Which Statements Comparing The Functions Are True Select Three Options


1 1. Which SQL function can be used to remove heading or trailing characters (or both) from a character string? LPAD CUT NVL2 TRIM (*) 2. Which three statements about functions are true? (Choose three.) (Choose all correct answers) The SYSDATE function returns the Oracle Server date and time. (*) The ROUND number function rounds a value to a specified decimal place or the nearest whole number. (*) The CONCAT function can only be used on character strings, not on numbers. The SUBSTR character function returns a portion of a string beginning at a defined character position to a specified length. (*) You query the database with this SQL statement: SELECT LOWER(SUBSTR(CONCAT(last_name, first_name)), 1, 5) “ID” FROM employee; In which order are the functions evaluated? LOWER, SUBSTR, CONCAT LOWER, CONCAT, SUBSTR

2 SUBSTR, CONCAT, LOWER CONCAT, SUBSTR, LOWER (*) 4. The STYLES table contains this data: STYLE_ID STYLE_NAME CATEGORY COST SANDAL SANDAL SANDAL LOAFER LOAFER HEEL SANDAL You query the database and return the value 40. Which script did you use? SELECT INSTR(category, 2,2) FROM styles WHERE style_id = ; SELECT INSTR(category, -2,2) FROM styles WHERE style_id = ; SELECT SUBSTR(category, 2,2) FROM styles WHERE style_id = ; (*) SELECT SUBSTR(category, -2,2) FROM styles WHERE style_id = ; You issue this SQL statement:

3 SELECT INSTR (‘organizational sales’, ‘al’) FROM dual; Which value is returned by this command? (*) You need to display the number of characters in each customer’s last name. Which function should you use? LENGTH (*) LPAD COUNT SUBSTR 7. What will the following SQL statemtent display? SELECT last_name, LPAD(salary, 15, ‘$’)SALARY FROM employees; The last name of employees that have a salary that includes a $ in the value, size of 15 and the column labeled SALARY. The last name and the format of the salary limited to 15 digits to the left of the decimal and the column labeled SALARY.

4 The last name and salary for all employees with the format of the salary 15 characters long, left-padded with the $ and the column labeled SALARY. (*) The query will result in an error: “ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected.”. You issue this SQL statement: SELECT ROUND ( , -2) FROM dual; What value does this statement produce? (*) 9. Evaluate this function: MOD (25, 2) Which value is returned? 1 (*) Which comparison operator retrieves a list of values? IN (*) LIKE

5 BETWEEN…IN… IS NULL Incorrect. Refer to Section 1 Lesson Which function would you use to return the current database server date and time? DATE SYSDATE (*) DATETIME CURRENTDATE 12. You need to display the number of months between today’s date and each employee’s hiredate. Which function should you use? ROUND BETWEEN ADD_MONTHS MONTHS_BETWEEN (*) 13. You need to subtract three months from the current date. Which function should you use? ROUND TO_DATE ADD_MONTHS (*) MONTHS_BETWEEN

6 Incorrect. Refer to Section Which of the following Date Functions will add calendar months to a date? Mark for Review Months + Calendar (Month) ADD_MONTHS (*) MONTHS + Date NEXT_MONTH 15. Evaluate this SELECT statement: SELECT SYSDATE + 30 FROM dual; Which value is returned by the query? the current date plus 30 hours the current date plus 30 days (*) the current date plus 30 months No value is returned because the SELECT statement generates an error. Incorrect. Refer to Section Which SQL Statement should you use to display the prices in this format: “$00.30”? SELECT TO_CHAR(price, ‘$99,900.99’) FROM product; (*) SELECT TO_CHAR(price, “$99,900.99”) FROM product; SELECT TO_CHAR(price, ‘$99,990.99’) FROM product;

7 SELECT TO_NUMBER(price, ‘$99,900.99’) FROM product; 17. All Human Resources data is stored in a table named EMPLOYEES. You have been asked to create a report that displays each employee’s name and salary. Each employee’s salary must be displayed in the following format: $000, Which function should you include in a SELECT statement to achieve the desired result? TO_CHAR (*) TO_DATE TO_NUMBER CHARTOROWID Incorrect. Refer to Section The EMPLOYEES table contains these columns: EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER(9) LAST_NAME VARCHAR2 (25) FIRST_NAME VARCHAR2 (25) HIRE_DATE DATE You need to display HIRE_DATE values in this format: January 28, 2000 Which SELECT statement could you use? SELECT TO_CHAR(hire_date, Month DD, YYYY) FROM employees; SELECT TO_CHAR(hire_date, ‘Month DD, YYYY’) FROM employees; (*) SELECT hire_date(to_char ‘Month DD’, ‘ YYYY’)

8 FROM employees; SELECT TO_CHAR(hire_date, ‘Month DD’, ‘ YYYY’) FROM employees; Incorrect. Refer to Section Which two statements concerning SQL functions are true? (Choose two.) Mark for Review (Choose all correct answers) Character functions can accept numeric input. Not all date functions return date values. (*) Number functions can return number or character values. Conversion functions convert a value from one data type to another data type. (*) Single-row functions manipulate groups of rows to return one result per group of rows. Incorrect. Refer to Section The EMPLOYEES table contains these columns: EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER(9) LAST_NAME VARCHAR2 (25) FIRST_NAME VARCHAR2 (25) SALARY NUMBER(6) You need to create a report to display the salaries of all employees. Which script should you use to display the salaries in format: “$45,000.00”? SELECT TO_CHAR(salary, ‘$999,999’) FROM employees; SELECT TO_NUM(salary, ‘$999,990.99’) FROM employees;

9 SELECT TO_NUM(salary, ‘$999,999.00’) FROM employees; SELECT TO_CHAR(salary, ‘$999,999.00’) FROM employees; (*) Incorrect. Refer to Section If you use the RR format when writing a query using the date 27-OCT-17 and the year is 2001, what year would be the result? (*) Which of the following General Functions will return the first non-null expression in the expression list? NVL NVL2 NULLIF COALESCE (*) 23. When executed, which statement displays a zero if the TUITION_BALANCE value is zero and the HOUSING_BALANCE value is null? SELECT NVL (tuition_balance + housing_balance, 0) “Balance Due” FROM student_accounts;

