is the best definition of ….. as it is used in line …..?
  • What does …. mean in line …..?
  • What does ….. mean in paragraph…..
  • In paragraph …., what does …… mean?
  • In paragraph …., what does the phrase “…….” mean?
  • In paragraph ……., what does the sentence “………….” mean?

Emphasis: • Comprehend new words using knowledge of affixes, roots, stems, and word origins.

  • What does the prefix “….” mean in ……?
  • In which word is the prefix “…..” used in the same way as it is used in …….?
  • What does the suffix “…..” mean in the word ………?
  • In line ……, what does ……mean?
  • In paragraph ….., what does ……mean?
  • Based on its root word, a …… is a…….
  • Using the Latin root ….. which means “…..,” the word …… from line ….. means…
  • Based on the Greek root …..which means “….,” the meaning of …… in paragraph …..refers to
  • Based on the Latin root …. meaning “…..,” the word ……in paragraph…… means..

Emphasis: • Identify and clarify word meanings. • Use synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms to determine meaning. • Define multiple meaning words.

  • Which word is an antonym for …..as it is used in paragraph…..?
  • Which word is a synonym for….. as it is used in paragraph …..?
  • Which word is a synonym for …… as it is used in line …..?
  • Which two words from this passage are homonyms?

Emphasis: • Establish a purpose for reading. • Preview and predict conten to ftexts. • Formulate questions that might be answered in text.

  • Based on its title, this passage will likely be about…
  • By using a prereading strategy, a student would probably predict that an answer to which question will be included in the passage?
  • Why would someone most likely read “……..”?

Emphasis: • Comprehend fiction and nonfiction texts at grade level • Interpret fiction and nonfiction texts by predicting outcome/effects, explaining, generalizing,

restating, defining, identifying/naming, listing, and matching.

Emphasis: • Recognize the main idea and key concepts from a text and identify supporting details.

  • In paragraph …., what does….. want to do?
  • What is the main idea of lines……?
  • Paragraph …… is mainly about…..

Emphasis: • Recognize the progression of ideas in a text, such as compare/contrast, cause/effect,

problem/solution, sequential order, and chronological order.

  • ……….first learned about……. from…….
  • The narrator in this poem (does this) in order….
  • What did…….do after………..?

Emphasis: • Draw conclusions from evidence in text. • Make inferences based on experiences and evidence in text.

  • After reading paragraphs …. and …., which is a reasonable prediction that can be made?
  • What will …… most likely do later?
  • What is the narrator most likely to do in the future?
  • In paragraph ….., when ……states that ….., …..means…….
  • All of these are reasons to use……except they…….
  • How does the narrator feel at the end of the poem?
  • The reader can tell that ……..was successful because……
  • If another paragraph were added to the passage, it would most likely tell about…

Emphasis: • Describe elements of character development. • Make inferences and draw conclusions about the elements of character development.

  • Which conclusion can be made about ……?
  • How does …. change in “……”?
  • How does ……attitude change when …. sees the……?
  • Which word best describes how ….. feels at the beginning of the passage?
  • Which statement best describes the conflict that ….. faces?
  • Which word best describes how….. feels at the end of the passage?

Emphasis: • Summarize an entire selection. • Paraphrase text by understanding the main idea and supporting details.

  • What is the main idea of this passage?
  • This passage is mainly about a……
  • Which is the best summary of this passage?
  • Which is another good title for this poem?
  • Which would be the best title for this passage?

Emphasis: • Make generalizations using information gathered from the text. • Recognize themes, lessons, and morals within a text.

  • Which best states the theme of the passage?
  • Which statement can be made based on the passage?

Emphasis: • Identify ideas that support important aspects of text.

  • In supporting the idea of ……….., which detail would be least important to include?
  • Which sentence from the passage best supports the argument ……..?

Emphasis: • Apply knowledge of reading strategies to organize text (timeline, outlining, and graphic


  • What would be a good subtopic in an outline of this passage?
  • Which phrase would be the best subtopic in an outline of….
  • Which event belongs in Event …..of this story map?
  • Which detail belongs in the outline?
  • The boxes show events in the order that they happened in the story.

    Which belongs in the empty box?

  • Emphasis: • Use knowledge about genre characteristics as a tool to comprehending various types of texts.
  • Which characteristic of fiction is in “……”?
  • “……” is nonfiction because it……
  • The reader can tell that “…..” is a poem because…..

Emphasis: • Identify the conflict and explain how it is resolved.

