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Who Is The Patron Saint Of Beggars

St. Alexius Summary

St. Alexius, also known as St. Alexis, was a 4th-century Christian saint and the patron saint of beggars, homeless people, and travelers. He was born in the 4th century in Rome, Italy, to a wealthy family. When he was a young man, he renounced his wealth and privileged lifestyle and devoted himself to helping the poor and sick. He lived as a beggar, giving away his inheritance to the poor and relying on the charity of others to survive.

St. Alexius is known for his extreme humility and devotion to God. He is said to have begged for food on the streets of Rome and to have lived in a cave outside the city for 17 years, praying and performing acts of charity in secret. According to legend, he was eventually recognized for his holiness and became known as a healer and miracle worker.

After his death, St. Alexius was venerated as a saint and his cult spread throughout the Christian world. St. Alexius feast day is celebrated on July 17th, and he is the patron saint of beggars, homeless people, and travelers.

Prayers to St. Alexius

Prayer of Intercession to St. Alexius

O St. Alexius, humble servant of the poor and sick, intercede for me before the throne of God. Grant me the grace of your extreme humility and devotion, that I may follow in your footsteps and serve others with love.

O St. Alexius, patron saint of beggars and travelers, protect me on my journey through life. Keep me safe from harm and guide me to my destination. May your example of selflessness and generosity inspire me to help those in need.

Prayer to St. Alexius

O St. Alexius, miracle worker and healer, I turn to you in my time of need. Please intercede on my behalf and ask God to grant me (mention your specific intention). May your prayers and intercession bring me comfort and hope in my time of suffering. St. Alexius, humble servant of God, help me to see the face of Christ in those who are poor and marginalized. May your example of love and compassion inspire me to follow in your footsteps and serve others with joy. Amen.

Prayer to St. Alexius

O St. Alexius, miracle worker and healer, I turn to you in my time of need. Please intercede on my behalf and ask God to grant me (mention your specific intention). May your prayers and intercession bring me comfort and hope in my time of suffering. St. Alexius, humble servant of God, help me to see the face of Christ in those who are poor and marginalized. May your example of love and compassion inspire me to follow in your footsteps and serve others with joy. Amen.

Children’s Story about the life of St. Alexius

In the city of Rome, there lived a young man named Alexius. Alexius came from a wealthy and influential family, but he did not care about his wealth or social status. All he cared about was helping others and serving God.

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One day, Alexius decided to renounce his wealth and privileged lifestyle. He gave away all of his possessions to the poor and set out on a journey to serve others. He traveled from town to town, helping the sick and the poor wherever he went.

As he traveled, Alexius begged for food and shelter. Many people laughed at him and turned him away, but others took pity on him and offered him a place to sleep and something to eat. Alexius was grateful for their kindness and always thanked them.

Despite the hardships he faced, Alexius remained cheerful and optimistic. He knew that he was serving God and that this was the most important thing. He prayed constantly and performed acts of charity wherever he went.

After many years of serving others, Alexius became known as a holy man and a miracle worker. People came from all over to see him and to ask for his help. Alexius was happy to serve them, and he used his gifts to heal the sick and bring hope to those in need.

Eventually, Alexius grew old and passed away. But his memory lived on, and he was remembered as a great saint who had dedicated his life to serving others. Today, we celebrate the feast of St. Alexius and remember his example of humility, selflessness, and devotion to God.

Reflection on the Feast of St. Alexius

Today, the Catholic Church celebrates the feast of St. Alexius on July 17th. The feast of St. Alexius is a time to reflect on the life and example of this 4th-century saint and to draw inspiration from his humility, selflessness, and devotion to God. St. Alexius is known for his extreme humility and his willingness to give up his privileged lifestyle in order to serve the poor and sick. He lived as a beggar, relying on the charity of others to survive, and dedicated himself to helping those in need.

On the feast of St. Alexius, we can take time to reflect on the ways in which we can follow in his footsteps and serve others with love. This might involve volunteering at a soup kitchen, visiting the sick, or simply reaching out to someone in need. We can also pray to St. Alexius for his intercession, asking him to help us follow in his example of humility and selflessness.