10 (*) SELECT NVL(tuition_balance, 0), NVL (housing_balance), tuition_balance + housing_balance “Balance Due” FROM student_accounts; SELECT tuition_balance + housing_balance FROM student_accounts; SELECT TO_NUMBER(tuition_balance, 0), TO_NUMBER (housing_balance, 0), tutition_balance + housing_balance “Balance Due” FROM student_accounts; Incorrect. Refer to Section Which statement about group functions is true? NVL and NVL2, but not COALESCE, can be used with group functions to replace null values. NVL and COALESCE, but not NVL2, can be used with group functions to replace null values. NVL, NVL2, and COALESCE can be used with group functions to replace null values. (*) COALESCE, but not NVL and NVL2, can be used with group functions to replace null values. 25. When joining 3 tables in a SELECT statement, how many join conditions are needed in the WHERE clause? (*) 3

11 26. You need to create a report that lists all employees in the Sales department who do not earn $25,000 per year. Which query should you issue to accomplish this task? SELECT last_name, first_name, salary FROM employees WHERE salary > AND dept_id = 10; SELECT last_name, first_name, salary FROM employees WHERE salary = AND dept_id = 10; SELECT last_name, first_name, salary FROM employees WHERE salary <= AND dept_id = 10; SELECT last_name, first_name, salary FROM employees WHERE salary!= AND dept_id = 10; (*) 27. The CUSTOMERS and SALES tables contain these columns: CUSTOMERS CUST_ID NUMBER(10) PRIMARY KEY COMPANY VARCHAR2(30) LOCATION VARCHAR2(20) SALES SALES_ID NUMBER(5) PRIMARY KEY CUST_ID NUMBER(10) FOREIGN KEY TOTAL_SALES NUMBER(30) Which SELECT statement will return the customer ID, the company and the total sales?

12 SELECT c.cust_id, c.company, s.total_sales FROM customers c, sales s WHERE c.cust_id = s.cust_id (+); SELECT cust_id, company, total_sales FROM customers, sales WHERE cust_id = cust_id; SELECT c.cust_id, c.company, s.total_sales FROM customers c, sales s WHERE c.cust_id = s.cust_id; (*) SELECT cust_id, company, total_sales FROM customers c, sales s WHERE c.cust_id = s.cust_id; 28. Your have two tables named EMPLOYEES and SALES. You want to identify the sales representatives who have generated at least $100,000 in revenue. Which query should you issue? SELECT e.fname, e.lname, s.sales FROM employees e, sales s WHERE e.emp_id = s.emp_id AND revenue > ; SELECT e.fname, e.lname, s.sales FROM employees e, sales s WHERE e.emp_id = s.emp_id AND revenue >= ; (*) SELECT e.fname, e.lname, s.sales FROM employees, sales WHERE e.emp_id = s.emp_id AND revenue >= ; SELECT fname, lname, sales Q FROM employees e, sales s WHERE e.emp_id = s.emp_id AND revenue > ;

13 29. What happens when you create a Cartesian product? All rows from one table are joined to all rows of another table (*) The table is joined to itself, one column to the next column, exhausting all possibilities The table is joined to another equal table All rows that do not match in the WHERE clause are displayed Incorrect. Refer to Section 30. Which statement about the join syntax of a SELECT statement is true? Mark for Review The ON keyword must be included. The JOIN keyword must be included. The FROM clause represents the join criteria. The WHERE clause represents the join criteria. (*) Incorrect. Refer to Section Which statement about outer joins is true? The tables must be aliased. The FULL, RIGHT, or LEFT keyword must be included. The OR operator cannot be used to link outer join conditions. (*) Outer joins are always evaluated before other types of joins in the query. 32. Evaluate this SELECT statement: SELECT p.player_id, m.last_name, m.first_name, t.team_name FROM player p

14 LEFT OUTER JOIN player m ON (p.manager_id = m.player_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN team t ON (p.team_id = t.team_id); Which join is evaluated first? the self-join of the player table (*) the join between the player table and the team table on TEAM_ID the join between the player table and the team table on MANAGER_ID the join between the player table and the team table on PLAYER_ID 33. Which two operators can be used in an outer join condition using the outer join operator (+)? AND and = (*) OR and = BETWEEN…AND… and IN IN and = Incorrect. Refer to Section Which statement about a natural join is true? Columns with the same names must have identical data types. Columns with the same names must have the same precision and datatype. (*) Columns with the same names must have compatible data types. Columns with the same names cannot be included in the SELECT list of the query. Incorrect. Refer to Section You need to join all the rows in the EMPLOYEE table to all the rows in the EMP_REFERENCE table. Which type of join should you create?

15 An equijoin A cross join (*) An inner join A full outer join Incorrect. Refer to Section Which of the following best describes a natural join? A join between two tables that includes columns that share the same name, datatypes and lengths (*) A join that produces a Cartesian product A join between tables where matching fields do not exist A join that uses only one table 37. Which SELECT clause creates an equijoin by specifying a column name common to both tables? A HAVING clause The FROM clause The SELECT clause A USING clause (*) 38. Which of the following statements is the simplest description of a nonequijoin? A join condition containing something other than an equality operator (*) A join condition that is not equal to other joins.

16 A join condition that includes the (+) on the left hand side. A join that joins a table to itself Incorrect. Refer to Section You created the CUSTOMERS and ORDERS tables by issuing these CREATE TABLE statements in sequence: CREATE TABLE customers (custid varchar2(5), companyname varchar2(30), contactname varchar2(30), address varchar2(30), city varchar2(20), state varchar2(30), phone varchar2(20), constraint pk_customers_01 primary key (custid)); CREATE TABLE orders (orderid varchar2(5) constraint pk_orders_01 primary key, orderdate date, total number(15), custid varchar2(5) references customers (custid)); You have been instructed to compile a report to present the information about orders placed by customers who reside in Nashville. Which query should you issue to achieve the desired results? SELECT custid, companyname FROM customers WHERE city = ‘Nashville’; SELECT orderid, orderdate, total FROM orders o NATURAL JOIN customers c ON o.custid = c.custid WHERE city = ‘Nashville’; SELECT orderid, orderdate, total FROM orders o JOIN customers c ON o.custid = c.custid WHERE city = ‘Nashville’; (*)