  • Why is …….unhappy?
  • How does…… help to solve……conflict?
  • The……. words in lines …… have what effect on the narrator?
  • What is the main problem in this poem?

Emphasis: • Use story structure as a tool for comprehension and contrasting the characters to the plot

or theme.

  • Why is ……. important to the passage?
  • How is …….important in this passage?

Emphasis: • Analyze text to make observations, connections, interpretations, etc.

  • Which detail could be added as support in “……..”?
  • The author of this poem would most likely agree with which statement?

Emphasis: • Identify structural patterns including compare/contrast, cause/effect, problem/solution, and

sequential order.

Stimulus Attributes: • Test items may include charts, tables, phrases, sentences, and/or wording from the selection

  • The author organizes information in “…….” by…….
  • Which structural pattern does the author use in “…………”?
  • Which organizational strategy does the author use in “……”? [comparision, cause/effect, chronological order, order of importance]

Emphasis: • Distinguish among facts and inferences supported by evidence and opinions.

Stimulus Attributes: • Test items may include charts, tables, phrases, sentences, and/or wording from the selection.

  • Which statement from “……” is a fact?
  • Which statement is an opinion?
  • Which sentence from the passage is a fact?

Emphasis: • Identify characteristics of various literary forms. • Comprehend text from various genres. • Identify similarities and differences of setting, characters, and events among texts in various



  • “…….” is an example of which kind of literature?
  • Which book would most likely contain the poem “……”?
  • Which type of literature is “……”?
  • What did …….mean when he/she said “………”?
  • ……..and …… are alike because both……
  • Which idea do “…….” and “……..” have in common?

Emphasis: • Analyze literary elements of fiction to comprehend text, including setting, characters, goal, plot,

conflict, resolution, and theme to comprehend text. • Understand structural patterns in nonfiction texts.

  • Which conclusion best reflects the theme?
  • The poem’s main idea can be found in lines…..
  • Which best states the theme of this poem?
  • Which conclusion best states the theme?

Emphasis: • Understand similarities and differences between texts to demonstrate comprehension.

  • What is the main idea of “……” and “……”?
  • Both “……..” and “……” describe mainly…..
  • Which idea is mentioned at the end of both “….” and “……”?

Emphasis: • Identify the author’s purpose: persuade, entertain, and inform. • Identify the author’s opinion as differentiated from a fact or detail from text. • Identify the author’s point of view: supports issue/problem, opposes issue/problem, or presents

both sides (neutral).

  • The author’s purpose in writing this poem was….
  • The author’s purpose in writing this passage was….
  • What can the reader conclude about the author of this poem?
  • Which best expresses the author’s point of view?
  • Which sentence best expresses the author’s point of view?
  • From which point of view is “…….” told?
  • What effect does the first person point of view have on the reader?
  • Why does the author tell this passage from ……… point of view?

Emphasis: • Interpret poetry and recognize its characteristics such as: rhyme, no rhyme, rhythm, and


  • What words in this poem are an example of alliteration?
  • The line “………” is an example of which literary device?
  • Which line from the poem uses alliteration?

Emphasis: • Construct meaning from figurative language. • Identify and interpret author’s technique, including use of simile, metaphor, hyperbole,

personification, idiom, symbolism, and imagery.

  • Line ….. contains an example of which literary device?
  • Which is an example of a simile used in this passage?
  • This sentence from the passage is an example of which type of figurative language?
  • Which represents the use of vivid imagery in the passage?
  • In paragraph ……, what does the phrase “……” mean?
  • Which phrase is an example of imagery?
  • The phrase “…….” appeals to the sense of…..

Emphasis: • Interpret poetry and recognize its characteristics such as: rhyme, unrhymed, shape, and pattern

(cinquain, diamante).

  • “…….” is an example of which type of poetry?
  • What does the line “………” mean?
  • The poetic style of “…….” is…..

Emphasis: • Use informational resources to access information.


  • Which source would give the best information about………?
  • Which source would best help a student find more information about ……..?
  • Which section in a ……book would give the pages that have more information about ……?
  • Which source would be best for a student to use to find a synonym for …..?
  • Which book would give more information about ………?
  • Which book would be the best source of information about……..?
  • Look at the books listed in a bibliography. Which book would be the best source of additional information about ……?
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Emphasis: • Understand text features: format, italics, heading, subheadings, graphics, sequence, diagrams,

illustrations, charts, and maps. • Understand reference features of printed text: citations, endnotes, bibliographies.

