Who Dies In Hells Paradise

Death is always sad; it is not necessarily tragic, but it is always sad. It is present in fiction as much as in real life, and the fictional deaths from our favorite series can hit us as hard as real-life deaths. And while Hell’s Paradise has featured a large number of deaths, probably more than your usual share, the fans have, so far, seen only a portion of them in the anime series. In this article, we will list all of these deaths for you, as you will find out who died, how, and when. The deaths will be ranked based on their impact on the story.

42. Kido Shūkan

The first guy on this list is Kido Shūkan, and we had some problems ordering the guys at the bottom of the list because most of them are completely irrelevant. Kido Shūkan was one of the many criminals gathered by the Shogun for his expedition, but he died during the massacre ordered by the Shogun to reduce the number of criminals going to Kotaku. He had strange markings on his face, which was his most distinctive feature; save for that, he was a completely irrelevant character. We don’t know why he was sentenced to death, so there you have it.

41. Tanio Seikichi

Tanio Seikichi is, like most of the other lower-ranked deaths on this list, one of the named criminals who perished in the massacre ordered by the Shogun. Almost nothing is known about him and his story, but we can attest to the fact that he was considered a dangerous criminal in his time and that he was, because of his crimes, ultimately sentenced to death, which is why he ended up among the death row criminals. His actual crimes are unknown. He perished in the massacre, being killed by Gabimaru himself after he was forced to participate in the fight.

40. Adachi Matagorō

Adachi Matagorō is yet another addition to this list. He was an old criminal who was one of the louder ones and one of the ones that desperately wanted to survive the massacre. He was a vile man who killed women and children during his criminal career, which is why he was sentenced to death.

Along with his fellow Nikimaru, he was one of the criminals who were most determined to survive the massacre, but he simply wanted to get a pardon so he could continue killing. He was ultimately killed by Aza Chobei and died as a completely irrelevant side character, just as he deserved.

39. Nikimaru

Nikimaru is the final massacred criminal on this list. He was a brutish man who considered women weak, so he went after Sagiri first. He was loud and quite stupid, and we have no clue why he was a death convict. We know, though, that he wanted the easy way out and that he actually did not want to go to Kotaku, which is why he tried to escape rather than try to get a pardon. But, his mistake was charging at Sagiri, who quickly beheaded him and thus killed him with ease.

38. Karasutengu

Yet another relatively anonymous character, Karasutengu was actually an old Iwagakure shinobi who seemed to have some connection to Gabimaru. It is unknown how or when he died, but he seemed to be important enough for Kinkakubō to mention his death to Gabimaru, implying that the two of them knew each other.

He has yet to appear in the anime, but his story is known in the manga. The true level of his skills and abilities is unknown, but it is known that he was a suitable candidate for the position of Gabimaru the Hollow, which was one of the most revered positions within the ranks of the Iwagakure shinobi clan.

37. Aogyōbu

Everything we’ve said about Karasutengu above can also be applied to Aogyōbu, except that Aogyōbu was significantly younger than Karasutengu. Like him, he was an Iwagakure shinobi who appeared to know Gabimaru and had a connection to him. It is unknown how or when he actually passed away, but Kinkakubō seemed to think highly enough of him to inform Gabimaru of his passing, suggesting that they were acquainted.

Although he hasn’t yet appeared in the anime, his tale is well known from the manga. Although it is unknown what level of talent and ability he truly possessed, it is known that he was qualified for the post of Gabimaru the Hollow, one of the most esteemed in the Iwagakure shinobi clan.

36. Susubikimaru

Susubikimaru and Hyakume were so close that he could’ve actually put them together, but since they are distinct characters, we did not want to disrespect them. Susubikimaru was an Iwagakure shinobi, and he, along with the others, managed to find his way to Kotaku as part of the second landing party.