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17 SELECT orderid, orderdate, total FROM orders WHERE city = ‘Nashville’; 40. Below find the structure of the CUSTOMERS and SALES_ORDER tables: CUSTOMERS CUSTOMER_ID NUMBER NOT NULL, Primary Key CUSTOMER_NAME VARCHAR2 (30) CONTACT_NAME VARCHAR2 (30) CONTACT_TITLE VARCHAR2 (20) ADDRESS VARCHAR2 (30) CITY VARCHAR2 (25) REGION VARCHAR2 (10) POSTAL_CODE VARCHAR2 (20) COUNTRY_ID NUMBER Foreign key to COUNTRY_ID column of the COUNTRY table PHONE VARCHAR2 (20) FAX VARCHAR2 (20) CREDIT_LIMIT NUMBER(7,2) SALES_ORDER ORDER_ID NUMBER NOT NULL, Primary Key CUSTOMER_ID NUMBER Foreign key to CUSTOMER_ID column of the CUSTOMER table ORDER_DT DATE ORDER_AMT NUMBER (7,2) SHIP_METHOD VARCHAR2 (5) You need to create a report that displays customers without a sales order. Which statement could you use? SELECT c.customer_name FROM customers c WHERE c.customer_id not in (SELECT s.customer_id FROM sales_order s); (*) SELECT c.customer_name FROM customers c, sales_order s WHERE c.customer_id = s.customer_id(+);

18 SELECT c.customer_name FROM customers c, sales_order s WHERE c.customer_id (+) = s.customer_id; SELECT c.customer_name FROM customers c RIGHT OUTER JOIN sales_order s ON (c.customer_id = s.customer_id); Incorrect. Refer to Section Which query will retrieve all the rows in the EMPLOYEES table, even if there is no match in the DEPARTMENTS table? SELECT e.last_name, e.department_id, d.department_name FROM employees e RIGHT OUTER JOIN departments d ON (e.department_id = d.department_id); SELECT e.last_name, e.department_id, d.department_name FROM employees e NATURAL JOIN departments d; SELECT e.last_name, e.department_id, d.department_name FROM employees e LEFT OUTER JOIN departments d ON (e.department_id = d.department_id); (*) SELECT e.last_name, e.department_id, d.department_name FROM employees e JOIN departments d USING (e.department_id = d.department_id); Incorrect. Refer to Section Which two sets of join keywords create a join that will include unmatched rows from the first table specified in the SELECT statement? LEFT OUTER JOIN and FULL OUTER JOIN (*) RIGHT OUTER JOIN and LEFT OUTER JOIN

19 USING and HAVING OUTER JOIN and USING Incorrect. Refer to Section What should be included in a SELECT statement to return NULL values from all tables? natural joins left outer joins full outer joins (*) right outer joins Incorrect. Refer to Section If a select list contains both a column as well as a group function then what clause is required? having clause join clause order by clause group by clause (*) Incorrect. Refer to Section Evaluate this SELECT statement: SELECT MAX(salary), dept_id FROM employee GROUP BY dept_id; Which values are displayed? The highest salary for all employees. The highest salary in each department. (*)

20 The employees with the highest salaries. The employee with the highest salary for each department. Incorrect. Refer to Section Which statement about group functions is true? Group functions ignore null values. (*) Group functions can only be used in a SELECT list. Group functions can be used in a WHERE clause. A query that includes a group function in the SELECT list must include a GROUP BY clause. Incorrect. Refer to Section What is the best explanation as to why this SQL statement will NOT execute? SELECT department_id “Department”, AVG (salary)”average” FROM employees GROUP BY Department; Salaries cannot be averaged as not all the numbers will divide evenly. You cannot use a column alias in the GROUP BY clause. (*) The GROUP BY clause must have something to GROUP. The department id is not listed in the departments table. Incorrect. Refer to Section The AVG, SUM, VARIANCE, and STDDEV functions can be used with which of the following? Only numeric data types (*) Integers only Any data type

21 All except numeric 49. Examine the data in the PAYMENT table: PAYMENT_ID CUSTOMER_ID PAYMENT_DATE PAYMENT_TYPE PAYMENT_AMOUNT JUN-03 BASIC FEB-03 INTEREST MAR-03 BASIC You need to determine the average payment amount made by each customer in January, February and March of Which SELECT statement should you use? SELECT AVG(payment_amount) FROM payment WHERE payment_date BETWEEN ’01-JAN-2003′ AND ’31-MAR-2003′; (*) SELECT AVG(payment_amount) FROM payment; SELECT SUM(payment_amount) FROM payment WHERE payment_date BETWEEN ’01-JAN-2003′ and ’31-MAR-2003′; SELECT AVG(payment_amount) FROM payment WHERE TO_CHAR(payment_date) IN (JAN, FEB, MAR); 50. You need to calculate the standard deviation for the cost of products produced in the Birmingham facility. Which group function will you use? STDEV STDDEV (*) VAR_SAMP

22 VARIANCE Incorrect. Refer to Section The VENDORS table contains these columns: VENDOR_ID NUMBER Primary Key NAME VARCHAR2(30) LOCATION_ID NUMBER ORDER_DT DATE ORDER_AMOUNT NUMBER(8,2) Which two clauses represent valid uses of aggregate functions for this table? (Choose all correct answers) FROM MAX(order_dt) SELECT SUM(order_dt) SELECT SUM(order_amount) (*) WHERE MAX(order_dt) = order_dt SELECT location_id, MIN(AVG(order_amount)) (*) Incorrect. Refer to Section Which group function would you use to display the lowest value in the SALES_AMOUNT column? AVG COUNT MAX MIN (*) Incorrect. Refer to Section You need to calculate the average salary of employees in each department. Which group function will you use?

23 AVG (*) MEAN MEDIAN AVERAGE 54. Which group functions below act on character, number and date data types? (Choose more than one answer) (Choose all correct answers) SUM MAX (*) MIN (*) AVG COUNT (*) 55. The PRODUCTS table contains these columns: PROD_ID NUMBER(4) PROD_NAME VARCHAR2(30) PROD_CAT VARCHAR2(30) PROD_PRICE NUMBER(3) PROD_QTY NUMBER(4) The following statement is issued: SELECT AVG(prod_price, prod_qty) FROM products; What happens when this statement is issued? Both the average price and the average quantity of the products are returned.

