Which Vibration Plate Is Best For Osteoporosis

Vibration Therapy Recommendations

I constantly search for the best therapy options to treat my clients’ bone health. I only recommend something to my clients when I see peer-reviewed scientific research (published in established journals) indicating the efficacy of the modality.

Exercise, specifically exercise that is targeted and safe, is proven to improve the health of your bones (as well as improve you overall physical and mental health). People should exercise to their maximum capacity in order to avoid the onset of frailty.

I believe, after researching the area of whole body vibration, that low intensity vibration (LIV) therapy is an effective and appropriate modality for many people with osteoporosis. Research conducted by Dr. Clinton Rubin, as well as the certification and approval by the European Union as a non-drug preventative tool for osteoporosis, indicates its efficacy.

This post provides an in-depth discussion of whether low intensity vibration is safe for people with medical conditions.

When I Recommend Low Intensity Vibration Therapy

The following are the circumstance when I recommend low intensity vibration therapy.

  • LiV can act as a surrogate to exercise when you exercise to your maximum capacity but, due to other factors (for example, time or physical constraints), you are unable to gain or maintain your bone density.
  • You manage to exercise once a day but you have trouble fitting in a second exercise activity (such as a walk or workout). In that case, time on the LiV can make up for the missing second exercise session.
  • If you are fragile — for example, you get recurrent metatarsal fractures (the long bones in your feet), recurrent sprains or strains — then LiV can be used either alone or in conjunction with exercise.
  • Bad weather, rain, snow, or heat regularly stop you from getting out for some form of exercise every day.
  • Past injuries limit your loading and lifting capacity, thereby restricting your ability to do exercise appropriate for your bone health.
  • Co-morbidities such as chronic heart or lung disease, arthritis, chronic pain limit your access to regular exercise.
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In addition, LiV can be used to pre-stimulate your cells and optimize the benefit of your exercise session. In this case you would stand on the platform 2 to 5 hours before you plan to exercise. You can also stand on the platform 2 to 5 hours after exercise, as well.

Limitations of Low Intensity Vibration Therapy

LiV is not a silver bullet or panacea, nor does it relieve you of your responsibility to follow the proper exercise program and eat right. There are no guarantees in medicine, whether the proposed solution is a drug or a device.

Your goal should be to make sure your skeleton outlives you. It would be wonderful if you can keep your skeleton in the form it was from its first day of use. You succeed if the quality and quantity of your bone stay the same, and thus reduce your risk of fracture. Gaining bone is a bonus, but avoiding resorption is essential.

Low intensity vibration therapy does not replace exercise. It will not make your muscles stronger or more flexible, nor does it improve your cardiovascular system (heart and lungs).

Finally, LiV therapy does have a positive impact on your balance, however, you can achieve many of your balance goals with a well designed (and less expensive) balance exercise routine.

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