When they arrived at the Horai’s floodgates, he, Hyakuma, and Shija were greeted by Rien, who manipulated Shija’s flame ninjutsu to set Susubikimaru’s head on fire. While he was dying, Shiju ordered him to stay and burn their ship, which is how he died, probably. In terms of his powers and abilities, we can only say that he had the standard superhuman powers and abilities of the Iwagakure shinobi.

35. Hyakume

Although Hyakume and Susubikimaru were so close that he could have truly combined them in one entry, we did not want to disrespect them because they are, in fact, separate characters. Hyakume, an Iwagakure shinobi, and the other members of the second landing group could make their way to Kotaku.

Rien met him, Susubikimaru, and Shija at the floodgates of the Horai, who used Shija’s flame ninjutsu to set Hyakume’s head on fire. Shiju gave him the order to stay and burn their ship as he was dying because of the flame, which is presumably how he passed away in the end. We can only conclude that he possessed the typical Iwagakure shinobi superhuman traits in terms of his talents and powers.

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34. Hōrubō

Hōrubō was one of the death row criminals, like the first entries on the list. But, unlike them, he actually survived the massacre and was on his way to Kotaku. This is, though, where he made the mistake of trying to kill Aza Chobei while they were still on the boat, but Aza freed himself and killed Hōrubō, which allowed Jikka to return to the mainland. Hōrubō was a murderous criminal who dressed up like a monk.

He was an old, ugly-looking man, and he seemingly was both dangerous and homicidal, but everyone knows why attacking Aza was not the smartest move he made in his life.

33. Akaginu

Akaginu was a female death row criminal, one of only a few. She was known for being quite murderous and was actually a cannibal who targeted males; but, she also had a seductive side to her, so before cannibalizing her victims, she would seduce them and sleep with them.

She was also attracted to each man who was, in a way, different from her previous victims. While on the island, she tried to seduce, violate and kill Shion, but she miscalculated there and was ultimately beheaded by the Asaemon, who would never fall for her cheap tricks.

32. Hagetaka

Hagetaka was actually a young boy who was also an Iwagakure shinobi. Despite his appearance, he must have been stronger than usual, as he was part of the second expedition team on Kotaku, although the true extent of his powers is unknown. Sadly, nothing is known about his story either, so we don’t have much to reveal here. What we do know, though, is how he died.

Namely, as the Iwagakure shinobi found Gabimaru on Kotaku, Hagetaka was one of the first to fight with him but was soon fatally wounded by Gabimaru, thanking him before he died.

31. Nobusuma

Nobusuma was, like Hagetaka, a young boy who belonged to the Iwagakure clan. Despite his outward look, he must have been more powerful than usual because he was a member of the second expedition team on Kotaku.

However, it is unknown how strong he actually was. Sadly, nothing is known about his background either, so there isn’t much we can say about him. But we do know how he passed away. Specifically, when the Iwagakure shinobi discovered Gabimaru on Kotaku, Hagetaka was among the first to battle him but was quickly gravely injured by him, thanking Gabimaru before he truly passed away.

30. Moro Makiya

Moro Makiya was a criminal and one of the many death row convicts; he survived the massacre and even landed on the island. He was sentenced to death because he wanted to overthrow the Shogun and because he led several cults. He was flamboyant but seemed to care more about surviving than fighting.

On the island, he was seduced by Yuzuriha, who used him to gain intel on the island and its creatures, as Moro Makiya was exposed to their effects and died of that. This was an important moment in Yuzuriha’s story, actually.

29. Ginkakubō

Ginkakubō seems to come in pair with Kinkakubō, but it is unknown whether the two are actually related (although they could very well be). Ginkakubō could transform, just like Kinkakubō, but he also produced toxic saliva.

First, they tried to scare Gabimaru by transforming into the Iwagakure chief and Yui; then they pleaded with him to commit suicide after becoming more cooperative; then they told him that it was all pointless because Yui did not exist, and when all of that failed, they engaged him in a fight. Ginkakubō was killed Gabimaru while the latter fought Kinkakubō, being caught in the crossfire.