24 Only the average quantity of the products is returned. The values in the PROD_PRICE column and the PROD_QTY column are averaged together. An error occurs. (*) Incorrect. Refer to Section The STYLES table contains this data: STYLE_ID STYLE_NAME CATEGORY COST SANDAL SANDAL SANDAL LOAFER LOAFER HEEL SANDAL You issue this SELECT statement: SELECT COUNT(category) FROM styles; Which value is displayed? (*) The statement will NOT execute successfully. Incorrect. Refer to Section Examine the data from the LINE_ITEM table: LINE_ITEM_ID ORDER_ID PRODUCT_ID PRICE DISCOUNT

25 You query the LINE_ITEM table and a value of 5 is returned. Which SQL statement did you execute? SELECT COUNT(discount) FROM line_item; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM line_item; (*) SELECT SUM(discount) FROM line_item; SELECT AVG(discount) FROM line_item; Incorrect. Refer to Section Group functions can avoid computations involving duplicate values by including which keyword? NULL DISTINCT (*) SELECT UNLIKE Incorrect. Refer to Section Evaluate this SELECT statement: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM products; Which statement is true? The number of rows in the table is displayed. (*) The number of unique PRODUCT_IDs in the table is displayed. An error occurs due to an error in the SELECT clause. An error occurs because no WHERE clause is included in the SELECT statement. Incorrect. Refer to Section 5

26 60. The PLAYERS table contains these columns: PLAYER_ID NUMBER PK PLAYER_NAME VARCHAR2 (30) TEAM_ID NUMBER HIRE_DATE DATE SALARY NUMBER (8,2) Which two clauses represent valid uses of aggregate functions? (Choose three.) (Choose all correct answers) ORDER BY AVG(salary) GROUP BY MAX(salary) (*) SELECT AVG(NVL(salary, 0)) (*) HAVING MAX(salary) > (*) WHERE hire_date > AVG(hire_date) Incorrect. Refer to Section The MANUFACTURER table contains these columns: MANUFACTURER_ID NUMBER MANUFACTURER_NAME VARCHAR2(30) TYPE VARCHAR2(25) LOCATION_ID NUMBER You need to display the number of unique types of manufacturers at each location. Which SELECT statement should you use? SELECT location_id, COUNT(DISTINCT type) FROM manufacturer GROUP BY location_id; (*) SELECT location_id, COUNT(DISTINCT type) FROM manufacturer; SELECT location_id, COUNT(type) FROM manufacturer

27 GROUP BY location_id; SELECT location_id, COUNT(DISTINCT type) FROM manufacturer GROUP BY type; 62. What is the correct order of clauses in a SELECT statement? SELECT FROM WHERE ORDER BY HAVING SELECT FROM HAVING GROUP BY WHERE ORDER BY SELECT FROM WHERE GROUP BY HAVING ORDER BY (*) SELECT FROM WHERE HAVING ORDER BY GROUP BY 63. The PRODUCTS table contains these columns:

28 PROD_ID NUMBER(4) PROD_NAME VARCHAR(20) PROD_CAT VARCHAR2(15) PROD_PRICE NUMBER(5) PROD_QTY NUMBER(4) You need to identify the minimum product price in each product category. Which statement could you use to accomplish this task? SELECT prod_cat, MIN (prod_price) FROM products GROUP BY prod_price; SELECT prod_cat, MIN (prod_price) FROM products GROUP BY prod_cat; (*) SELECT MIN (prod_price), prod_cat FROM products GROUP BY MIN (prod_price), prod_cat; SELECT prod_price, MIN (prod_cat) FROM products GROUP BY prod_cat; 64. The EMPLOYEES table contains these columns: ID_NUMBER NUMBER Primary Key NAME VARCHAR2 (30) DEPARTMENT_ID NUMBER SALARY NUMBER (7,2) HIRE_DATE DATE Evaluate this SQL statement: SELECT id_number, name, department_id, SUM(salary) FROM employees WHERE salary > GROUP BY department_id, id_number, name ORDER BY hire_date;

29 Why will this statement cause an error? The HAVING clause is missing. The WHERE clause contains a syntax error. The SALARY column is NOT included in the GROUP BY clause. The HIRE_DATE column is NOT included in the GROUP BY clause. (*) 65. Evaluate this SELECT statement: SELECT SUM(salary), dept_id, department_name FROM employee WHERE dept_id = 1 GROUP BY department; Which clause of the SELECT statement contains a syntax error? SELECT FROM WHERE GROUP BY (*) Incorrect. Refer to Section 66. The PLAYERS and TEAMS tables contain these columns: PLAYERS PLAYER_ID NUMBER NOT NULL, Primary Key LAST_NAME VARCHAR2 (30) NOT NULL FIRST_NAME VARCHAR2 (25) NOT NULL TEAM_ID NUMBER POSITION VARCHAR2 (25) TEAMS TEAM_ID NUMBER NOT NULL, Primary Key TEAM_NAME VARCHAR2 (25) You need to create a report that lists the names of each team with more than five pitchers.

30 Which SELECT statement will produce the desired result? SELECT t.team_name, COUNT(p.player_id) FROM players p, teams t ON (p.team_id = t.team_id) WHERE UPPER(p.position) = ‘PITCHER’ GROUP BY t.team_name; SELECT t.team_name, COUNT(p.player_id) FROM players JOIN teams t ON (p.team_id = t.team_id) WHERE UPPER(p.position) = ‘PITCHER’ HAVING COUNT(p.player_id) > 5; SELECT t.team_name, COUNT(p.player_id) FROM players p, teams t ON (p.team_id = t.team_id) WHERE UPPER(p.position) = ‘PITCHER’ GROUP BY t.team_name HAVING COUNT(p.player_id) > 5; SELECT t.team_name, COUNT(p.player_id) FROM players p JOIN teams t ON (p.team_id = t.team_id) WHERE UPPER(p.position) = ‘PITCHER’ GROUP BY t.team_name HAVING COUNT(p.player_id) > 5; (*) Incorrect. Refer to Section Which statement about the GROUP BY clause is true? To exclude rows before dividing them into groups using the GROUP BY clause, you use should a WHERE clause. (*) You can use a column alias in a GROUP BY clause. By default, rows are not sorted when a GROUP BY clause is used. You must use the HAVING clause with the GROUP BY clause. Incorrect. Refer to Section Using a subquery in which clause will return a syntax error? WHERE

31 FROM HAVING There are no places you cannot place subqueries. (*) Incorrect. Refer to Section Which of the following is TRUE regarding the order of subquery execution? The outer query is executed first The subquery executes once after the main query The subquery executes once before the main query (*) The result of the main query is used with the subquery 70. The TEACHERS and CLASS_ASSIGNMENTS tables contain these columns: TEACHERS TEACHER_ID NUMBER(5) Primary Key NAME VARCHAR2 (25) SUBJECT_ID NUMBER(5) CLASS_ASSIGNMENTS CLASS_ID NUMBER (5) Primary Key TEACHER_ID NUMBER (5) START_DATE DATE MAX_CAPACITY NUMBER (3) All MAX_CAPACITY values are greater than 10. Which two SQL statements correctly use subqueries? (Choose two.) (Choose all correct answers) SELECT * FROM class_assignments WHERE max_capacity = (SELECT AVG(max_capacity) FROM class_assignments); (*)

