HomeWHICHWhich Twisted Wonderland Dorm Are You In

Which Twisted Wonderland Dorm Are You In

@petitelepus match-up commissions

Yandere/Normal matchup

Personal information hidden for privacy purposes.

Fandom: Twisted Wonderland

I match you with…

Azul Ashengrotto – Normal

Surprising? Probably not! But Azul’s personality and mannerisms would really suit you in general. He’s been bullied as well, so your struggle around it, the sensitivity, the dislike of confrontation, he can see his younger self in you and sympathise with you, even if he doesn’t show it well at first. This is Twisted Wonderland however, and it wasn’t a great first meeting, because of course his first port of call was trying to use you to form a contract, and that probably stains your view of him. But after his overblot and his issues around his past are revealed, your kindness couldn’t let you turn your back on someone who’s been through the same.

It’s through these sympathies that your relationship develops. He’s not very good with jokes, but he tries, he’s quite a lonely person even if he won’t admit it, so he wants to hold onto this friendship, but for what he lacks he is incredibly patient and has no problem taking time to understand your quirks and the way you think, in fact it’s what he’s best at, even if they confuse him and makes him groan he still comes to enjoy the time you spend together. Over time, those feelings blossom into more than friendship. He finds himself going out of his way to find you, going to the library to read with you, inviting you back to his dorm and the Monstro Lounge with a whole range of excuses, just because he wants to be near you.

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And he’s a good partner for your wants, he’s more than happy to have a dependent partner, to be the one providing, and provide he does. Games, food, manga, candles, notebooks, whatever you want or crave he can get fairly quickly. And where he’s away on business quite often or busy with paperwork, even during college years, means that you get the time alone that you need, and of course your need for sleep. He can simply get housekeepers in if you’re having a bad day, it’s no issue for him. He’s surprisingly doting, and he needs reassurance over his insecurities from time to time, and reassurance that you want to stay with him. A more traditional relationship for sure, but the similarities you share remain the foundation and your differences, in him being the one that has grown into the provider and yourself having grown into the supporter, it ends up being a very strong relationship.

Jamil Viper – Yandere

Jamil on the other hand doesn’t and probably won’t stop using your quirks to his advantage, but he’s quite good at masking that he knows he’s doing it. He spots very quickly how you lean into praise, how you crave it, but it’s not something that’s easy to come by in their world, let alone in a college with so many students to deal with. Maybe you get a few passing ones from teachers, that’s where he sees it, and he has no problem giving them to you. You’re so helpful, so kind, so gentle, so sweet, you’re lovely, and that makes him someone appealing to be around, and he enjoys your comfort and care in return. It’s that care that draws him to you because Kalim isn’t exactly known for being selfless when it comes to Jamil’s wants, so having someone actually pay attention to the fact he’s exhausted is very welcome.

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And the people in Night Raven College are a lot, they are head on and loud and selfish, with Kalim being one of the worst, making finding time alone with Jamil becomes even more precious. He’s not like them, he’s willing to give you time and space, but that doesn’t mean he’s not actively pushing you towards him. He’s manipulative and can get you in uncomfortable situations, can get you stuck in arguments and provoke bullies towards you, all so he can step in and save you. If they don’t agree, he can use Snake Whisper to make sure his plans go off without a hitch. He can see your personality, so he doesn’t feel much need to turn to violence or use much, if any, force.

As someone who already takes care of Kalim basically full time, Jamil isn’t someone who finds having his own children to be an imperative part of his future plan. Maybe you can get close to some of the children of the Kalim family, or his sister’s, you don’t mind some children, and through him they would become a form of family for you so perhaps you could feel the same way towards them? And if you do react well, then maybe he can hint at the idea of them to make you more receptive, but if you don’t? It’s not the end of the world, it would be better to have you remain with him willingly than risk you running away because of the idea of children. While it would bind you to him there’s always later opportunities if you do change your mind. If you try to run, you’ll soon realise this was never a choice, that the doors only remain unlocked and your mind your own simply because of your obedience. He hopes it can stay that way, he’d prefer not to have to shatter the dream. Sleep all you want, it means you’re inside, away from other people, and if you must go out, remember to inform him of your every move, on?

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