28. Kinkakubō

Although it appears that Kinkakubō and Ginkakubō come together, it is unknown whether the two are genuinely related (although they very well could be). Kinkakubō, like Ginkakubō, possessed the power to transform, though it is unknown if he can also produce poisonous saliva.

The two of them first attempted to frighten Gabimaru by assuming the forms of the Iwagakure chief and Yui; after becoming more cooperative, they then begged him to end his life; after that, they informed him that there Yui does not exist; finally, when all of that failed, they got into a fight with him. Kinkakubō treasured the chance, but Gabimaru ultimately killed him.

27. Butterfly Dōshi

The Butterfly Dōshi is a Doshi who observed Gabimaru and Gentetsusai after they met, not long after Gabimaru’s encounter with Zhu Jin of the Lord Tensen. His head looked like the head of a butterfly, hence his name. He could summon and control the dangerous Kotaku butterflies, although it remained inconclusive whether he created them or was simply their master.

Like all the Doshi, he was a former Samurai who was turned into a Doshi by the Tensen. He was ultimately killed in the battle against Gabimaru and Gantetsusai after Gabimaru finally unlocked his Tao. Although he had a mouth, he never spoke one word in the series.

26. Centipede Dōshi

The Centipede Dōshi is the first Doshi who came to observe Gavimaru and Gentetsusai, and who was later joined by the Butterfly Doshi. His head looked like the head of a centipede, hence the name. Like the other Doshi, he was a former Samurai and was, seemingly, a higher-ranking Doshi, based on how much he spoke and what he revealed in his sentences.

He was powerful and helped Gabimaru understand what Tao is, but he was ultimately killed in the battle against Gabimaru and Gantetsusai after Gabimaru finally unlocked his Tao. He ended up being split in two by Gantetsusai’s blade during the fight.

25. Yamada Asaemon Genji

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Yamada Asaemon Genji was a royal executioner from the Yamada clan and one of the Asaemon who went to Kotaku. His criminal was Moro Makiya, who died after being tricked by Yuzuriha to be her guinea pig.

He was a skilled warrior, but his moral views were not idealistic, as he belittled Sagiri and urged her to return home and become a “normal woman,” unsure why a woman would even want to be an Asaemon still, as he was Sagiri’s determination during her fight with Rokurota, who actually fatally wounder Genji, he changed his views and even gave Sagiri his katana before ultimately dying.

24. Yamada Asaemon Tesshin

Yamada Asaemon Tesshin is a flashback character who actually debuted in one of the light novels but was included in the anime as part of a flashback into Tenza’s life. Yamada Asaemon Tesshin was a young man who came to the gates of the Yamada Clan and became Shion’s first student.

But, at one point, he rejected his mentor’s teaching and, unhappy with everything, left the clan. Because he lived in poverty, he turned to a life of crime and was eventually caught and sentenced to death. Ironically, it was Shion that was assigned to his execution. His story was told to Tenza by Eizen in the anime as a lesson that Tenza had to learn about Shion and his training.

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23. Warped Keiun

Warped Keiun was yet another criminal who actually made it to Kotaku. Warped Keiun was a maniacal murderer, a former sōhei who turned to a life of crime and was eventually sentenced to death.

On the island, he thought that the best way to survive would be to eliminate the competition, so he attacked Gabimaru, but his weapons were completely useless against him. He would eventually be brutally killed by Gabimaru, as Gabimaru realized that it was the only way to actually end the fight (he didn’t even want to fight Keiun in the first place).

22. Rokurōta

The Giant of Bizen, which is what Rokurōta’s nickname was, was born with an unusual case of gigantism and, as a child, spent most of his time eating and playing with rocks until, one day, he killed his parents and his whole village. The source of his enormous strength has not been explained, but he was able to kill Eizen and fatally injure Genji before engaging Gabimaru in a fight. Despite his skills, Gabimaru was no match for the giant criminal, who would have definitely killed him, had Gabimaru not come up with a clever plan that ultimately forced Rokurota to go down on his knees and be beheaded by Sagiri, thus ending his life.

