Which Targeting Options Are A Good Fit For Amanda’s Campaign

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The Google Display Ads certification is an esteemed credential offered through the Google Skillshop, designed to validate one’s expertise in creating effective advertising campaigns using Google Display Network. Having recently achieved this certification, I can share firsthand insights into the comprehensive nature of the program and the practical benefits it offers to digital marketers.

Firstly, the certification process itself is structured in a way that both educates and tests a marketer’s understanding of the various tools and strategies essential for successful display advertising. The program covers a wide range of topics, from the basics of setting up a Google Display ad to more advanced concepts like targeting and optimizing for conversions. This broad spectrum ensures that when you do earn your certification, you have a well-rounded grasp of display advertising that applies directly to real-world scenarios.

Passing exams is not a workout. Multiple attempts won’t make you stronger.

One of the major benefits of obtaining this certification is the credibility it grants. Being certified by Google is a testament to one’s skills and knowledge in the field of digital advertising, which can significantly boost your profile in the job market or within your professional network. This can be particularly beneficial for freelancers, agency workers, and marketers looking to stand out from the competition.

From a practical standpoint, the training provided during the certification process has immediate applications. For example, I found the modules on audience targeting and ad customization especially useful. The knowledge gained from these sections helped me improve the ad reach and engagement in my campaigns, leading to better overall performance and more efficient use of advertising budgets. Moreover, understanding how to analyze the data collected from my ad campaigns enabled me to make informed decisions that continuously enhance campaign effectiveness.

Another highlight of the certification is the emphasis on ethical advertising practices and understanding Google’s advertising policies. This is crucial, as it ensures that you not only know how to create effective ads but also how to do so in a manner that is compliant with regulations and respectful of user privacy.

In conclusion, the Google Display Ads certification is a valuable asset for anyone involved in digital marketing, providing them with the necessary tools and knowledge to effectively manage display ad campaigns. The program’s detailed curriculum and practical insights have empowered me to deliver more targeted, effective, and compliant advertising solutions for my clients or employers. I would highly recommend this certification to any marketer who aims to enhance their advertising skills and contribute more significantly to their business’s marketing objectives.

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Loretta is the advertising director for a large meal-kit company. She’s setting up a Google Display Campaign to identify and engage with large audiences in order to extend their market reach. Which statement most accurately describes the reach a Google Display Campaign can provide Loretta?

  • It allows her to reach over 90% of local internet users across thousands of apps and websites.
  • It allows her to reach over 90% of global internet users across millions of apps and websites.
  • It allows her to reach over 75% of regional internet users across thousands of apps and websites.
  • It allows her to reach over 75% of national internet users across millions of apps and websites.

Explanation: The correct answer is “It allows her to reach over 90% of global internet users across millions of apps and websites.” This statement accurately describes the reach that a Google Display Campaign can provide Loretta. Google Display Campaigns have an extensive reach, covering a vast network of websites and apps across the globe, allowing advertisers to connect with a wide range of internet users. With over 90% coverage of global internet users, Loretta can effectively extend her company’s market reach to a massive audience, potentially increasing brand awareness and engagement. This option highlights the expansive nature of Google’s display network, emphasizing its ability to connect advertisers with a diverse and extensive online audience, which aligns with Loretta’s goal of engaging large audiences to extend her company’s market reach.

Darren notices that many people viewed specific products on his website without purchasing them. He creates a Google Display Ad to drive sales of those exact products. Which option will best suit Darren’s marketing goal?

  • Custom Intent audiences
  • Demographic targeting
  • Dynamic remarketing
  • Affinity Audiences

Explanation: The correct answer is “Dynamic remarketing.” Darren’s objective is to target individuals who have already shown interest in specific products on his website but did not make a purchase. Dynamic remarketing is the ideal strategy for this scenario because it allows advertisers to show tailored ads featuring the exact products that users previously viewed. By leveraging dynamic remarketing, Darren can create personalized ads that display the products his website visitors showed interest in, thus increasing the likelihood of conversion by reminding them of their initial interest and encouraging them to complete the purchase. This approach enhances the relevance of the ads and maximizes the chances of driving sales by re-engaging potential customers with products they have already demonstrated an interest in, aligning perfectly with Darren’s goal of driving sales for specific products that users have previously viewed on his website.