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As we celebrate the feast of St. Alexius, we can also take time to reflect on the ways in which we can be more attentive to the needs of others. By following the example of St. Alexius and other saints, we can strive to be more loving and selfless in our own lives, and work to make a positive difference in the world around us. So, the feast of St. Alexius is a good occasion for all of us to renew our commitment to serve others and to follow in the footsteps of this great saint.

St. Alexius of Rome was a fourth-century saint who lived a remarkable life of holiness and humility. He renounced his wealth, his family and his marriage to follow Christ as a poor beggar in Syria and later in Rome. He is venerated by the Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Oriental Orthodox Church as a model of detachment, charity and devotion.

Early Life and Marriage

St. Alexius was born in Rome in the fourth century, the only son of Euphemianus and Aglaë, who were wealthy and noble Christians of the senatorial class. He was educated in the faith and in the classical culture of his time. He developed a compassionate attitude from the charitable example of his parents, who fed and clothed the poor every day at their home.

When he reached adulthood, his parents arranged a marriage for him with a rich and virtuous girl named Marina. Alexius, however, had a secret desire to consecrate himself to God and to live a life of poverty and penance. On the day of his wedding, he obtained the consent of his bride to leave her and pursue his holy vocation. He gave her his ring and his belt as tokens of their spiritual union, and then fled from Rome in disguise.

Life in Edessa

Alexius traveled to Syria, where he settled near Edessa, a city famous for its devotion to the Mother of God. He lived in a hut next to a church dedicated to her, and begged for alms from the people. He shared what he received with other poor people, and spent his time in prayer and fasting. He wore ragged clothes and hid his face with a hood, so that no one would recognize him or admire him for his sanctity.

He lived in this way for seventeen years, until one day a miraculous icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary spoke to the people who were praying in the church. The icon pointed to Alexius as a “Man of God” (Greek: Ἄνθρωπος τοῦ Θεοῦ), who was more worthy than anyone else to receive their veneration and respect. The people were astonished and curious about the identity of the beggar, who tried to escape from their attention.

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Return to Rome

Alexius decided to leave Edessa and return to Rome, hoping to remain unknown and hidden in his own city. He boarded a ship that was sailing to Italy, but on the way he encountered a storm that threatened to sink the vessel. The sailors and passengers prayed fervently to God for their deliverance, and again the voice of the icon of Mary was heard, saying that God would spare them for the sake of His servant Alexius. The storm subsided, and the ship arrived safely at Rome.

Alexius went to his father’s house, but he was so changed by his years of hardship that no one recognized him, not even his parents or his wife. He asked for some charity from his father, who took pity on him and gave him a job as a servant. He assigned him a corner under the staircase as his quarters, where Alexius lived for another seventeen years. He endured the ill treatment of other servants, who mocked him and abused him, without complaining or revealing his identity. He continued to pray and teach catechism to children who came to him.

Death and Glory

Alexius fell ill and sensed that his death was near. He wrote a note on a piece of parchment, in which he revealed his name, his family and his life story. He asked for forgiveness from his parents and his wife, and expressed his love for them. He also asked for their prayers for his soul.

He died peacefully in his corner under the staircase, clutching the note to his chest. When his father found him, he was shocked and saddened by the discovery of his son’s identity. He called for his wife and daughter-in-law, who came and wept over the body of Alexius. They also rejoiced at his holiness and thanked God for giving them such a son and husband.

The news of Alexius’ death spread quickly throughout Rome, and many people came to venerate his relics. Miracles were reported at his tomb, and he was soon canonized by popular acclaim. His feast day is celebrated on July 17 in the West, and on March 17 in the East. He is the patron saint of Alexians, beggars, belt makers, nurses, pilgrims, travelers and Kalavryta. He is usually depicted holding a ladder, or lying beneath a staircase, with the icon of Mary nearby.

St. Alexius of Rome, pray for us!

Saints Similar to St. Alexius

You may also be interested in reading the Biography of St. Basil the Great. St. Alexius and St. Basil the Great were Christian saints and leaders in the early Church. St. Basil the Great was a renowned theologian and bishop in the Eastern Orthodox tradition. St. Alexius was a humble and pious man who is often associated with his self-denial and charity. Next up: Biography of St. Alfonso

Also check out our handmade St. Alexius Medal and St. Alexius Rosary and St. Alexius Rosary Bracelet .


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