21. Yamada Asaemon Isuzu

Yamada Asaemon Isuzu is another member of the Asaemon clan, but she is introduced much later in the story. At one point, the Shogun became impatient, and he sent another expedition party consisting of the Asaemon and some Iwagakure shinobi; Isuzu was one of the Asaemon sent to the island.

She participated in the battle on Rien’s burning ship while she was in her transformed mode, but did not survive it, as Rien’s Tao crushed her body as she rushed to help her friend, Kiyomaru, who Rien also killed.

20. Tao Fa

Tao Fa is a Tensen and a co-ruler of Kotaku, as she was a member of Lord Tensen. Although she is gender-fluid, she maintains the female gender. She has a playful and cheerful personality but is extremely loyal to Lord Tensen, so she can become quite scary when her comrades are offended or attacked.

She can effectively use her Yin and Yang chi in battle, the combination of which makes her a formidable foe even when she is not using her full powers and abilities. She was killed much later in the story when she and Ju Fa, her lover, activated their Kishikai transformations but were eventually killed by Chōbei and Fuchi after having their cores slashed.

19. Ju Fa

Ju Fa is one of the major antagonists of Hell’s Paradise and one of the most powerful members of Lord Tensen, also known as the Great Emperor Akshobhya. He maintains the male gender, although he is gender-fluid.

His elemental attribute is Fire. Ju Fu is one of the Kotaku commanders, which means he controls the Dōshi, Mōnshin, and Sōshin. He is a skilled fighter and quite strong physically, which is why he defeated both Aza brothers with relative ease when they fought. But, one of them, Chobei, would eventually get his revenge, as Ju Fa was actually killed, alongside Tao Fa, by Chōbei and Fuchi, who managed to slash their cores.

18. Yamada Asaemon Kiyomaru

Much like Isuzu, Yamada Asaemon Kiyomaru is another member of the Asaemon clan, but he is introduced much later in the story. At one point, the Shogun became impatient, and he sent another expedition party consisting of the Asaemon and some Iwagakure shinobi; Kiyomaru and Isuzu were among the Asaemon sent to the island.

Yamada Asaemon Kiyomaru eventually participated in the battle on Rien’s burning ship while she was in her transformed mode, but she used her Tao to manipulate the ship’s wood, and Kiyomaru was tragically killed by a large piece of wood that crushed him completely, with his death being one of the more tragic ones, as it also directly caused Isuzu’s death.

17. Zhu Jin

Like the others, Zhu Jin is another major antagonist in the series and one of the most powerful members of Lord Tensen in Kotaku. When they first faced him, Shion immediately realized that Zhu Jin was too powerful to fight, although he was not alone. He has enormous strength and complete mastery of his Tao, so he is also close to killing Gabimaru in their fight.

After being embarrassed by failing to kill Gabimaru and Mei, Zhu Jin wanted revenge, and in Kishikai form, she merged with the forbidden holy flower. The monstrosity ultimately faced Gantetsusai and Jikka but failed to kill them. Ultimately, Aza Chōbei intervened and managed to cut the roots of the monstrosity, thus disabling its regeneration abilities, ultimately leading to the monstrosity’s death.

16. Mu Dan

Mu Dan was a powerful Tensen and a member of Lord Tensen, which made him (he generally maintained the male gender) a partial ruler of Kotaku. He was an exceptionally powerful and dangerous opponent, as his mere presence was enough to scare away Yuzuriha, even though she was an exceptionally skilled kunoichi.

During his fight with Sagiri, Tensa, Yuzuriha, and later Shion and Nurugai, Mu Dan would soon activate his Kishikai Transformation. But, despite that, Shion’s Tao was also harmful to Mu Dan, and the blind Asaemon was actually able to defeat him and kill him permanently.