Colin wants to get the word out about his newest product. He’s planning to create a Google Display campaign with building awareness as his marketing objective. Why would Colin choose “Build awareness” as his marketing objective?

  • He wants to create dynamic call-only ads to reach specific audiences.
  • He wants to use Google’s automation technology to grow direct sales of his products.
  • He wants to engage users who intend to purchase his products and are actively researching them.
  • He wants to get his newest product in front of as many people as possible.

Explanation: The correct answer is “He wants to get his newest product in front of as many people as possible.” Colin would choose “Build awareness” as his marketing objective because his primary goal is to increase the visibility of his newest product among a broad audience. By selecting this objective, Colin aims to generate brand awareness and familiarize potential customers with his product, thereby increasing its exposure to as many people as possible. This objective is suitable for Colin’s situation because it focuses on reaching a wide audience and making them aware of his product’s existence, which is crucial for driving interest and consideration among consumers. Building awareness lays the groundwork for future marketing efforts and can ultimately lead to increased sales and brand recognition. Therefore, choosing “Build awareness” aligns with Colin’s objective of spreading the word about his newest product and maximizing its exposure to potential customers through his Google Display campaign.

Of the ad formats available on the Google Display network, which one will automatically adjust its presentation to best fit the available space on page?

  • Uploaded ads
  • Image ads
  • Responsive display ads
  • AMPHTML ads

Explanation: The correct answer is “Responsive display ads.” Responsive display ads are designed to automatically adjust their presentation to best fit the available space on a webpage, making them highly versatile and effective for various placements across the Google Display Network. Unlike uploaded ads or image ads, which require specific dimensions and formats, responsive display ads dynamically adapt their size, appearance, and format based on the ad space available on the webpage where they are being displayed. This adaptability ensures that the ads maintain their visual appeal and effectiveness regardless of the device or platform used by the viewer, optimizing the user experience and increasing the likelihood of engagement. By leveraging responsive display ads, advertisers can streamline their ad creation process and reach a broader audience across different websites and apps within the Google Display Network, making them a preferred choice for maximizing campaign performance and ad placement flexibility. Therefore, selecting responsive display ads is the correct option for advertisers seeking to ensure optimal presentation and performance of their ads across the Google Display Network.

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Julie wants to show potential customers products they previously viewed on her website. What does Julie need in place to create dynamically generated display ads within a Dynamic Remarketing campaign?

  • A gallery of product images
  • A pre-uploaded feed
  • A Google My Business account
  • A list of relevant placements

Explanation: The correct answer is “A pre-uploaded feed.” Julie needs a pre-uploaded feed to create dynamically generated display ads within a Dynamic Remarketing campaign. A pre-uploaded feed contains essential information about the products that potential customers have previously viewed on Julie’s website, such as product names, descriptions, prices, and images. By using this feed, Julie can dynamically generate display ads that showcase the specific products each potential customer showed interest in, increasing the relevance and effectiveness of her advertising efforts. This dynamic approach ensures that the ads align closely with the user’s interests and preferences, thereby enhancing the likelihood of engagement and conversion. Without a pre-uploaded feed, Julie would not have the necessary data to personalize her ads based on the products that potential customers have previously viewed, limiting the effectiveness of her Dynamic Remarketing campaign. Therefore, having a pre-uploaded feed in place is crucial for Julie to create dynamically generated display ads that effectively retarget potential customers with products they have shown interest in, ultimately driving sales and maximizing campaign performance.

Display campaigns use full automation to optimize and automate nearly all aspects of the campaigns. Users only have to provide a few inputs. What can a user input in a Display campaign?