  • Why does the statement “…..” have quotation marks around it?
  • In “………,” why is the word “……” in quotation marks?
  • In paragraph ….., the word “…..” is in quotation marks because …….
  • All sources used by the author when writing “…….” would be listed in alphabetical order using which reference feature?
  • Read the citation that refers to a source used by the author of “…………”This citation reveals that information for the passage came from a book titled
  • The author includes a picture of a ….. in order…..
  • Which graphic feature would best help a student understand the information in this passage?
  • If the author added headings to the passage to help the reader identify the family groups discussed, how many headings would be needed?

Emphasis: • Identify appropriate test taking strategies.​

  • When studying for a test, a good way to remember the important events ……would be to..
  • Which is the best way for a student to remember what happens when…..?
  • When studying for a test, what is the best way to remember specific details about ……?

Emphasis: • Use note cards, charts, outlines, and graphs. • Follow multistep directions. • Demonstrate basic word processing computer knowledge. • Summarize information from multiple sources. • Select a topic and interpret information from a variety of sources. • Formulate questions related to a selected topic.

  • What is the ….. step ……most likely did from this set of instructions?
  • Which would be the ……(#) step in writing a report about ……..?
  • What is the (#) step when researching ……. on the Internet?
  • Which Internet search would most likely give a student information about the main topic of the passage?
  • What is one question the author was most likely trying to answer in the passage?
  • Which magazine article would most likely give a student more information about the passage?
  • Which information should be included in notes about…….?
  • When making notes about …….., which would probably be the most important?
  • If a student wanted to take notes ………, in which paragraph should the student look?
  • Which best summarizes the information in these sources?
  • Which computer tool should be used to find a word with a meaning very similar to that of another word?
  • Which computer tool should be used to find a specific term in a document?
  • What is a student probably doing to a document when choosing “Insert” from a computer’s toolbar?



• Increase vocabulary by determining the meanings of words in context and through the knowledge of word parts and word relationships.

• Identify figurative language used in poetry and narrative texts. • Use context to understand multiple meaning words.

  • Which phrase best shows the meaning of ….. as it is used in paragraph ……?
  • Which meaning is the best definition of …..as it is used in paragraph …..?
  • Which phrase in “……” best reflects the meaning of ……as it is used in line ……?
  • Which sentence uses ….. the same way as it is used in paragraph …..?
  • What is the meaning of ….. as it is used in paragraph ……?
  • Which phrase is an example of a simile?

Emphasis: Comprehend new words using knowledge of word origins, roots, affixes and stems.

  • The phrase “……” in paragraph….. is French for…..
  • The French word “……” is used to identify “……” as a poem because the word means……
  • The word “……,” which derives from the Greek language, is used in paragraph ….. to indicate….
  • In paragraph ….., the word…….means……
  • In paragraph ……, what does ……. mean?
  • In paragraph …., the word ……., as well as words like ….. and ….., comes from the Latin word for….
  • Which word from the passage has a Latin root that means “…….”?
  • In paragraph ……, the author uses the word ……. Which meaning of this word best completes the chart?

Emphasis: • Establish a purpose for reading by using prereading strategies.

Stimulus Attributes:

• Test items may include a title, an excerpt from the selection, or a brief explanation of the selection.

  • What question is important to ask after reading the title of the passage?
  • To recall prior knowledge about ……, which prereading strategy would be most useful?
  • Why might someone most likely read “………”


• Comprehend fiction and nonfiction text a tgrade level. • Interpret fiction and nonfiction texts by predicting outcome/effects, explaining, generalizing,

restating, defining, identifying/naming, listing, and matching.

  • Which states the purpose of the ……..?


Example: Use a graphic organizer to compare an advertisement to the actual product label.

• Integrate and relate ideas presented in text. • Identify the main idea of a text by using supporting details.

  • What is the main idea of paragraph……?
  • The main point of paragraph……is that …….
  • What question is answered in stanza …..?


• Use progression of ideas such as compare/contrast, cause/effect, problem/solution, sequential order, and chronological order to recall information from text.

  • Based on the headings, the reader can tell that…
  • What affects the narrator in paragraph …….?

Emphasis: • Make inferences and draw conclusions based on evidence from the text and prior knowledge.

  • What can the reader best conclude from the author’s details about …….?
  • Which conclusion is supported by the author?

Emphasis: • Make inferences and draw conclusions about the elements of character development.​

  • Which word best describes the narrator in paragraph …..?
  • What can be inferred about ….from paragraph ……?
  • According to the passage, which statement describes the narrator?