15. Yamada Asaemon Kishō

Yamada Asaemon Kishō was introduced as the retainer of the powerful criminal Warped Keiun, who died while trying to kill Gabimaru. He rejected the idea of joining Sagiri and Gabimaru, warning her about the criminals on the island and telling her about the importance of this mission for the executioners. He then left and was eventually infected with Arborification and died; Tenza and Nurugai found his body. The details of his death have not been revealed.

14. Yamada Asaemon Eizen

Yamada Asaemon Eizen was the 1st rank Asaemo belonging to the Yamada clan. He was a skilled and wise royal executioner, thought to be the best and most skilled one, which is why his fate in the series was so shocking, as he exited the story way too soon (but he was probably too powerful to effectively use later in the story, so the author simply killed him off).

Because of his exceptional skills, he was assigned to guard Rokurōta, the giant monstrous criminal and cannibal. This was ultimately the reason for his demise, as Rokurōta, after waking up, attacked Eizen, killed him, and then ate him because he was hungry.

13. Ran

Ran is one of the major antagonists in the series, an exceptionally powerful and dangerous Tensen. He was skilled in Dō’in, which made him a formidable fighter, so much so that even Gabimaru had trouble fighting him despite his skills.

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He was also focused on battle a lot; it is known that he was a lot stronger than even the powerful Mu Dan. Ran ultimately had his big fight against Gabimaru and Yuzuriha in his Kishikai form, but the two of them were so resilient that Ran’s body started to crumble because of his prolonged use of Tao in that battle. Gabimaru and Yuzuriha used that fact to their advantage, and Yuzuriha eventually managed to kill Ran in the fight.

12. Gabimaru’s father

Gabimaru’s father is an unknown former shinobi from Iwagakure. Not much is known about his life, but he was a loyal Iwagakure shinobi who ultimately became overwhelmed with the village’s ideals and, having met the woman he loved, wanted a peaceful life for himself, his wife, and their soon-to-be-born son, Tsuki, who would become better known as Gabimaru the Hollow.

Not long after the birth of their son, the couple thought about escaping the village, but the ruthless Iwagakure chief did not want to let them go, so he came to their house, slaughtered them and took Tsuki with them, and made him one of the village’s most powerful shinobi.

11. Gabimaru’s mother

Like her husband, Gabimaru’s unnamed mother was also a kunoichi from Iwagakure. Initially very loyal, she, like her husband, became disillusioned with the village’s ideals, and she simply decided she wanted a different life for her family, which would soon include a baby boy whom they would call Tsuki.

But, not long after the boy’s birth, as they considered how to escape the village, the couple was attacked and killed by the ruthless Iwagakure chief, who took Tsuki with him and would, in time, turn him into Gabimaru the Hollow.

10. Iwagakure chief

This guy remained unnamed, and while his actual role in the story is minimal, his impact is enormous. He seemed to be immortal, for starters. He also killed Gabimaru’s parents and took him away from them so he could raise him as a loyal shinobi.

He also forced Gabimaru to marry his daughter, whom he physically abused. When Gabimaru wanted to leave, he betrayed him and sent him to be executed. But, the vile villain met his deserved end when he became a tree after the shogun forced him to test the Elixir of Life before him.

9. Shija

Shija is a powerful Iwagakure shinobi of unknown gender, who could be both a female and a feminine male. Shija is exceptionally skilled and was picked as the next Gabimaru the Hollow to succeed the story’s protagonist.

But, while Shija was introduced primarily as a villain, the character had a lot of honor as, when Gabimaru won their fight, Shija ordered the other Iwagakure shinobi to kill themselves and to clear the path for Gabimaru. Before passing away, Shija wished luck to Gabimaru with a smile, thus proving the nobility we mentioned.