  • All channels they wish to target
  • A maximum conversion number
  • Keyword bids and modifiers
  • The images they wish to use

Explanation: The correct answer is “The images they wish to use.” In a Display campaign, users can input the images they wish to use as part of their advertising creatives. While display campaigns indeed leverage full automation to optimize and automate various campaign aspects, such as targeting, bidding, and ad placements, users still retain control over the visual elements of their ads. By providing input on the images they want to utilize, users can ensure that their ads visually align with their brand identity and effectively communicate their message to the target audience. This input allows users to maintain creative control over their campaigns while leveraging the automation capabilities of the Display network to streamline campaign management and optimize performance. Therefore, selecting the images they wish to use is a crucial input for users in a Display campaign, enabling them to tailor their ads to resonate with their audience and achieve their advertising objectives effectively.

Amanda is the marketing manager for a plant nursery. She has a large number of campaigns and needs help keeping her bids relevant every day. How can automated bidding help her?

  • By automatically setting the maximum CPC bid limit.
  • By guaranteeing improved results.
  • By setting her bids when auctions happen.
  • By keeping her ads updated with new copy.

Explanation: The correct answer is “By setting her bids when auctions happen.” Automated bidding can assist Amanda, the marketing manager for a plant nursery, by dynamically adjusting her bids in real-time during auctions based on various factors such as user behavior, device, location, and time of day. This ensures that her bids remain relevant and competitive, maximizing the chances of winning ad placements that are most likely to drive valuable clicks and conversions. With a large number of campaigns to manage, automated bidding alleviates the burden of manually monitoring and adjusting bids for each campaign, allowing Amanda to allocate her time and resources more efficiently. By leveraging automated bidding, Amanda can optimize her bidding strategy across multiple campaigns to achieve her desired performance goals, whether it’s maximizing clicks, conversions, or return on ad spend. Therefore, automated bidding can significantly benefit Amanda by ensuring that her bids remain relevant and competitive in the dynamic auction environment, ultimately improving the effectiveness and efficiency of her advertising campaigns for the plant nursery.

A company that produces sporting equipment for senior citizens would like to use Google Display ads to reach new customers. Their product line gears toward people, with or without an identified interest in sports, over the age of 65. Which option can best help them reach these users?

  • Affinity Audiences
  • In-Market Audiences
  • Demographic Audiences
  • Dynamic Remarketing

Explanation: The correct answer is “Demographic Audiences.” For a company targeting senior citizens, specifically those over the age of 65, demographic targeting is the most suitable option to reach this audience effectively. Demographic targeting allows advertisers to target users based on specific demographic criteria such as age, gender, parental status, and household income. By selecting the age group of 65 and older, the company can ensure that their Google Display ads are shown to users within their desired demographic segment. This approach enables the company to tailor their advertising messages and creative assets to resonate with the interests and preferences of senior citizens, thereby maximizing the relevance and effectiveness of their ads. Unlike Affinity Audiences, which target users based on their interests and lifestyles, demographic targeting focuses specifically on age demographics, making it the ideal choice for reaching the company’s target audience of senior citizens. Therefore, leveraging demographic audiences can best help the company reach new customers within their desired age demographic, ensuring that their Google Display ads effectively resonate with the intended audience and drive engagement and conversions for their sporting equipment products tailored for senior citizens.