32 SELECT * FROM teachers WHERE teacher_id = (SELECT teacher_id FROM class_assignments WHERE class_id = 45963); (*) SELECT * FROM teachers WHERE teacher_id = (SELECT teacher_id FROM class_assignments WHERE max_capacity > 0); SELECT * FROM teachers WHERE teacher_id LIKE (SELECT teacher_id FROM class_assignments WHERE max_capacity > 0); SELECT * FROM class_assignments WHERE max_capacity = (SELECT AVG(max_capacity) FROM class_assignments GROUP BY teacher_id); Incorrect. Refer to Section The EMPLOYEES and ORDERS tables contain these columns: EMPLOYEES EMP_ID NUMBER(10) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY FNAME VARCHAR2(30) LNAME VARCHAR2(30) ADDRESS VARCHAR2(25) CITY VARCHAR2(20) STATE VARCHAR2(2) ZIP NUMBER(9) TELEPHONE NUMBER(10) ORDERS ORDER_ID NUMBER(10) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY EMP_ID NUMBER(10) NOT NULL FOREIGN KEY ORDER_DATE DATE TOTAL NUMBER(10) Which SELECT statement will return all orders generated by a sales representative named Franklin during the year 2001?

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33 SELECT order_id, total FROM ORDERS (SELECT emp_id FROM employees WHERE lname = ‘Franklin’) WHERE order_date BETWEEN ’01-jan-01′ AND ’31-dec-01′; SELECT (SELECT emp_id FROM employees WHERE lname = ‘Franklin’) AND order_id, total FROM ORDERS WHERE order_date BETWEEN ’01-jan-01′ AND ’31-dec-01′; SELECT order_id, emp_id, total FROM ORDERS WHERE order_date BETWEEN ’01-jan-01′ AND ’31-dec-01′ AND emp_id = ‘Franklin’; SELECT order_id, total FROM ORDERS WHERE emp_id = (SELECT emp_id FROM employees WHERE lname = ‘Franklin’) AND order_date BETWEEN ’01-jan-01′ AND ’31-dec-01′; (*) 72. the structures of the CUSTOMER and ORDER_HISTORY tables: CUSTOMER CUSTOMER_ID NUMBER(5) NAME VARCHAR2(25) CREDIT_LIMIT NUMBER(8,2) OPEN_DATE DATE ORDER_HISTORY ORDER_ID NUMBER(5) CUSTOMER_ID NUMBER(5) ORDER_DATE DATE TOTAL NUMBER(8,2) Which of the following scenarios would require a subquery to return the desired results? You need to display the date each customer account was opened.

34 You need to display each date that a customer placed an order. You need to display all the orders that were placed on a certain date. You need to display all the orders that were placed on the same day as order number (*) Incorrect. Refer to Section You need to produce a report that contains all employee-related information for those employees who have Brad Carter as a supervisor. However, you are not sure which supervisor ID belongs to Brad Carter. Which query should you issue to accomplish this task? SELECT * FROM employees WHERE supervisor_id = (SELECT supervisor_id FROM employees WHERE last_name = ‘Carter’); SELECT * FROM supervisors WHERE supervisor_id = (SELECT supervisor_id FROM employees WHERE last_name = ‘Carter’); SELECT * FROM supervisors WHERE supervisor_id = (SELECT employee_id FROM supervisors WHERE last_name = ‘Carter’); SELECT * FROM employees WHERE supervisor_id = (SELECT employee_id FROM employees WHERE last_name = ‘Carter’); (*)

35 Incorrect. Refer to Section If a single-row subquery returns a null value and uses the equality comparison operator, what will the outer query return? no rows (*) all the rows in the table a null value an error Incorrect. Refer to Section Which best describes a single-row subquery? a query that returns only one row from the inner SELECT statement (*) a query that returns one or more rows from the inner SELECT statement a query that returns only one column value from the inner SELECT statement a query that returns one or more column values from the inner SELECT statement Incorrect. Refer to Section Which best describes a multiple-row subquery? A query that returns only one row from the inner SELECT statement A query that returns one or more rows from the inner SELECT statement (*) A query that returns only one column value from the inner SELECT statement A query that returns one or more column values from the inner SELECT statement Incorrect. Refer to Section Which of the following statements contains a comparison operator that is used to restrict rows based on a list of values returned from an inner query?

36 SELECT description FROM d_types WHERE code IN (SELECT type_code FROM d_songs); SELECT description FROM d_types WHERE code = ANY (SELECT type_code FROM d_songs); SELECT description FROM d_types WHERE code <> ALL (SELECT type_code FROM d_songs); All of the above. (*) Incorrect. Refer to Section Evaluate this SELECT statement: SELECT customer_id, name FROM customer WHERE customer_id IN (SELECT customer_id FROM customer WHERE state_id = ‘GA’ AND credit_limit > ); What would happen if the inner query returned null? An error would be returned. No rows would be returned by the outer query. (*) All the rows in the table would be selected. Only the rows with CUSTOMER_ID values equal to null would be selected. Incorrect. Refer to Section You need to create a SELECT statement that contains a multiple-row subquery, which comparison operator(s) can you use? IN, ANY, and ALL (*) LIKE

37 BETWEEN…AND… =, <, and > Incorrect. Refer to Section Which of the following best describes the meaning of the ANY operator? Mark for Review Equal to any member in the list Compare value to each value returned by the subquery (*) Compare value to every value returned by the subquery Equal to each value in the list 81. Which operator or keyword cannot be used with a multiple-row subquery? Mark for Review ALL ANY = (*) > Incorrect. Refer 82. What would happen if you attempted to use a single-row operator with a multiple-row subquery? An error would be returned. (*) No rows will be selected. All the rows will be selected. The data returned may or may not be correct.

