HomeWHICHWhich Two Countries Are Separated By The Pyrenees Mountains

Which Two Countries Are Separated By The Pyrenees Mountains

Presentation on theme: “What two countries are separated by the Pyrenees Mountains? A.France and Spain B.Spain and Portugal C.France and Germany D.Spain and Switzerland Acid.”— Presentation transcript:


2 What two countries are separated by the Pyrenees Mountains? A.France and Spain B.Spain and Portugal C.France and Germany D.Spain and Switzerland Acid rain is destroying the Black Forest. This is a major problem for what country? A Italy B United Kingdom C Russia D Germany Which body of water separates the United Kingdom from France? A.Rhine River B.Danube River C.English Channel D.Black Sea How has location affected Germany? A.Trade is easier in southern Germany because of the Alps. B.Germany’s location in the center of Europe has provided no trade opportunities. C.Germany’s location on the European Plain has made trading with other countries difficult. D.Rivers such as the Rhine and the Danube give Germany an excellent way to transport goods and people.

3 How has its geography affected Russia? D Northwestern Highlands. D.Rhine River A.Russia’s cold climate makes accessing its natural resources easy. B.The climate is warmer in Asian Russia, so about 75% of the Russian people live there. C.Russia is home to numerous minerals and natural resources; however, they are very difficult to get to because of the cold climate and rugged terrain. D.Surprisingly, considering its cold climate, none of Russia’s rivers and seaports freeze during the winter months. More than half of Europe is covered by a landform called the A Central Uplands. B Alpine Mountain System. C European Plain. What physical feature makes it difficult for Italian merchants to trade with countries north of Italy? A The Alps B Mediterranean Sea C European Plain D Pyrenees Mountains The eastern boundary of Europe is generally considered to be the A.English Channel B.Ural Mountains C.Baltic Sea

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4 The United Kingdom has set forth government regulations for emissions (harmful gases) released from cars. They are working hard to reduce _________. A air pollution. B water pollution. C erosion. D flooding. D Greek What do German and English have in common? A They are both Romance languages. B They are both primarily spoken in Russia. C They are both Germanic languages. D They are the primary languages spoken in Italy. A European country that is an island is ___________________. A.Belgium B.Iberian Peninsula C.United Kingdom D.Spain Russian is an example of a ___________ language. A Romance B Slavic C Germanic

5 Where did Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all originate? A Southwest Asia B Eastern Europe C Northwest Asia D Southern Africa Which European peninsula is closest to the Arctic Circle? A Scandinavian B Iberian C Italian D Balkan Which area of Russia has the greatest population? A Siberia B Asian Russia C European Russia D Russia’s population is spread out evenly across the country. Which was an effect of the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl, Ukraine? A People and animals did not get sick. B Drinking water was unsafe for a long time. C Forests got healthier than they had been. D All the nuclear power plants in the world were closed.

6 How are the three monotheistic religions alike? A They each worship several gods. B They each worship only one god. C Each of the three religions is getting smaller. D They each use a sacred text known as the Bible. Which pairing of sacred text and religion is correct? A Christianity – Torah B Muslim – Bible C Judaism – Koran D Judaism – Torah In what way are the French and Italian languages alike? A The countries of France and Italy are close to each other. B They are both Romance languages that derived from Latin. C They are both the official language of the United Nations. D French and Italian share the roots of the Germanic languages. Which is NOT one of the four regions of the United Kingdom? A Northern Ireland B Belgium C Wales D Scotland

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7 Compare and contrast the 3 monotheistic religions of Europe — Judaism, Islam, & Christianity. Be specific in your response. If you could travel to Europe, which physical feature would you definitely want to visit? Why? Be specific in your response. If you could travel to Europe, which country would you definitely want to visit? Why? Be specific in your response. What have Europeans done to try to solve the problem of so many languages being spoken on the continent? A outlawed the use of languages spoken by only a few people. B decided not to trade with people who do not speak the same language. C passed laws saying English is the only official language of the European Union D made schoolchildren learn one or two other languages besides their native language

8 Name: ________________________ 1234 5678 9101112 13141516 17181920 21222324

9 1A2D2D3C3C4D4D 5C6B6B7A7A8C8C 9A10B11C12C 13A14C15A16B 17B18B19D20B 21D22 Answers will vary. Include at least 3 reasons. 23 Answers will vary. Include at least 3 reasons. 24 Answers will vary. Include at least 3 reasons.


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