  • Loretta is the advertising director for a large meal-kit company. She’s setting up a Google Display Campaign to identify and engage with large audiences in order to extend their market reach. Which statement most accurately describes the reach a Google Display Campaign can provide Loretta?
  • Darren notices that many people viewed specific products on his website without purchasing them. He creates a Google Display Ad to drive sales of those exact products. Which option will best suit Darren’s marketing goal?
  • Colin wants to get the word out about his newest product. He’s planning to create a Google Display campaign with building awareness as his marketing objective. Why would Colin choose “Build awareness” as his marketing objective?
  • Of the ad formats available on the Google Display network, which one will automatically adjust its presentation to best fit the available space on page?
  • Julie wants to show potential customers products they previously viewed on her website. What does Julie need in place to create dynamically generated display ads within a Dynamic Remarketing campaign?
  • Display campaigns use full automation to optimize and automate nearly all aspects of the campaigns. Users only have to provide a few inputs. What can a user input in a Display campaign?
  • Amanda is the marketing manager for a plant nursery. She has a large number of campaigns and needs help keeping her bids relevant every day. How can automated bidding help her?
  • A company that produces sporting equipment for senior citizens would like to use Google Display ads to reach new customers. Their product line gears toward people, with or without an identified interest in sports, over the age of 65. Which option can best help them reach these users?
  • Marie is a marketer trying to maximize specific user actions after the click. Which automated bidding strategy should she use to accomplish this?
  • Your company provides home-maintenance services, and you want to reach more potential customers. You have a limited budget to work with. Why is Google Ads right for you?
  • Claire has created a Google Display Remarketing campaign. What’s the most likely reason she decided on remarketing?
  • What’s a characteristic of Responsive Display Ads?
  • Mandy has a large art-supply company that sells through both her brick-and-mortar store and online. She wants to increase the awareness of her brand and drive higher sales. How can Google Display Ads help Mandy achieve her business objectives?
  • What is one of the reasons why an advertiser should consider using Performance Planner on a monthly basis?
  • How does Google Display Ads drive results every day for thousands of advertisers?
  • How does Google Display Ads drive marketing results every day for thousands of advertisers around the world?
  • Robert manages a website that sells sporting goods. He wants his products to be featured in various online sporting publications while potential customers are researching and comparing different football brands online. Which option will help Robert influence customer consideration?
  • When deciding between Responsive Display Ads and uploaded ads, when would you opt for control rather than for efficiency?
  • Trevor has discounted an entire line of products on his website and wants to use Google Display Ads to drive sales. How does Google Display Ads targeting help Trevor reach his marketing objective?
  • What’s a key benefit of Responsive Display Ads?
  • Ben sells housewares through his website and app. What are two ways that Google Ads can fuel his business goals and help him achieve his objectives? (Choose two.)
  • Which type of automated bidding strategy is Target return on ad spend (ROAS)?
  • What can the Performance Planner recommend?
  • Which of the following campaign types is suited for someone looking to increase brand exposure and reach audiences with specific interests across the web?
  • How is using non-last-click attribution conversions useful for Performance Planner forecasts?
  • Ben is currently managing a campaign that has a total investment of $7,000, generates 1,400 conversions, and has a CPA (cost-per-acquisition) of $5. Ben needs to sell excess inventory. To meet this goal, he’s willing to increase his CPA and campaign investment. Which of the following plans, built in the Performance Planner, will assist Ben in achieving his marketing goal of selling excess inventory?
  • Why does automating your bid versus using manual bidding contribute to a successful Google Ads campaign?
  • A marketing director wants to acquire a lot of exposure for a new product line that her company’s launching. She understands that she can reach a significant portion of people on the internet with the help of a Display campaign. How could she achieve her marketing goal using a Display campaign?
  • Google Display campaigns let advertisers choose between two main ad formats: responsive display ads and uploaded image ads. What’s the main benefit of an uploaded image ad?
  • What does Performance Planner automatically do?
