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Which Surchargeable Events In Ma

Massachusetts RMV Suspension for Three Speeding Tickets

If you get three SPEEDING tickets in one 12 month period the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles must suspend your driver’s license for 30 days pursuant to Massachusetts General Law Chapter 90 Section 20. The Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles does not use a calendar year to calculate the 12 month period. The Registry will look at the most recent responsible finding for a speeding ticket and then look back 12 months.

A finding date for a speeding ticket happens when

• A disposition date and/or judgment date entered by a court on a citation for a traffic law violation. A judgment date will be 20 after a clerk magistrate’s appeal or when the payment is received or in the case of a judge’s appeal the judgment date is the date the judge makes the decision.

• the date the Registry of Motor Vehicles applies the payment of the fine assessed for a civil traffic law violation.

• the fine payment default date, or the court hearing default date

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• the conviction date of an out-of-state ticket

Massachusetts RMV Suspension Three Surchargeable Events

The Registry of Motor Vehicle must suspend your Massachusetts driver’s license if you get three surchargeable incidents in a 24 month period. Like the speeding ticket license suspension, the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicle will use a 24-month look back from the most recent finding. If there is an issue with the record an appeal may be made to question the accuracy of the record but there are no hardship or Cinderella licenses available in this situation.

If you get three surchargeable events in two years you are required to finish a Driver Retraining Course within 90 days of notification from the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles. If you fail to complete the retraining class your license will be suspended until you complete the class. If your license is suspended because you did not take the class you will have to pay a $100.00 reinstatement fee. Be taking the class within 90 days of the suspension notice you avoid having your license suspended and avoid having to pay a reinstatement fee. Every time you get your third surchargeable event within two years you MUST retake the class, even if you have already taken it.

The Three Surchargeable Event violation was in the Safe Driver Law that became law on September 30, 2010.

Massachusetts Driver’s License Suspension Seven Surchargeable Events

The Massachusetts RMV must suspend your driver’s license if you get seven surchargeable events over thirty-six months. Like the other suspensions, the three years is a 36-month look back from the most recent ticket conviction date. Out of state incidents are included in the decision.

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If your license is suspended for seven surchargeable events it is for 60 days. The Massachusetts RMV also requires a $100 reinstatement fee before your driver’s license is restored.

Massachusetts Habitual Traffic Offender (HTO)

A habitual traffic offender suspension occurs if there are either three major moving violations (like negligent operation or an OUI) or any combination of 12 major or minor moving violations within five years. This period is calculated back from the most recent finding/conviction date. Out of state convictions or tickets are included in the calculation. A Massachusetts habitual traffic offender is a FOUR-year license suspension. In addition to the license loss, a driver’s test is required before the Registry restores the license. The reinstatement fee for a habitual offender in Massachusetts is $500. That must be paid before the license is restored.

Independent Suspensions

Any suspensions for Three Surchargeable Events, Seven Surchargeable Events, and Habitual Traffic Offenders are independent of one each. That means you must fulfill the requirements of each suspension independent of any other suspensions or revocations that may be active or have already been issued.

Massachusetts License Suspension Lawyer

Patrick Donovan is a former prosecutor who has helped many clients fight their license suspension in Massachusetts. Attorney Donovan has appeared before the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles hearings officers as well as the Board of Appeals.

If you are in danger of having your license suspended for a Massachusetts surcharge event contact attorney Donovan for a free consultation. Attorney has helped many clients avoid license suspension and can help you.

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