Emphasis: • Summarize text by identifying key concepts, main ideas, key actions, and supporting details.

  • Which alternate title best expresses the main idea of the passage?
  • Which sentence best states the main idea?
  • Which detail would be least important to include in a summary about “……..”?
  • When summarizing, which detail would be least important to include?

Emphasis: • Integrate and relate ideas by making generalizations about text.

  • When generalizing about the …….., which would be least important?
  • What is the author’s message in this poem?
  • In …….., …….. attitude toward ….. can best be described as…..

Emphasis: • Integrate and relate ideas by making conclusions based on evidence in text.​

  • Which best supports the idea that ….. was recognized for ……….?
  • Which detail from the passage supports the claim that the ……………?
  • Why is the sentence “……..” included in paragraph……..?


• Select and apply strategies to demonstrate comprehension including timelines, outlines, and graphic organizers.

  • If a student were to outline this passage, which would be a good subtopic?
  • Which graphic organizer would probably help a reader better understand the passage?
  • Below is a flow chart for “…..”Which statement goes in the blank box?


• Use knowledge about people to analyze the traits of characters as a tool to comprehend various types of texts.

  • How does …… feel as she/he speaks to the narrator?
  • How does the author use the title to represent ……?
  • Read the sentence from the passage. Why does ……..most likely react this way?


• Analyze events from the plot and the ireffect on the text • Identify the conflict and how it is resolved

  • What causes a change in the narrator’s feelings?
  • What was important to ……at the end of the passage?
  • The conflict of the plot is resolved when…..
  • Why was the narrator’s ……….important?
  • Which sentence from the passage best represents the conflict?


• Use story structure as a tool for comprehension and contrasting the characters to the plot or theme.

Content Limits:

• Narrative text that can be mapped are used including realistic fiction, adventure stories, mysteries, historical fiction, and tall tales.

• The selection may contain one or more of the following elements: a. the setting: the location(s) and time(s) of the story b. characters: the people, animals, or personified objects in the story c. goal: what the main character and/or author is trying to achieve d. conflict: the central tension that drives the story e. major events of the plot: a series of episodes in which a problem is developed

and resolved f. resolution: the dissolving of tension at the end of the story

  • How does the author demonstrate that ……..?
  • How are ……and ………different?


• Make observations and connections using supporting details from text. • Infer, interpret, and analyze details from text.

  • Which question is the reader left with at the end of the passage?
  • Why does the narrator state that everyone will soon know about ……….?


• Identify structural patterns including compare/contrast, cause/effect, problem/solution, and sequential order.

  • What is the main effect of ………?
  • How does the author structure paragraph ……?
  • Which accurately contrasts ……….before and after ………?

Emphasis: • Determine facts and opinions, and make inferences supported by evidence from text.

  • Which statement is an opinion?
  • Which of these describes a fact?
  • Which statement from the passage is an opinion?

Emphasis: • Analyze characteristics of various literary forms.

  • This is a folk tale rather than a short story because….
  • The reader can tell that “…….” is a poem because it…….
  • Which characteristic of the passage makes it a short story rather than a folk tale?
  • What type of fiction is this passage?
  • What element of a [folk tale] is displayed in this passage?
  • Which element of an [autobiography] is displayed in this passage?


• Use elements of fiction as a tool for comprehension including setting, characters, goal, plot, conflict, resolution, setting, and theme.

  • Which best describes …..[character]?
  • What is the theme of the poem?
  • What is the theme of the passage?
  • Which best represents the theme of the passage?
  • Which is a part of the rising action?
  • What creates the internal conflict in “……”?
  • Which best describes the……… internal conflict?


Identify author’s point of view (e.g., supports issue/problem, opposes issue/problem, or neutral/presents both sides). Identify author’s purpose (e.g., to persuade, entertain, or inform). Determine author’s opinion as differentiated from a fact or opinion.

  • What is most likely the author’s purpose?
  • What is the author’s purpose in “………..”?


• Use knowledge about similarities and differences of ideas and themes between texts as a tool in comprehension.

  • What do these passages have in common?
  • How are these passages similar?
  • In “……” and “……..” what do …… and ……have in common?
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• Construct meaning from figurative language and sound devices used in texts. • Identify author’s technique ( e.g.,simile, metaphor, hyperbole, personification, idiom,

symbolism, and imagery).