  • An advertiser is interested in generating conversions through Google Display ads, but they’re relying on the campaign’s help to set bids. Which two bidding strategies used in Display campaigns can they choose from to automatically set their bids? Choose two.
  • Rebecca is a marketing executive at an airline company. She has been asked to plan her company’s online advertising budget on a monthly basis. She’s chosen Google Ads’ Performance Planner to help accomplish this task. What are two advantages Performance Planner offers Rebecca? (Choose two.)
  • Peggy owns a house cleaning service. She built a booking website and is ready to promote her services online. She wants her ads to reach people actively looking for businesses similar to hers. Which Google Ads campaign should Peggy use to make sure potential customers consider her services and take action by booking house cleanings?
  • Brian’s desired audience isn’t covered by the segments In-Market audiences offers. What’s another suitable option Brian could choose to help him influence potential customer consideration?
  • What can automated bidding help an advertiser improve?
  • Priya only has $500 a month to spend on her campaign, but she needs to drive as many potential customers as possible to her website. Which type of automated bidding strategy would be best for Priya’s campaign?
  • Doreen uses Google Search to reach customers as they search for products similar to hers. She’d like to create a Display Remarketing campaign to reconnect with users and increase sales. How might remarketing help her meet this marketing objective?
  • You can leverage Google Ads’ automated bidding strategy to help get the most from your advertising budget. What are two benefits of using automated bidding? (Choose two.)
  • An account executive manages Google Search campaigns and would like to extend her reach with Google Display ads. She’s trying to decide whether to use the default optimized targeting or to manually add more layers of targeting herself.
  • Rashid wants to raise awareness of his brand and build campaigns focused on branded terms. He does not have much time to devote to daily bid management, so he decided to use automated bidding to lighten his workload. Which automated bidding strategy should Rashid consider using?
  • Google Display ads lets advertisers upload their own ads to the system, allowing advertisers greater control over the look and feel of their messaging. What are the two types of uploaded ads?
  • Felix wants to start showing his Google Display Ads to a narrower audience with the help of demographic targeting. Which two types of data are included in demographic targeting? (Choose two.)
  • When a Responsive Display Ad is automatically assembled, what’s adjusted to fit the ad slot?
  • An agency is interested in using automation to more effectively manage their Google Display campaigns. What’s one automation model that Display campaigns provide?
  • Phillip wants to create a new Google Display Ad campaign and base his targeting on an existing remarketing list named Checkout Abandoners. How can the Similar Audiences targeting option help Phillip achieve his marketing goals?
  • What’s provided by Responsive Display Ads?
  • Google Ads was constructed around three core principles focused on helping your business reach its online potential. The first of these core principles is relevance. Google Ads connects your business with the right people at the right time. Upon which other two principles was Google Ads built?
  • Which statement accurately describes the reach of Affinity Audiences’ targeting?
  • Lauren has chosen “Influence consideration” as the marketing objective in her Google Display Ads campaign. Which two targeting options are a good fit for Lauren’s campaign? (Choose two.)
  • Why should an advertiser consider using responsive display ads?
  • How do Responsive Display Ads use automation?
  • Why is using the performance targets feature after utilizing the Performance Planner recommended?
  • What is a valid recommendation that the Performance Planner can provide?
  • An advertiser has seen a lot of success with Google Search, and they’d like to increase their reach by creating a Display campaign. They’d like the setup to be as effortless as possible. What kind of targeting should they use in their Display campaign?
  • Thelma is creating a Display campaign for her online toy store. She wants to showcase her products to parents between the ages of 25 to 34. Which option should Thelma select to best reach these users?
  • Which of the following goals can you achieve for your marketing campaign by using automated bidding?
  • Brian owns a company that makes inexpensive replacement parts for bicycles. He’s ready to increase the scale of his business and wants to use Google Display Ads to drive sales. Which feature of a Google Display Ads will help Brian achieve his business objectives?
  • Marta has a tight marketing budget and needs to use a strategy that can drive customers to her website for a set cost. Which bidding strategy has the potential to meet Marta’s needs?
