HomeWHICHWhich Syrian Flag Should I Use

Which Syrian Flag Should I Use

Introduction to the Syrian Flag

For this blog we’re looking at the flag of Syria, more specifically the flag of the Syrian Arab Republic, or thw Syrian flag that represents the regime and government of Bashar al Assad. Of course there are numerous other factions fighting in the Syrian conflict and they all have their own flags – probably a good idea for future blogs. However, in this blog it is the flag of Syria the current Baathist regime that we will cover.

Table of Contents

  • Current Syrian Flag
  • Meaning of the Flag of Syria

Current Syrian Flag

The current flag of Syria has been in use since 1980. The current tri-colour of the Syrian Arab Republic is meant to be a nod to Arab unity. Despite the fact that Syria is now completely independent, they’ve still kept pan-Arabic colours as a nod to their previous constitutional arrangements. Like many countries with a turbulent past, Syria has also had its fair share of flags.

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The current design was originally created in 1958. It is inspired by the flag of Arab liberation, which many of you will note are the same colours as almost all flags in the Middle East. Sometimes they are known as pan-Arabic colours. The red was meant to represent the Hashemite Dynasty, white represents the Umayyad Dynasty, green the Fatimid Dynasty and finally black the Abbasid Dynasty.

Interestingly the rebel flag is not all that much different to the current Syrian flag, although we will delve into that more later.

Meaning of the Flag of Syria

When the current flag of Syria was first adopted in 1958, it was when Syria had finally become completely independent of European influence and had decided to form the United Arab republic with Egypt. At the time, the two stars were added to represent Syria and Egypt (the two founding states of the United Arab Republic) and the colours were given contemporary meanings. The colours now mean the following:

Red: Represents the blood shed in the revolution for the freedom of Syrians

White: A wish for a peaceful revolutionary future

Green stars: Syria and Egypt together – as per the united state that briefly existed.

Black: The oppression that Arabs have (allegedly) suffered

The Syrians then changed their flag another 3 times between 1961 and 1980, before finally settling on the current design. The reason behind the rush of changes was the ever-changing nature of the Syrian state. Different regimes came to power and different nation-building efforts were put into place. The largest of these was the Federation of Arab States, consisting of Syria, Egypt and Libya, but I’m sure all those changes will require another blog.

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When travelling through the government-controlled parts of Syria, you will see the flag of Syria literally everywhere, often adorned with the face of the President Bashar al Assad, or his father Hafez al Assad

The Rebel Flag of Syria

Since the Arab spring and the ongoing Syrian Civil War there is now an alternative flag used by some Syrian rebels. Back in the day one could argue that there were 3 flags if you include the flag of ISIS.

Syrian flag
Flag of Syria

The current rebel flag of Syria has followed the mode of Libya whereby they have taken the former flag of the country. This flag consists of 3 horizontal line sin green, white and black with three red stars in the middle. This flag can be seen in seen rebel areas that we visit, but we do not publish pictures at the request of our local partners.


YPT offers scheduled group tours of Syria – you can read about them here

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