  • In paragraph ……, what does “…….” represent?
  • In paragraph …., the idiom “……” means that the narrator……
  • The first line of each stanza is…..
  • According to the passage, the phrase…… is used to show that …….
  • All of these phrases personify …. except….
  • The phrases “…….” and “…….” are examples of…..
  • How does the rhyme in the poems compare?
  • Which is a metaphor?
  • What is the rhyme scheme of “……..”?
  • Which best describes this poem?
  • Beginning with line ….., every other line of “…….” describes which characteristic of poetry..
  • What does the phrase “…….” mean in paragraph……?
  • According to the poet, ……are a symbol for….
  • What effect does the line “……..” have?

Emphasis: • Use informational resources to access information.

  • Which type of database would most likely contain information related to paragraph ……?
  • To find more information about ….., a student should use a computer database to look for….
  • Which two lines on the card catalog indicate that this book would be useful in researching …….?
  • Which resource would most likely provide information about the ………?
  • Which Web page would give the most information about the ………?
  • Which source would be most helpful in researching a paper on ………?


• Understand text and technological features and organizational references and format. • Identify use of persuasion, propaganda, and faulty reasoning or misleading information.

  • Which paragraph could have the subheading “…….”?
  • The author includes dates as subheadings to show the reader that…
  • Based on the information in paragraphs …. and ….., which subheading would be most appropriate for both paragraphs?
  • If the author convinces the reader to ………, the author is using which technique?
  • Based on the passage, which persuasive strategy was used…….?
  • How does the author help the reader with unknown words?
  • Which bibliography entry from the passage most likely gives additional information about the “……”?


• Use note cards, charts, outlines, and graphs. • Identify reference sources.

  • Which would most help a student prepare a report about the passage?
  • Which would best help a student compare the information from paragraph ….. of the passage with the information above?
  • Which would best help a student compare the information above with the information in “……”?
  • Which citation correctly credits the information source?
  • If this [folk tale] were found in a book, which citation correctly credits the source?
  • If this poem were found in a magazine, which citation correctly credits the source?


• Make connections between sources. • Identify appropriate sources to use given are search topic.


  • Which source would provide the most recent information about ………?
  • If a student wanted to research ………, which source would provide the most current information?
  • Which source would provide the most information about ……..
  • Which idea is expressed in both passages?
  • —excerpt from an outside source…Which statement best summarizes the information above and the information from paragraph … of the passage?
  • —excerpt from an outside source…Which statement best summarizes the information above and the information from paragraph …. of the passage?



• • •

Identify and clarify word meaning. Define technical and specialized terms and words with multiple meanings. Use process strategies including prediction, context, syntax, and structural analysis.

  • In paragraph ….., what does….. mean?
  • A word that means the same as …… in paragraph…. is
  • What is the best definition of the word….. as it is used in paragraph …..?

Emphasis: • Recognize word origins.

  • Which word has a Spanish origin?
  • Which word has a French origin?
  • Which word in the English language was most likely influenced by Mexican inspired cuisine?
  • In words like scientist and biologist, what does the suffix “ist” mean?
  • In paragraph ……, the author described……as …….., which means that……
  • In paragraph ….., the Latin prefix “extra” in the word “extraordinary” means

Emphasis: • Construct meaning from idioms and comparisons. • Understand author’s technique (e.g., idioms, analogies, metaphors, and similes).

  • In line …., what does the idiom “……” mean?
  • Which of the following from the passage contains an idiom?
  • Using the relationship expressed in the last lines of the poem, complete the following analogy.
  • Using the relationship expressed in line …. of the poem, complete the following analogy.
  • Using a word from paragraph …., complete the analogy.
  • The sentence above is an example of which literary device?
  • Which literary device is present in line …. of the poem?
  • Read the sentence from paragraph …..The author uses the above wording in order to…
  • Lines …., ….., and …..each contain an example of what literary device?
  • This sentence contains an example of which literary device?
  • Read the sentence from paragraph ….What does the above simile mean?

Emphasis: • Determine the purpose for reading text. • Use preview material and prior knowledge to make connections with text.

  • Based on the title and subtitle, the student can tell this passage is about
  • What is the main purpose for reading….

Emphasis: • Comprehend fiction and nonfiction texts at grade level. • Explain (restate) material from the passage.

  • Which word in paragraph ….. connects opposite ideas?
  • Which word from paragraph….. connects sequences of time?
  • Which word in paragraph …..connects contrasting ideas?​
  • Which question is answered in paragraph …..?
  • Which sentence from the passage supports the idea that………?

Emphasis: • Make inferences and draw conclusions.