  • Which statement is true about Responsive Display Ads?
  • What is one way that Performance Planner helps businesses increase sales?
  • Which two are available in Google Ads? (Choose two.)
  • Siona is planning a new Google Ads campaign with the goal of capturing a minimum number of impressions for her ads. What type of automated bidding strategy should Siona use?
  • Nathan manages a website that sells bicycles. He’s using a Google Ads Display campaign to drive purchases in that segment, and chooses In-Market audiences as his targeting option. What’s the advantage In-Market audiences gives Nathan in reaching his marketing goals?
  • A home improvement retail marketer is using a Display campaign to build out his ads. What’s a benefit that Display campaigns can give him?
  • You choose Influence consideration as your marketing objective and the Similar Audiences targeting option for a Google Display Ad campaign. In Google Display Ad campaigns, what are Similar Audiences built from?
  • What are two ways Google Ads can fuel your business goals? (Choose two.)
  • Which Display Ad format runs in both native and non-native inventory?
  • Jacob’s physical toy store relies on offline metrics such as store visits and in-store sales. He has heard that there are specialized campaign types that can help him meet these kinds of goals. Which campaign type is designed to help Jacob achieve his offline business objectives?
  • Why should your business use Performance Planner?
  • What’s an advantage of the reach of Responsive Display Ads?
  • What are two benefits of automated bidding? (Choose two.)
  • Marta’s Display campaign has delivered results beyond her expectations. She knows she increase returns with added spend, but that’s not possible for her at the moment. How would Performance Planner benefit her in this situation?
  • Zoe runs a sports media website that caters to fans of many different types of sports. She’s starting a Google Display Ads campaign and is considering methods to reach her sports-loving audience. What’s a compelling reason for Zoe to use Affinity Audiences?
  • Kevin has a large collection of images and videos available for use but not a lot of time to design ad creatives for his Google Display ads campaign. Which Display ad format could Kevin use to save time?
  • Diana is running a successful remarketing campaign. She wants to expand her reach with other targeting options. While creating a new Google Ads Display campaign with the “Influence consideration” marketing objective, she chooses Similar Audiences as her targeting option. What information is used to identify Similar Audiences?
  • Olivia manages an online store that sells musical instruments. She’ll soon host a jazz event and wants to create awareness around it, especially within the community of jazz enthusiasts. Which targeting option should Olivia choose in order to achieve her marketing goal?
  • Steve wants to use Google Display Ads to reach new customers who are looking to purchase products similar to his. Which audience type should Steve try to reach to meet his marketing goal?
  • You manage marketing for a small business on a tight budget, yet you need to reach as many people as possible. How can Google Ads help?
  • What does a Responsive Display Ad use in its machine-learning model to determine the optimal combination of assets for your ad slot?
  • Ken sees a high level of success from his Display campaigns, and wants to take performance to the next level with the help of Dynamic remarketing. How can Dynamic remarketing benefit him?
  • Molly wants to clear her remaining stock in preparation for ordering a new line of products to sell. As a result, she’s willing to increase her CPA (cost-per-acquisition) and investment, as long as it means generating more sales. Her current campaign has a total investment of $25,500, generates 1,500 conversions, and has a CPA of $17. Which plan, built in the Performance Planner, will help Molly with her marketing goal to generate more sales?
  • Which two statements are true about the use of targeting options to optimize a Google Ads campaign? (Choose two.)
  • Lola is in the process of selecting a campaign type to suit her business objectives. Why is it important that she consider business objectives before choosing her campaign type?
  • Jasmine is the director of marketing for a chain of clothing stores. She has been given a set budget and needs to drive as many potential customers to her website as possible. Which automated bidding strategy should she use in her campaign?
  • Joshua has an online store that sells skateboard equipment. He notices that potential customers are looking at specific skateboards but leaving his website without completing a purchase. Which Google Display campaign option can Joshua use to feature the same skateboards viewed to potential customers who didn’t complete a purchase?
  • Cassandra wants to customize her Google Display Ads based on how potential customers previously engaged with her website. Which option best suits her needs?
