Who A Atascocita

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Revised 1-3-2011


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The Harris County CSCD Women Helping Ourselves – Atascocita (WHO-A) is a 95 bed residential program

designed to provide the Criminal Courts of Harris County with a residential program and aftercare

support program for women with a Substance Abuse History.


• Adult female offenders, 17 years of age and older and/or juvenile offenders 15-16 years old that

have been certified as adults.

• Clients must have an assessed history of substance abuse and need a structured residential

treatment program.

• Clients should have needs in the following areas:

Emotional Stability Cognitive Deficiencies Family Conditions

Interpersonal Relationships Educational/Employment Issues

• Clients with either felony or misdemeanor offenses are eligible. Misdemeanors must be

assessed as high risk/needs and can comprise up to a maximum of 20% of the total program


• Clients with Title 5 and sex offenses are eligible.

• Clients can be stipulated either as an initial Condition of Supervision or Modified Condition of


Harris County CSCD will also offer residential services in the community for up to 20 clients that are

ineligible for the WHO Atascocita program due to pregnancy, new born infants, and medical or mental

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health conditions that can not be appropriately addressed at WHO Atascocita. These clients will be

placed with The Santa Maria Hostel (contract residential treatment provider) located in the local

community, which will offer similar gender-responsive treatment services as provided in the WHO

Atascocita program. Clients with sex offenses are not eligible for placement at Santa Maria Hostel.

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rreessiiddeennttiiaall pprrooggrraamm pprriioorr ttoo ppllaacciinngg aa cclliieenntt oonn tthhee wwaaiittiinngg lliisstt;; aasssseesssseedd mmeeddiiuumm ttoo hhiigghh rriisskk//nneeeeddss..

PPRROOGGRRAAMM LLEENNGGTTHH:: Six (6) to twelve (12) months in duration followed by six (6) months of intensive oversight in the

community. Out of county clients will normally be expected to return to the sending county and

participate in appropriate aftercare supervision.


• Education – GED where needed

• Gender responsive treatment services – addressing their substance abuse

• Opportunity to change negative attitudes and behaviors

• Assume responsibility for own thoughts and behaviors

• Develop skills to succeed in a non-structured community setting

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