  • The reader can conclude that ………
  • What will probably happen at the end of this passage?
  • Which line best supports the conclusion that the narrator will …….?
  • Which lines best reveal a change in the narrator?​
  • Based on ……….character traits, all are true except

Emphasis: • Determine the main idea of selections. • Distinguish relevant versus irrelevant information.

Identify supporting details.

  • What is the main idea of the passage?
  • “………” is mainly about someone who……
  • Which sentence is the best summary of this passage?
  • Which title would also fit this passage?
  • Which detail supports the main idea of this passage?
  • Which prediction is proven incorrect by the end of the passage?

Emphasis: • Understand the importance of details as they relate to the development of the plot. • Relate ideas by making conclusions based on evidence in the text.

  • Which detail helps establish the conflict of the passage?
  • Which detail reveals the climax of the plot?
  • Which detail confirms the importance…..
  • The details in this passage support the idea that …..

Emphasis: • Compare and contrast points of view and their effect on the theme.

  • Which sentence best describes how point of view is used in the passage?
  • The point of view of this passage helps the reader understand
  • Why is first person point of view important to this poem?

Emphasis: • Identify relationships (e.g., problem/solution and/or events relating to actions).

  • Which detail provides the best clue about what will happen later in the passage?
  • The author includes the details in paragraph….

Emphasis: • Recognize relationships including character traits, motivations, conflicts, theme, and appropriate

evidence or detail.

  • Which sentence from the passage best represents the main conflict?
  • ……can best be described as….
  • What does the last sentence in the passage reveal ….
  • What type of details are used to support the main idea in paragraph ……

Emphasis: • Distinguish fact, reasoned judgment, and opinion as related to the text.

  • Which detail from the passage is an opinion?
  • Which detail from this passage is a fact?

Emphasis: • Understand characteristics of various literary forms.

  • The reader can tell that “…….” is a poem because it….
  • The reader can tell that “………” is an essay rather than a short story because it……
  • Which characteristic of the passage makes it a short story rather than an essay?

Emphasis: • Understand characteristics of various literary forms.

  • The reader can tell that “……..” is a biography because it……
  • What type of literature is “…………”?
  • Which genre best describes “…………”?

It is a biography because it tells about a person’s life.

It is a myth because it is a traditional story with a hero. It is a folktale because it contains customs and beliefs of a culture.

It is a autobiography because it is about a person’s life and is written by that person.

Emphasis: • Plot • Resolution • Conflict • Character • Setting • Theme • Point of View

  • Who is the main character of the passage?
  • From whose point of view is the passage told?
  • What is the resolution in this passage?
  • Which sentence from the passage best illustrates the theme?

Emphasis: • Identify direct/indirect characterization and author’s technique.

  • Which sentence from the passage is an example of direct characterization?
  • Which sentence from the passage is an example of indirect characterization?
  • Read the lines from the poem.
  • This is an example of indirect characterization because it…

Emphasis: • Understand author’s point of view and recurring themes in text.

  • Which phrase best reflects the author’s attitude toward …………?
  • By telling this passage from…….. point of view, the author helps the reader understand…..
  • Read the last sentence from the passage.
  • Based on the author’s opinion of …….., what is the focus of the passage?
  • The theme of “……..” is the…..
  • Which sentence supports the theme of the passage?
  • Which topic is part of the major theme in “……..”?

Emphasis: • Identify figurative language: metaphor, personification, and simile. • Explain figurative language explaining mood, images, and meaning.

  • Which of the following from the passage contains a simile?
  • Read this line from the poem. The author uses personification to create a mood of….
  • What is the purpose of the simile in paragraph…..?

Emphasis: • Interpret sound devices of literary works including alliteration, onomatopoeia, and rhyme.

  • Which sound device does the poet use in line …..
  • The poet uses alliteration to describe…..
  • The author uses onomatopoeia to help support a mood of….

Emphasis: • Interpret literary devices of poetry.

  • In stanza ……, what is the effect of the repetition of “…….”?
  • The poem can best be described as a (type of poem).

Emphasis: • Use and evaluate informational resources.

  • Which key words would best help a student locate more information on the Internet about ………?
  • Which book would be most helpful in finding information about ………?
  • Where would a student look to find the most recent information on ……..?
  • Which book would be the best source for information….
Refer to more articles:  Which Camelback Trail Is Easier


Emphasis: • Use organizational and research strategies.

  • Which of these questions about….. would be best to ask in an interview with ……..?
  • Which strategy would be most effective when compiling information from an interview?
  • Which best completes the web?
  • Which best completes the story map?