38 Incorrect. Refer to Section Evaluate this SQL statement: SELECT employee_id, last_name, salary FROM employees WHERE department_id IN (SELECT department_id FROM employees WHERE salary > AND salary < 50000); Which values will be displayed? Only employees who earn more than $30,000. Only employees who earn less than $50,000. All employees who work in a department with employees who earn more than $30,000 and more than $50,000. All employees who work in a department with employees who earn more than $30,000, but less than $50,000. (*) 84. Examine the data in the PAYMENT table: PAYMENT_ID CUSTOMER_ID PAYMENT_DATE PAYMENT_TYPE PAYMENT_AMOUNT JUN-03 BASIC FEB-03 INTEREST MAR-03 BASIC This statement fails when executed: SELECT customer_id, payment_type FROM payment WHERE payment_id = (SELECT payment_id FROM payment WHERE payment_amount = OR payment_date = ’20-MAR-2003′); Which change could correct the problem? Change the outer query WHERE clause to ‘WHERE payment_id IN’. (*)

39 Remove the quotes surrounding the date value in the OR clause. Remove the parentheses surrounding the nested SELECT statement. Change the comparison operator to a single-row operator. Incorrect. Refer to Section What is wrong with the following query? SELECT employee_id, last_name FROM employees WHERE salary = (SELECT MIN(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY department_id); Single rows contain multiple values and a logical operator is used. Subquery returns more than one row and single row comparison operator is used. (*) Subquery references the wrong table in the WHERE clause. Nothing, it will run without problems. Incorrect. Refer to Section Examine the data in the PAYMENT table: PAYMENT_ID CUSTOMER_ID PAYMENT_DATE PAYMENT_TYPE PAYMENT_AMOUNT JUN-03 BASIC FEB-03 INTEREST MAR-03 BASIC This statement fails when executed: SELECT payment_date, customer_id, payment_amount FROM payment WHERE payment_id = (SELECT payment_id FROM payment WHERE payment_date >= ’05-JAN-2002′ OR payment_amount > ); Which change could correct the problem?

40 Remove the subquery WHERE clause. Change the outer query WHERE clause to ‘WHERE payment_id IN’. (*) Include the PAYMENT_ID column in the select list of the outer query. Remove the single quotes around the date value in the inner query WHERE clause. Incorrect. Refer to Section Assume all the column names are correct. The following SQL statement will execute which of the following? INSERT INTO departments (department_id, department_name, manager_id, location_id) VALUES (70, ‘Public Relations’, 100, 1700); 100 will be inserted into the department_id column 1700 will be inserted into the manager_id column 70 will be inserted into the department_id column (*) ‘Public Relations’ will be inserted into the manager_name column Incorrect. Refer to Section You need to add a row to an existing table. Which DML statement should you use? UPDATE INSERT (*) DELETE CREATE Incorrect. Refer 89. The PRODUCTS table contains these columns:

41 PRODUCT_ID NUMBER NOT NULL PRODUCT_NAME VARCHAR2 (25) SUPPLIER_ID NUMBER NOT NULL LIST_PRICE NUMBER (7,2) COST NUMBER (5,2) QTY_IN_STOCK NUMBER(4) LAST_ORDER_DT DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT SYSDATE Which INSERT statement will execute successfully? INSERT INTO products VALUES (2958, ‘Cable’, 8690, 7.09, 4.04, 700); (*) INSERT INTO products VALUES (2958, ‘Cable’, 8690, 7.09, 4.04, SYSDATE); INSERT INTO products(product_id, product_name) VALUES (2958, ‘Cable’); INSERT INTO products(product_id, product_name, supplier_id VALUES (2958, ‘Cable’, 8690, SYSDATE); Incorrect. Refer to Section You need to copy rows from the EMPLOYEE table to the EMPLOYEE_HIST table. What could you use in the INSERT statement to accomplish this task? Mark for Review an ON clause a SET clause a subquery (*) a function 91. One of the sales representatives, Janet Roper, has informed you that she was recently married, and she has requested that you update her name in the employee database. Her new last name is Cooper. Janet is the only person with the last name of Roper that is employed by the company. The EMPLOYEES table contains these columns and all data is stored in lowercase: EMP_ID NUMBER(10) PRIMARY KEY LNAME VARCHAR2(20) FNAME VARCHAR2(20)

42 DEPT VARCHAR2 (20) HIRE_DATE DATE SALARY NUMBER(10) Which UPDATE statement will accomplish your objective? UPDATE employees SET lname = ‘cooper’ WHERE lname = ‘roper’; (*) UPDATE employees lname = ‘cooper’ WHERE lname = ‘roper’; UPDATE employees SET lname = ‘roper’ WHERE lname = ‘cooper’; UPDATE employees SET cooper = ‘lname’ WHERE lname = ‘roper’; Incorrect. Refer to Section You need to remove a row from the EMPLOYEE table. Which statement would you use? UPDATE with a WHERE clause INSERT with a WHERE clause DELETE with a WHERE clause (*) MERGE with a WHERE clause 93. Examine the structures of the PLAYERS, MANAGERS, and TEAMS tables: PLAYERS PLAYER_ID NUMBER Primary Key LAST_NAME VARCHAR2 (30)

43 FIRST_NAME VARCHAR2 (25) TEAM_ID NUMBER MGR_ID NUMBER SIGNING_BONUS NUMBER(9,2) SALARY NUMBER(9,2) MANAGERS MANAGER_ID NUMBER Primary Key LAST_NAME VARCHAR2 (20) FIRST_NAME VARCHAR2 (20) TEAM_ID NUMBER TEAMS TEAM_ID NUMBER Primary Key TEAM_NAME VARCHAR2 (20) OWNER_LAST_NAME VARCHAR2 (20) OWNER_FIRST_NAME VARCHAR2 (20) Which situation would require a subquery to return the desired result? To display the names each player on the Lions team To display the maximum and minimum player salary for each team To display the names of the managers for all the teams owned by a given owner (*) To display each player, their manager, and their team name for all teams with a id value greater than The EMPLOYEES table contains the following columns: EMP_ID NUMBER(10) PRIMARY KEY LNAME VARCHAR2(20) FNAME VARCHAR2(20) DEPT VARCHAR2(20) HIRE_DATE DATE SALARY NUMBER(9,2) BONUS NUMBER(9,2) You want to execute one DML statement to change the salary of all employees in department 10 to equal the new salary of employee number Currently, all employees in department 10 have the same salary value. Which statement should you execute?

44 UPDATE employee SET salary = SELECT salary FROM employee WHERE emp_id = 89898; UPDATE employee SET salary = (SELECT salary FROM employee WHERE emp_id = 89898); UPDATE employee SET salary = (SELECT salary FROM employee WHERE emp_id = 89898) WHERE dept = 10; (*) UPDATE employee SET salary = (SELECT salary FROM employee WHERE emp_id = AND dept = 10); Incorrect. Refer to Section Evaluate this statement: DELETE FROM customer; Which statement is true? The statement deletes all the rows from the CUSTOMER table. (*) The statement deletes the CUSTOMER column. The statement deletes the first row in the CUSTOMERS table. The statement removes the structure of the CUSTOMER table from the database. Incorrect. Refer to Section When the WHERE clause is missing in a DELETE statement, what is the result? All rows are deleted from the table. (*) The table is removed from the database. An error message is displayed indicating incorrect syntax. Nothing. The statement will not execute.