8. Yamada Asaemon Shugen

Yamada Asaemon Shugen was another Asaemon introduced later in the story and a minor antagonist. He was the second-ranked Asaemon, after Eizen. When he saw his allies dead on Kotaku, he ordered the elimination of all the criminals and monsters. He eventually got his hands on the Elixir and consumed a little, gaining regenerative powers and abilities, but that wasn’t of much use to him as he overexerted his Tao during his fight against the dead Jofuku, eventually passing out due to exhaustion and dying soon after.

7. Jofuku

Jofuku was a famous explorer and scientist who first discovered Kotaku in his search for the Elixir of Life. He settled on the island and researched the secrets of immortality using Taoism.

He was also Rien’s husband. Jofuku died a long time ago of old age, after having succumbed to some mild effects of Arborification, but his legacy lived on, as his teachings were the basis for Rien’s research into the Tan, and he was made into a legendary figure. His corpse would later fight Shugen, although Jofuku himself was not alive anymore.

6. Saya

Saya was a young girl and Yuzuiriha’s younger sister. She was a secondary character in the series, but her story influenced Yuzuriha in a major way, especially since Saya’s death was an impactful moment in terms of explaining Yuzuriha’s character development. Saya and Yuzuriha lived alone, and since Saya was suffering from an incurable disease, Yuzuriha took care of her.

Yuzuriha became a kunoichi and went on dangerous missions to earn money to support her sister, but at one point, it was obvious that there was nothing she could do. As Saya was dying, she told Yuzuriha that she knew about her dangerous missions and that she supported her; she died afterward in one of the series’ saddest moments.

5. Hōko

Hōko is a talking sentient tree that lives in Hōjō village and is a member of the Hōko race living on Kotaku. He found Mei when she was banished from the Hōrai and took her in, becoming a father figure to her from that moment on. After the battle started, Hōko was reunited with Mei and was happy to see she was doing good. But, when her conditioning was starting to take effect once more, Hōko offered her his Tao so it would stabilize her.

Although she initially rejected it, Hōko told her it was his way of repenting for not listening to her pleas to leave the island long ago, as he simply wanted to raise her as his daughter. Sad, Mei finally accepts and absorbs Hōko’s Tao, reverting back to her child form and saying farewell to her father, telling him that she had always considered him her family.

4. Yamada Asaemon Fuchi

Yamada Asaemon Fuchi was Gantetsusai’s retainer. He was a child, but he was exceptionally skilled and highly knowledgeable. He also became a fan-favorite later in the story. He was eventually struck by Shugen while trying to protect Gantetsusai when the second group arrived on Kotaku. Losing a lot of life force, Fuchi eventually died after healing the heavily injured Gantetsusai, not long after Shugen’s attack

3. Yamada Asaemon Tenza

Yamada Asaemon Tenza’s story was partially presented thanks to parts of a light novel being included in the anime. He was a brave and noble warrior, and although he was a former criminal, he had a very pure and sincere heart. He was eventually killed by Zhu Jin early in the story after he decided to sacrifice himself to save Nurugai and his mentor, Shion.

2. Yamada Asaemon Senta

Yamada Asaemon Senta became a fan-favorite character due to his clumsy nature, knowledge, and interpersonal dynamic with Yuzuriha. Although he was a book lover, he was also skilled with the sword. Sadly, during the fight against Mu Dan, he was struck by his stinger and heavily poisoned, and he would eventually succumb to his injuries after Mu Dan died.

1. Rien

Rien is the main antagonist in the Hell’s Paradise manga and its most powerful character, without a doubt. Rien was the actual ruler of Kotaku, the creator of the Tensen, and the leader of Lord Tensen, all at the same time. She experimented with Tao in ways never seen before, all to revive her late husband, Jofuku, for whom she was willing to eliminate life in all of Japan.

Rien was the series’ most powerful character without a doubt, and it makes sense that her death is the most important one, as the story ended with her. Rien died after being killed by Sagiri during the final battle after she witnessed Shugen slicing Jofuku’s corpse, which distracted her for a moment that was big enough for Sagiri to kill her.

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