Emphasis: • Evaluate the author’s presentation of ideas and issues. • Recognize persuasion, propaganda, and faulty reasoning.

  • Which fact from the passage helps to convince the reader…….
  • What discovery disproves the theory ……

Emphasis: • Use text features and organizers.

Stimulus Attributes: • Test items may include headings, graphic features, table of contents, phrases, sentences, and

wording from the selection.

  • Where in a …… textbook would a student find the definition of “………”?
  • Which source would most likely help the reader learn more about …………….?


Emphasis: • Use note cards, charts, outlines, timelines, and note cards.

  • Which best completes the outline?
  • Which would be the best way to organize the information?


Emphasis: • Use informational resources.

Stimulus Attributes: • Test items may include maps, graphs, timelines, and/or tables from the selection.

  • Which strategy would a student use to compare events….
  • Which graphic aid would best help compare characteristics…
  • Which graphic source would best help a student understand the description in paragraph…..of the passage?


Emphasis: • Make connections between sources.

  • Which statement best paraphrases the information in these quotes?
  • Which statement best paraphrases the information above and the information from paragraph ….. of the passage?
  • Which Web site from this search would be the best reference to find specific tips on……….?
  • Which Web site would provide the most information about….
  • Which would be the best source for more information….(magazine, book, online article, web site)

Emphasis: • Reference sources.

  • Which citation correctly credits the information source?
  • Which citation correctly credits a magazine article used to research the passage?
  • If the author wants to add a direct quotation from a newspaper article, which citation would be correct?



• Identify and clarify word meaning of specialized terms and words with multiple meanings.

• Use prediction, context, syntax, and structural analysis.

  • In a given paragraph, what does the word ( ) mean?
  • In a given paragraph, what does ( ) mean?
  • In a given paragraph, the word ( ) refers to

Emphasis: • Identify word origins.

  • Which word in the English language most likely originated from
  • Which word from the poem most likely originated from

Idioms and Comparisons—Analyze idioms and comparisons, such as analogies, metaphors, and similes, to infer the literal and figurative meanings of phrases.

a. Idioms: expressions that cannot be understood just by knowing the meanings of the words in the expression, such as Rush hour traffic moves at a snail’s pace or as plain as day.

b. Analogies: comparisons of the similar aspects of two different things.

c. Metaphors: implies comparisons, such as The cup of hot tea was the best

medicine for my cold.

d. Similes: comparisons that use like or as, such as The ice was smooth as glass

before the skaters entered the rink.

  • In a given paragraph , the idiom “ ” means
  • In a given paragraph, the author states (…..). This means…….
  • Use the relationship expressed in the passage to complete the analogy.

_______is to__________as________is to ________

  • Use the relationship expressed in paragraph ( ) to complete the analogy.
  • In paragraph( ), the metaphor ( ) refers to
  • Which phrase from the passage is a (metaphor, simile, onamotopeia, hyperbole, idiom, etc)?
  • In a given stanza, what is represented by the metaphor……….
  • Which is an example of a simile from……..
  • ……..What is this simile attempting to describe?
  • What does the phrase “……………..” mean?


Literal Understanding

a. Apply pre-reading strategies when reading both fiction and nonfiction that is appropriately designed for grade level.

b. Determine the purpose for reading such as to be informed, entertained, persuaded, or to understand.

c. Preview the text and use prior knowledge and experience to make connections to text.

  • The purpose for reading this passage is……..
  • From this passage the reader can learn that……..

Emphasis: • Comprehend fiction and nonfiction texts at grade level.

  • Which question is answered in a given paragraph of the passage?
  • Which question is answered with information in a given paragraph of the passage?

a. Make inferences and draw conclusions supported by text evidence and student experiences.

  • In paragraph….., it is reasonable to conclude that ……
  • What does the author convey by using the lines,…..
  • Read lines from a poem. What does the speaker convey in the last two lines of the poem?

Inferences and Interpreting

b. Connect, compare, and contrast ideas, themes, and issues across texts.

  • What is a common idea present in both -and – (in two given passages)
  • (IN A GIVEN PASSAGE) How are ____ and _____ alike?
  • ______ and ________ have all of these characteristics except.

Summary and Generalization

a. Determine the main (or major) idea and how those ideas are supported with specific details.

  • Which idea would best fit in stanza ______?
  • What is the main idea of this poem?
  • Paragraph _____ is mainly about.

Summary and Generalization

b. Paraphrase and summarize text to recall, inform, or organize ideas.