  • Which of the following matches a benefit of machine learning?
  • How does Google Display ads grow marketing results for advertisers?
  • An advertiser doesn’t have much time to create ads, and hopes to use a Display campaign to automatically create them. Which two building blocks must they supply in order for a Display campaign to automate their ad creation? Choose two.
  • Bill wants to reach valuable, relevant audiences and engage with them quickly and often with his ads. How will creating a Display Ads campaign allow him to reach his goal?
  • Trevor owns a manufacturing business that makes specialized hiking and rock climbing gear. He is a very small player in the market, but he is ready to scale up his business. Which Google Ads campaign type should Trevor use to increase his brand’s exposure and reach audiences with interests in hiking and rock climbing across the web?
  • What’s an advantage of responsive display ads?
  • A small pastry business is in the process of creating ads within their Display campaign. They find that there are two main ad formats that they can use. What are the two main ad formats used in a Display campaign? Choose two.
  • Viktor’s been tracking the conversions in his Display campaign for the last 30 days. He’s had 24 conversions over that time, and plans to use target return on ad spend (ROAS) as his automated bidding strategy. Which type of automated bidding strategy will Viktor be using?
  • What are two reasons a marketer might use responsive display ads? Choose two.
  • Quinn recently launched a Display campaign for his women’s clothing store. Since the launch, his website traffic has increased, but sales have remained flat. Which story shows Quinn using remarketing to drive action?
  • Alan has introduced a new line of scooters on his website and is using a Google Display Ad campaign to promote them. He selects “Build awareness” as the marketing objective for his campaign. Why would Alan choose “Build awareness” as his marketing objective?
  • Which of the following examples are suited for responsive display ads? (Select two)
  • Gavin is creating a Google Display ads campaign to help grow sales for his online clothing store. His goal is to connect with users who previously viewed pages on his website without making a purchase. Which option will best serve Gavin’s marketing goals?
  • Maria has been told that she should use the Performance Planner on a monthly basis. Why should she do so?
  • A marketer is keeping track of the revenue generated by his campaign. He wants to see a specified return-on-investment for his monthly ad spend. Which type of automated bidding strategy will meet his needs?
  • How does Google Display Ads help advertisers meet their marketing objectives and drive results?
  • Your company wants to have greater success online. What are two ways that Google Ads can drive your business goals? (Choose two.)
  • Marco newest client believes Google Ads would be the ideal platform for his services, but he’s worried that his business can’t afford to compete. What can Marco explain about Google Ads to ease his client’s concerns?
  • Amanda uses “Influence consideration” as a marketing objective for her Google Display Ads campaign. Which targeting options are a good fit for Amanda’s campaign?
  • Angela’s ready to get started with her first Smart Display campaign, but her account isn’t yet eligible due to not having enough conversions in the last 30 days. What’s the minimum number of conversions needed (in the last 30 days) to be eligible to set up a Smart Display campaign?
  • When should you use responsive display ads?
  • What are two examples of the types of audiences you could reach when using Affinity Audiences as a targeting option? (Choose two.)
  • Google Ads was designed to help businesses achieve online success. To accomplish this, Google Ads was built on three core principles. What are these principles?
  • Howard’s in the process of creating a Google Display campaign and decides to use Custom Intent audiences as a targeting option. He’d like to influence customer consideration, but his niche audience isn’t covered by an In-market audience segment. Which two data inputs can Howard submit to best represent his audience? (Choose two.)
  • Bill has released a new line of products for his business and is using Google Display Ads to influence customer consideration. How does Google Display Ads targeting help Bill reach his marketing objective?
  • Adam has determined that “Drive action” is the appropriate marketing objective for his new Display campaign. What are two relevant options he might use to reach his goal? (Choose two.)
  • If visibility is the primary campaign goal, which bidding strategy would be the most effective for an advertiser to use?
  • What’s one reason to use a responsive display ad for your campaign?
  • What are key factors to keep in mind when choosing a bidding strategy for your campaign?
  • Hank wants to use a “Maximize Conversions” campaign with the Performance Planner. Which recommendation can be provided to Hank by the Performance Planner?