45 97. The PLAYERS table contains these columns: PLAYER_ID NUMBER NOT NULL PLAYER_LNAME VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL PLAYER_FNAME VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL TEAM_ID NUMBER SALARY NUMBER(9,2) You need to increase the salary of each player for all players on the Tiger team by 12.5 percent. The TEAM_ID value for the Tiger team is Which statement should you use? UPDATE players (salary) SET salary = salary * 1.125; UPDATE players SET salary = salary *.125 WHERE team_id = 5960; UPDATE players SET salary = salary * WHERE team_id = 5960; (*) UPDATE players (salary) VALUES(salary * 1.125) WHERE team_id = 5960; 98. You need to delete a record in the EMPLOYEES table for Tim Jones, whose unique employee identification number is 348. The EMPLOYEES table contains these columns: ID_NUM NUMBER(5) PRIMARY KEY LNAME VARCHAR2(20) FNAME VARCHAR2(20) ADDRESS VARCHAR2(30) PHONE NUMBER(10) Which DELETE statement will delete the appropriate record without deleting any additional records? DELETE FROM employees WHERE id_num = 348; (*) DELETE FROM employees WHERE lname = jones; DELETE * FROM employees WHERE id_num = 348; DELETE ‘jones’ FROM employees;

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46 99. You need to update the expiration date of products manufactured before June 30th. In which clause of the UPDATE statement will you specify this condition? the ON clause the WHERE clause (*) the SET clause the USING clause 100. You need to update both the DEPARTMENT_ID and LOCATION_ID columns in the EMPLOYEE table using one UPDATE statement. Which clause should you include in the UPDATE statement to update multiple columns? the USING clause the ON clause the WHERE clause the SET clause (*) 1. You need to display each employee’s name in all uppercase letters. Which function should you use? CASE UCASE UPPER (*) TOUPPER 2. You need to return a portion of each employee’s last name, beginning with the first character up to the fifth character. Which character function should you use?

47 INSTR TRUNC SUBSTR (*) CONCAT 3. Evaluate this SELECT statement: SELECT LENGTH( ) FROM employee; What will this SELECT statement display? The longest address in the EMPLOYEE table. The address of each employee in the EMPLOYEE table. The number of characters for each value in the column in the employees table. (*) The maximum number of characters allowed in the column. 4. You need to display the number of characters in each customer’s last name. Which function should you use? LENGTH (*) LPAD COUNT SUBSTR 5. Which functions can be used to manipulate character, number, and date column values?

48 CONCAT, RPAD, and TRIM (*) UPPER, LOWER, and INITCAP ROUND, TRUNC, and MOD ROUND, TRUNC, and ADD_MONTH 6. You query the database with this SQL statement: SELECT LOWER(SUBSTR(CONCAT(last_name, first_name)), 1, 5) “ID” FROM employee; In which order are the functions evaluated? LOWER, SUBSTR, CONCAT LOWER, CONCAT, SUBSTR SUBSTR, CONCAT, LOWER CONCAT, SUBSTR, LOWER (*) 7. Which three statements about functions are true? (Choose three.) Mark for Review (Choose all correct answers) The SYSDATE function returns the Oracle Server date and time. (*) The ROUND number function rounds a value to a specified decimal place or the nearest whole number. (*) The CONCAT function can only be used on character strings, not on numbers. Which comparison operator retrieves a list of values?

49 IN (*) LIKE BETWEEN…IN… IS NULL The SUBSTR character function returns a portion of a string beginning at a defined character position to a specified length. (*) 10. Which two functions can be used to manipulate number or date column values, but NOT character column values? (Choose two.) (Choose all correct answers) RPAD TRUNC (*) ROUND (*) INSTR CONCAT 11. Evaluate this SELECT statement: SELECT SYSDATE + 30 FROM dual; Which value is returned by the query? the current date plus 30 hours

50 the current date plus 30 days (*) the current date plus 30 months No value is returned because the SELECT statement generates an error. 12. You need to display the current year as a character value (for example: Two Thousand and One). Which element would you use? RR YY YYYY YEAR (*) 13. You need to display the number of months between today’s date and each employee’s hiredate. Which function should you use? Mark for Review ROUND BETWEEN ADD_MONTHS MONTHS_BETWEEN (*) 14. Which of the following SQL statements will correctly display the last name and the number of weeks employed for all employees in department 90? SELECT last_name, (SYSDATE-hire_date)/7 AS WEEKS

51 FROM employees WHERE department_id = 90; (*) SELECT last name, (SYSDATE-hire_date)/7 DISPLAY WEEKS FROM employees WHERE department id = 90; SELECT last_name, # of WEEKS FROM employees WHERE department_id = 90; SELECT last_name, (SYSDATE-hire_date)AS WEEK FROM employees WHERE department_id = 90; 16. Which statement concerning single row functions is true? Mark for Review Single row functions can accept only one argument, but can return multiple values. Single row functions cannot modify a data type. Single row functions can be nested. (*) Single row functions return one or more results per row. 17. Which two statements concerning SQL functions are true? (Choose two.) (Choose all correct answers) Character functions can accept numeric input. Not all date functions return date values. (*)

52 Number functions can return number or character values. (*) Conversion functions convert a value from one data type to another data type. Single-row functions manipulate groups of rows to return one result per group of rows. 18. Which three statements concerning explicit data type conversions are true? (Choose three.) (Choose all correct answers) Use the TO_NUMBER function to convert a number to a character string. Use the TO_DATE function to convert a character string to a date value. (*) Use the TO_NUMBER function to convert a character string of digits to a number. (*) Use the TO_DATE function to convert a date value to character string or number. Use the TO_CHAR function to convert a number or date value to character string. (*) 19. The EMPLOYEES table contains these columns: EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER(9) LAST_NAME VARCHAR2 (25) FIRST_NAME VARCHAR2 (25) HIRE_DATE DATE You need to display HIRE_DATE values in this format: January 28, 2000 Which SELECT statement could you use?