(poetry, classic/non-classic literature, magazines, reference materials, and online information)

  • When summarizing the passage, which statement would be least important to include?
  • When writing a summary, which idea would be least important to include?
  • What is the best summary of lines _____?
  • Which title would be the most appropriate for this poem?

Analysis and Evaluation

. Distinguish between stated fact, reasoned judgment, and opinion in various texts.

  • Which statement is an opinion?
  • Which statement is a fact?

Analysis and Evaluation

b. Use text’s structure or progression of ideas, such as cause and effect or chronology (sequential order)

  • How does the author present the information in this passage? ( ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE OF PARAGRAPH)
  • “……………” is organized differently than “…………” because it is using ( ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE)

Analysis and Evaluation

c. Compare/contrast to determine similarities and differences in treatment, scope, or organization.

  • In paragraph ……., ………. is compared to other …….. in order………
  • “……………” is organized differently than “………….” because it is using……..
  • How do the main characters in “……….” and “…….” view ……….. differently?

Analysis and Evaluation

Problem/solution—offer observations, make connections, react, speculate, interpret, and raise questions in response to text.

  • What was the major effect of the……………
  • What was the major benefit of ………….?

Analysis and Evaluation

Analyze character traits, conflicts, motivations, points of view, and changes that occur within the story.

  • Which word best describes how……….felt at the end of the passage?
  • Which word best describes the speaker?
  • Emphasis:

    • Plot • Subplot • Climax • Conflicts

  • What is the main conflict in this poem?
  • The climax of “……………” occurs…..

Literary Genres—The student will demonstrate a knowledge of and an appreciation for various forms of literature.

Analyze the characteristics of genres, including short story, novel, drama, lyric poetry, nonfiction, historical fiction, and informational texts.

  • How can the reader tell that “………..” is a short story and not an essay?
  • This poem is an example of…….

Literary Genres—The student will demonstrate a knowledge of and an appreciation for various forms of literature.

Identify and distinguish characteristics of subgenres, including autobiography, biography, fable, folk tale, mystery, myth, limericks, tall tales, and plays.

  • “…………” is not an autobiography because……
  • The reader can tell that “………” is nonfiction because……..
  • The passage “…………” is most similar to [what genre]

Literary Elements—Demonstrate knowledge of literary elements and techniques and how they affect the development of a literary work.

a. Analyze and explain elements of fiction including plot, conflict, character, mood, setting, theme, point of view, and author’s purpose.

b. Identify and explain various points of view and how they affect a story’s interpretation.

  • The question at the end of paragraph ……. is important because it presents the [part of a story]
  • Which word best describes the mood in lines ………?
  • What is the author’s purpose in repeating the phrase “…….” in stanza……..?
  • Which sentence best represents the theme of the passage?
  • Which sentence from the passage is an example of indirect characterization?
  • If this poem were told from the a different point of view, the reader would probably understand……..
  • The point of view is an important feature of the ……. because it allows the reader
  • Which phrase reflects the author’s viewpoint …….?

Figurative Language and Sound Devices—Identify figurative language and sound devices and analyze how they affect the development of a literary work.

a. Identify and explain the use of figurative language in literary works to convey mood, images, and meaning, including metaphor, personification, and simile.

  • Which phrase is an example of personification?
  • In stanza……., what image is represented?
  • In lines _______, “……….” is an example of what poetic device?

Figurative Language and Sound Devices—Identify figurative language and sound devices and analyze how they affect the development of a literary work.

c. Identify and interpret literary devices such as flashback, foreshadowing, symbolism, and imagery.

  • Which sentence foreshadows the resolution of the passage?
  • In stanza ………, what image is compared to ……..?
  • The author uses imagery in stanza …….to….

Accessing Information—Select the best source for a given purpose, locate information relevant to research questioning.

a. Access information from a variety of primary and secondary sources, including electronic text, experts, and prime resources, to locate information relevant to research questioning.

  • Which would be the best resource to find more information about how echidnas raise their young?
  • Which would be the least helpful source to find out more about the Delano Grape Strike?
  • In which source would a student probably learn how oxbows are formed?
  • Which source would have the most recent information about Delores Huerta?
  • Which source would be least helpful in locating information for a research paper about Huerta’s lifetime achievements?

Accessing Information—Select the best source for a given purpose, locate information relevant to research questioning.

b. Use text organizers, including headings, graphic features (e.g., boldface, italic type), and tables of contents, to locate and organize information.

  • The author draws attention to important points by using [short paragraphs, italicized words, bold headings, illustrations, underlining, parenthesis]


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