  • Frank runs a scuba-diving business that offers lessons and sells scuba-diving equipment. Frank wants to engage with users who are researching scuba-diving lessons. Which marketing objective should Frank choose when creating his Display campaign?
  • Marisol manages the online advertising campaigns for a chain of toy stores with both a physical and an online presence. Which Google Ads campaign should Marisol use to show images of her products, advertise her company’s online and local inventory of toys, and boost traffic to their website and local toy stores?
  • Which statement is true about the value of Google Display Ads?
  • Trina is considering using automated bidding as she is looking to make her campaign management process more efficient. In what three ways can automated bidding improve efficiency? (Choose 3.)
  • What is a key benefit of Display campaigns?
  • A small business uses Google Display ads to help deliver relevant advertising to people browsing the web. Which statement is true about where Google Display ads connects with these valuable audiences?
  • What can the Performance Planner assist you with?
  • Which type of automated bidding strategy is enhanced cost-per-click (ECPC)?
  • A marketing director of a large team is looking to reach an audience at scale through Display campaigns. How might Display campaign reporting help with this objective?
  • What’s one benefit of using responsive display ads?
  • As a marketing director at a large company, Cara’s considering launching a Google Display Ads campaign, as it will let her reach global internet users across as many websites and apps as possible. What’s another benefit a Google Display Ads campaign will provide Cara?
  • Catherine received a significant amount of traffic to her online pet store after launching her Display campaign. Unfortunately, many visitors to her online store didn’t make a purchase. When creating a new Display campaign, which marketing objective should Catherine choose in order to reengage with these visitors?
  • Kim is seeing significant performance from her Google Display remarketing campaign, and wants to expand upon it. Which targeting option should she choose to accomplish this?
  • Karen has opened a new business and is using Google Display Ads to build awareness of her new products. How does Google Display Ads targeting help Karen reach her marketing objective?
  • Which group would you be able to reach with a Google Display campaign using demographic targeting?
  • While managing a successful Google Ads campaign, why would you choose automated bidding instead of manual bidding?
  • Millie is managing a Google Ads campaign for a new client who’s tracking all important actions post-click and values each of their conversion actions equally. What type of automated bidding strategy would be ideal for this client?
  • In order to drive sales with her Google Display Ads campaign, Charlotte wants to reach audiences who looked at products on her website, with new ads for those exact products. Which targeting option should she choose to help achieve that goal?
  • What are two ways that Performance Planner can help reveal the possibilities across all your Google Ads campaigns? (Choose two.)
  • When should you use AMPHTML ads? (Choose two.)
  • Amy has created a new brand for her company’s goldfish training materials. She knows that other companies train goldfish and it is a popular sport, but realizes that it is a niche market. She wants to use a Google Display Ads campaign to build awareness for her new brand. Which Google Display ad targeting option can help Amy with her goal of creating awareness within her niche market?
  • Which factors should an advertiser consider when deciding on a bidding strategy?
  • A retailer owns a large online business selling antiques. They want to create a Display campaign. What are two of the three inputs they must supply to create a Display campaign? Choose two.
  • Which Display Ad format should you use if you’re concerned about malware and want a secure ad experience across platforms?
  • Using the Performance Planner on a monthly basis allows you to optimize which two aspects of an account? (Choose two.)
  • Lucy is creating a new Display campaign with the goal of building awareness. Which two targeting options might be suitable for her to use? (Choose two.)
  • The customer journey has become more complex, requiring a dedicated bidding strategy. Google’s solution is automated bidding. How can automated bidding benefit advertisers? (Choose two.)
  • Why should campaigns with different marketing objectives be separated into different Performance Planner plans?
  • Google Ads was designed to deliver three things to every advertiser: relevance, control, and results. It provides relevance by connecting advertisers with the right people at the right time. It provides results by charging only when you get a click. How does Google Ads provide control?
Refer to more articles:  Which Microscope Is Most Useful For Visualizing A Biofilm

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