53 SELECT TO_CHAR(hire_date, Month DD, YYYY) FROM employees; SELECT TO_CHAR(hire_date, ‘Month DD, YYYY’) FROM employees; (*) SELECT hire_date(to_char ‘Month DD’, ‘ YYYY’) FROM employees; SELECT TO_CHAR(hire_date, ‘Month DD’, ‘ YYYY’) FROM employees; 20. Which arithmetic operation will return a numeric value? TO_DATE(’01-JUN-2004′) – TO_DATE(’01-OCT-2004′) (*) NEXT_DAY(hire_date) + 5 SYSDATE – 6 SYSDATE + 30 / If you use the RR format when writing a query using the date 27-OCT-17 and the year is 2001, what year would be the result? (*) 1917

54 Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section 2 Previous Page 21 of 100 Next Summary 22. The PRODUCT table contains this column: PRICE NUMBER(7,2) Evaluate this statement: SELECT NVL(10 / price, ‘0’) FROM PRODUCT; What would happen if the PRICE column contains null values? The statement would fail because values cannot be divided by 0. A value of 0 would be displayed. (*) A value of 10 would be displayed. The statement would fail because values cannot be divided by null. 23. Which of the following General Functions will return the first non-null expression in the expression list? NVL NVL2 NULLIF COALESCE (*) 24. You need to replace null values in the DEPT_ID column with the text “N/A”. Which functions should you use? TO_CHAR and NVL (*)

55 TO_CHAR and NULL TO_CHAR and NULLIF 25. What happens when you create a Cartesian product? All rows from one table are joined to all rows of another table (*) The table is joined to itself, one column to the next column, exhausting all possibilities The table is joined to another equal table All rows that do not match in the WHERE clause are displayed Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section The PATIENTS and DOCTORS tables contain these columns: PATIENTS PATIENT_ID NUMBER(9) LAST_NAME VARCHAR2 (20) FIRST_NAME VARCHAR2 (20) DOCTORS DOCTOR_ID NUMBER(9) LAST_NAME VARCHAR2 (20) FIRST_NAME VARCHAR2 (20) You issue this statement: SELECT patient_id, doctor_id FROM patients, doctors; Which result will this statement provide? A report containing all possible combinations of the PATIENT_ID and DOCTOR_ID values (*) A report containing each patient’s id value and their doctor’s id value

56 A report with NO duplicate PATIENT_ID or DOCTOR_ID values A syntax error 27. When joining 3 tables in a SELECT statement, how many join conditions are needed in the WHERE clause? (*) 3 Incorrect Incorrect. Refer to Section You need to provide a list of the first and last names of all employees who work in the Sales department who earned a bonus and had sales over $50,000. The company president would like the sales listed starting with the highest amount first. The EMPLOYEES table and the SALES_DEPT table contain the following columns: EMPLOYEES EMP_ID NUMBER(10) PRIMARY KEY LNAME VARCHAR2(20) FNAME VARCHAR2(20) DEPT VARCHAR2(20) HIRE_DATE DATE SALARY NUMBER(10) SALES_DEPT SALES_ID NUMBER(10) PRIMARY KEY SALES NUMBER(20) QUOTA NUMBER(20) MGR VARCHAR2(30) BONUS NUMBER(10) EMP_ID NUMBER(10) FOREIGN KEY Which SELECT statement will accomplish this task?

57 SELECT e.emp_id, e.lname, e.fname, s.emp_id, s.bonus, s.sales FROM employees e, sales_dept s ORDER BY sales DESC WHERE e.emp_id = s.emp_id AND sales > AND s.bonus IS NOT NULL; SELECT e.emp_id, e.lname, e.fname, s.emp_id, s.bonus, s. sales ORDER BY sales DESC FROM employees e, sales_dept s WHERE e.emp_id = s.emp_id AND s.bonus IS NOT NULL AND sales > 50000; SELECT e.emp_id, e.lname, e.fname, s.emp_id, s.bonus, s. sales WHERE e.emp_id = s.emp_id FROM employees e, sales_dept s AND s.bonus IS NOT NULL AND sales > ORDER BY sales DESC; SELECT e.emp_id, e.lname, e.fname, s.emp_id, s.bonus, s. sales FROM employees e, sales_dept s WHERE e.emp_id = s.emp_id AND s.bonus IS NOT NULL AND sales > ORDER BY sales DESC; (*) 29. You need to create a report that lists all employees in the Sales department who do not earn $25,000 per year. Which query should you issue to accomplish this task? SELECT last_name, first_name, salary FROM employees WHERE salary > AND dept_id = 10; SELECT last_name, first_name, salary FROM employees WHERE salary = AND dept_id = 10; SELECT last_name, first_name, salary FROM employees

58 WHERE salary <= AND dept_id = 10; SELECT last_name, first_name, salary FROM employees WHERE salary!= AND dept_id = 10; (*) 30. The CUSTOMERS and SALES tables contain these columns: CUSTOMERS CUST_ID NUMBER(10) PRIMARY KEY COMPANY VARCHAR2(30) LOCATION VARCHAR2(20) SALES SALES_ID NUMBER(5) PRIMARY KEY CUST_ID NUMBER(10) FOREIGN KEY TOTAL_SALES NUMBER(30) Which SELECT statement will return the customer ID, the company and the total sales? SELECT c.cust_id, c.company, s.total_sales FROM customers c, sales s WHERE c.cust_id = s.cust_id (+); SELECT cust_id, company, total_sales FROM customers, sales WHERE cust_id = cust_id; SELECT c.cust_id, c.company, s.total_sales FROM customers c, sales s WHERE c.cust_id = s.cust_id; (*) SELECT cust_id, company, total_sales FROM customers c, sales s WHERE c.cust_id = s.cust_id;

59 31. The EMPLOYEE_ID column in the EMPLOYEE table corresponds to the EMPLOYEE_ID column of the ORDER table. The EMPLOYEE_ID column in the ORDER table contains null values for rows that you need to display. Which type of join should you use to display the data? natural join self-join outer join (*) equijoin 32. Which statement about outer joins is true? The tables must be aliased. The FULL, RIGHT, or LEFT keyword must be included. The OR operator cannot be used to link outer join conditions. (*) Outer joins are always evaluated before other types of joins in the query. 33. Which of the following best describes the function of an outer join? An outer join will return only those rows that do not meet the join criteria. An outer join will return only data from the far left column in one table and the far right column in the other table. An outer join will return data only if both tables contain an identical pair of columns. An outer join will return all rows that meet the join criteria and will return NULL values from one table if no rows from the other table satisfy the join criteria. (*)

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