HomeWHOWho Is August W Booth

Who Is August W Booth

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❝I’m a believer, and I want to

help others see the light.❞

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Before first curse

Once upon a time there was a man who wanted a family more than anything. One day that man, Gepetto, carved a puppet from a magic tree, which gave it life. As the years passed, the little puppet may have not been the best behaved boy, since he was tempted by many things, such as Pleasure island, but he ultimately made the right chose and sacrificed his life for his father’s.

Believing they could both survived, Pinocchio jumped to the sea from a whale’s mouth, giving his father, Gepetto, the only life jacket they had. However, the puppet was wrong because only Gepetto got to shore with his life. But as luck would have it, a Blue Fairy was nearby, and because he had been a brave, truthful and unselfish, she was able to turn him into a real boy.

When the promise of a powerful curse which would be cast by the Evil Queen loomed over the land, Pinocchio and Gepetto were hired to carve a magical wardrobe which would protect the savior and Snow White from it. However, Gepetto soon realized what would happen to his son when the curse came: he would turn back into puppet, with little hope of going back to human form. For this reason, he built it under the condition that Pinocchio would take the second spot.

And Gepetto didn’t change his mind not even when Emma came out earlier than expected. Wanting to protect his son, Gepetto sent Pinocchio to a land without magic, making him promise he would protect the savior and make her believer when the time came.

During first curse

Pinocchio and Emma arrived in this world through a tree, and Pinocchio walked until he got help, claiming he found Emma on the side of the road. They were both taken to an orphanage, and Pinocchio made sure Emma was always comfortable, in an effort to keep his promise to his father.

However, not long after they arrived, Pinocchio found some kids who had stolen money and were about to run away. He had already realized that place wasn’t exactly Heaven, so he decided to tag along, leaving Emma behind since they couldn’t possibly take care of her.

As the years went by, Pinocchio eventually changed his name to August Booth, and always made sure to keep tabs on Emma, and what she was up to. He was even the one responsible for the surname she chose: “Swan”, by showing her we can make our own fate.

Some years after this, August found Emma in Portland with her boyfriend, Neal. Because he knew who Neal really was, Rumple’s son, August told him the truth about Emma’s destiny and how he couldn’t get in the way of it. Even though he wasn’t exactly thrilled to let her go, that was what Neal did, after being promised to be sent a postcard when the curse was broken.

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Ten years after this, in October of 2011, August woke up only to realize he was turning back to wood. It didn’t take him long to realize Emma was in Storybrooke, and that was a reminder of the promise he broke. Desperate to save himself, August went to a healer who he was told could treat any affliction. August was lead to the Dragon, who clamed to be able to help him, but for that he would need $10000, money August didn’t have.

On his way out of the Dragon’s office, August went to a bar, where he found Tamara, who he had already seen in the waiting room to the mysterious healer. They talked for a bit, and August quickly noticed the envelop with money she had in her purse. When he had the chance to, August grabbed the money and ran, later using it to buy the antidote. When he was about to drink it, Tamara found him and started chasing him. As he ran, August’s leg turned to wood a little bit more, making him fall and scream in pain. Ignoring his pain, Tamara got the elixir and walked away.

After he went back to the Dragon and found him dead, August realized his only hope was to have the curse broken so he decided to go to Storybrooke, where he quickly found Emma and Henry, who pointed him to Granny’s where he could spend the night.

August’s presence in Storybrooke was instantly noticed by everywhere, including Regina who didn’t even know what to think about having a stranger in Storybrooke. She told Emma to look into him, with the excuse it was for Henry’s protection, and Emma confronted him at Granny’s. With a little smirk on his face, August agreed to show Emma what was in the box he carried around, if she let him take her to have a drink. Emma agreed, and August revealed a typewriter, claiming he went to Storybrooke in search of inspiration.

A few days later, August found Emma leaving Granny’s and decided to make good in his word and invite her on that drink. At first she was reluctant, but when August revealed his name she had no choice but to agree. Soon they arrived to the “Wishing Well” and August told Emma about the legend on that well: it can restore something that has been lost. Emma obviously didn’t believe him, but she also didn’t refuse the cup of water he offered.

Shortly after this, August made sure Emma found Henry’s book (which he had previously stolen to add to it his own story), hoping she would link that miracle finding with some magic which could have come from the well.

A few days later, after Kathryn had been found dead, Emma reached a dead end, trying to prove Regina was behind it, and by doing so, prove Mary Margaret’s innocence. August gave Emma some advise of how she should go back to the beginning, which led Emma to find a piece of shovel where Kathryn’s heart had been found. They both went to Regina’s house unannounced, and quickly found a shovel with a missing session which fit the piece perfectly. However, when Emma went to Regina’s house the following day with a warrant, the shovel had disappeared, which she blamed on August. However, later that day, Emma found the real inculcate: Sidney, who had planted a bug in the Sheriff’s station.

