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We had the good fortune of connecting with Colton Little and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Colton, how do you define success? The definition of success is constantly evolving for me. When I was younger, success was a way to escape from my reality – a way of running from a community with a limited world view. Now, thankfully, I am able to look at success in a healthier way! I measure success by how I feel when I wake up to face the day. Am I excited about what I’m doing that day? Am I sharing that excitement or joy with the people around me? That’s success in my eyes and I think it keeps me pointed toward my true north, which is joy.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community? Well, long story short – I’m an actor for film and TV. I’ve been in LA for 8 years and have worked on such projects as Days Of Our Lives: Beyond Salem, General Hospital, and 911 Lonestar. My journey as an actor began with music, though. Music was my lifeblood as a kid. I remember asking my dad how to get onto MTV and he said, ” Start writing…” and so I did. I wrote songs, performed at every small town talent show I could, and dreamed of becoming a professional performer. I eventually even had a successful band who I recorded two original LPs with. Once I started down the path of a creative career, there was no stopping me. That DIY attitude led me down many paths but my dad’s advice has stuck with me. I didn’t come from much, so I had to create every opportunity for myself. When I moved to LA, I didn’t have an acting reel. So, I found my favorite scene from a Jimmy Stewart movie, weaseled my way into an agent’s office and performed a monologue for him. He was impressed by my moxie and that’s how I landed my first reps in LA. You can never stop advocating for yourself or your art. You have to be like a shark and just keeping moving forward no matter the rejection or heartbreak. The beauty is, when you operate from integrity and determination, the more like-minded people you meet and THAT is the key. Surrounding yourself with productive, intelligent, and honest collaborators. When I set out to produce my first short film ‘Phases’, I put out feelers to see who’d be interested in helping create it. It took some time but by pooling resources and pitching to the right people in my circle, the perfect team came together and the project was well received by festivals and audiences online. The quality of people you surround yourself with and the more you learn to give back to them expecting nothing in return, the higher you’ll rise. I never expected success to take this long, but I’m grateful it did. I’m a more fully formed human now and I appreciate every opportunity way more than I would’ve at 17.

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Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to? Los Angeles is wild! You can hike in the morning, spend lunch on the beach, and then go dancing all night…traffic permitting. My perfect day consists of: Coffee from Tartine in Silverlake followed by a morning walk around the Silverlake Reservoir, a delicious brunch at either Salt’s Cure on Highland or Messhall in Los Feliz (with cocktails of course and yes we are splitting the French toast as a starter), then perhaps a stroll around the LACMA museum grounds and the tar pits…iconic LA. Late lunch would most definitely be at either Republique or Sycamore Kitchen on La Brea which would set you up perfectly for a stroll down the street to some of the cool shops/home decor stores. At this point, you’ll need refueling SO, you stop at Stir Crazy coffee shop on Melrose which is owned by a living legend named Dino who will serve you free refills of coffee until you float out of there. Then its off to the Icons of Darkness exhibit on Hollywood Blvd which has a huge collection of authentic props and costumes from the best sci-fi movies ever made (including original dinosaurs from my fave, Jurassic Park). This brings us to early evening where you have to go for some Tiki Drinks at Tiki Ti, a legendary spot for tropical drinks crafted by one of the pioneers in Tiki culture, Ray Buhen. You can also hit up Bar Stella on Sunset or The Black Cat, a piece of queer history. If you’re not exhausted by this point, you can end the night at Akbar in Silverlake to dance yourself back to life…and caution, the drinks are strong.

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Who else deserves some credit and recognition? I wouldn’t be where I am without educators who went above and beyond. First, my mother, Laurie who was my first grade teacher. She pushed me to make education an important part of every chapter in my life. Secondly, Mrs. Grigg my second grade teacher who recognized my passion for art and fostered the exploration and structure I needed to excel. Lastly, Rachel Kornfeld my elementary music teacher who showed me what performance and showmanship could do for the world. She combined storytelling and art in a way I had never known was possible. Rachel showed me that being yourself authentically, although scary or isolating at times, is the only way to live. ARTS EDUCATION is essential and I’m grateful I had it.

Website: www.colton-little.com

Instagram: @littlecolton

Twitter: @mrcoltonlittle

Image Credits Images by: Michael Mattes (Navy Jacket) Tony Moux (Tan Shirt) Justin Fong (Muskrat Productions commercial still) Normandy Europa (Blue Shirt) Victor Ridaura (‘The Ugliest’ music video still)

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