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A few days later, August woke up with an intense pain in his leg, meaning it wouldn’t take much longer for him to completely turn to wood, so he tricked Henry into distracting Mr Gold while he searched for something important. What August was really after was the Dark One’s dagger, but Gold managed to find and stop him before he could.

In order to continue to trick Gold, since he knew he was on his tail, August went to Mother Superior in search for advice to reconcile with his father. When Gold questioned Mother Superior about her talk with the Stranger, August’s plan started succeeding, as Gold thought August was his son, Baelfire.

Gold reached out to August, to apologize, and it didn’t take long for the latter to ask him for the dagger. Gold took August to where he had buried it, and once August got his hands on it, he tried to control Gold, hoping he would be able to stop him from turning to wood. However, because there is no magic in this world, it didn’t work, and Gold realized August wasn’t his son after all. Gold told August would do nothing to him, only because Emma trusted him, and that could be useful to breaking the curse.

When August found out Emma was starting to build a case to legally take Henry from Regina, he offered his help, something Emma refused. Not willing to give up, August asked Mr Gold to push Emma towards him once he had the chance. With this deal in hands, it didn’t take long for the Dark One to make good in his word, and August took Emma to the tree where they both landed right before the curse hit.

There, August started proving to Emma how he was the boy who found her, something she ends up believing. What she didn’t believe was the fact that August was really Pinocchio. Desperate for help, August showed her his leg, already completely turned to wood, but because she was so blinded to the magic, she saw nothing out of the ordinary. They started arguing, as August said only she could help everyone, but Emma still didn’t care and walked away. With no hope things would get better, August decided to be closer to his father, and volunteered himself to start working in his shop.

When August’s condition started to worsen, the puppet was visited by Henry who was apprehensive over the fact that Emma planned to leave Storybrooke for good. However, August couldn’t do anything about that, as he showed Henry his wooden arm, eliminating every piece of doubt the boy might still have had.

After Henry fell under a sleeping curse because he ate Regina’s poisoned apple turnover, Emma started believing and went to August for help. However, by then he was mostly turned to wood, and before he completely went back to being the puppet he once was, he managed to tell Emma she would be able to save her son.

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After First Curse

When Emma broke the curse and Gold brought magic to Storybrooke, August was revived, but still completely turned to wood. Hoping to find help, he went to Mother Superior, but there was nothing she could do, since it was August’s actions what turned him back to wood form. Therefore, he took shelter in an abandoned trailer in the woods, away from town.

Weeks later, as Marco still desperately looked for his son, Mary Margaret found August while she was training archery. Even though he tried to convince her not to, Mary Margaret still told Emma and Marco about finding him. Overhearing the whole conversation, Tamara got to August before anyone else, and offered him the Dragon’s cure, which would turn him back to normal, if he left Storybrooke and never came back.

August took her car and started driving to New York, where he would find the cure, but just as he left town he found a photo of Tamara and her grandmother, a photo he knew was what she had given to the Dragon in return of a cure for her fake illness. Believing her to be dangerous, August drove back to the Sheriff’s station where he was hoping to find Emma, and for his surprise he found Tamara instead. She tased him, and before he died, he managed to get outside where he found Emma, Marco, Neal and Blue, warning them about a “she”. Because of his brave, truthful and unselfish actions, Blue was able to turn him back into human, but the price was that August would be a little boy again.

After second curse

As the search for the Author started, Regina asked a young Pinocchio if he remembered anything about the story book, since his older self had once messed with it. However, much to Regina’s displeasure, Pinocchio recalled nothing. Shortly after, when Regina started working with the Queens of Darkness, they went back and kidnapped Pinocchio, while Gold reversed the boy into August so they could torture him for information.

Wanting to get the whole truth out of him, Gold stole a potion from the fairies, one which would make his nose grow when he lied. August admited knowing that the Apprentice trapped the Author inside a door, but he did not know where it was, only it was somewhere in Storybrooke. As they went searching for the door, Cruella guarded August until Emma and the others were able to rescue him. To them, August told the whole truth about who the Author really was, and how he was trapped inside the book, and, after getting the key, Emma was later able to free him.

After third curse

August was later visited by David and Hook, who asked him if he had seen David’s father, Robert, while he was in Pleasure Island. August recognised the coin David had on his hand, and told them everything he knew, later volunteering himself to give David the pages of Pleasure Island, which he had taken out of Henry’s book. After he found them, he gave them to Hook, making the pirate realise he was actually the who killed Robert.



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