Who Is Yawgmoth

The original leader of the phyrexians was a human man called Yawgmoth and he was even from his beginning a very evil character, he was born on Dominaria long before the brothers war but after the dragons war, he was a medical genius that worked for the Tharn empire and would experiment on people in order to understand how the body works and how he could better it.

Yawgmoth was later banished because at the time there was a power struggle between the Republic of the Tharn empire and the rebels and he worked for the Republic and the rebels won the war.

In exile Yawgmoth traveled Dominaria experiments on its inhabitants and I’m doing so wiped out and caused devistation entire populations, he set a viral Plauge apon the elves of the island of Argoth that almost killed them all off, he also kidnapped there healers abd the cure they had created to ransom them back and when they paid him he killed the healers anyway and gave them just water instead of the cure.

Yawgmoth set rabies on some local leonin and watched them tear them selves apart.

Yawgmoth set the black cough upon the Dwarves causing the workers to rebel and almost kill the king and ending the 1000 year rule.

He infected the minotaurs with the white death , poisoned the humans on Gulatto Meisha and preformed vivisection on the Viashino.

He later clamed the motive for these evil acts were to study the spread of the diseases.

after some years he went back and worked for the tharn empire again because unaware of his horrific deeds called for his return and his healing powers because the head artificer Glacian caught a strange disease and his wife Rebbec knew Yawgmoth was the only person capable of healing him.

It didn’t take long for Yawgmoth to discover what was making Glacian sick, it was a disease

called phthisis the exact same disease a group of ex Than citizens called the untouchables that had been exiled cought while living in the caves of the damned under the mage rings and it’s caused by exposure to power stone radiation.

This caused the leader of the untouchables Gix to start a rebellion and March on the tharn, yawgmoth used this to his advantage and asked for more funding to be able to cure the disease and offer it to the rebels in return for peace so the tharn leaders agreed, yawgmoth did make a cure and offered it to the untouchables in return for peace and they agreed, the tharn leaders then made yawgmoth apart of the ruling council in charge of public health and able to make his own laws in return for stopping the rebels but this was not a act of kindness from yawgmoth it was a means to an end.

The cured untouchables would be allowed to return to the city and and sick citizens send to the caves of the damned it was this that yawgmoth took advantage of and had any if his enemies sent to the cave to eliminate any chance removel from the council or assassination.

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Yawgmoth started to dilute the cure calming that there was a lack of resources knowing Gix would want to rebel again and it worked he started sending sick untouchables up with the cured and yawgmoth used this to get more funding from the council and to convince the to give him control of the guard.

Shortly after a female human planeswalker named Dayfed came to the city looking to meet Glacian and called a meeting with him to talk about his abilities as an artificer and his latent spark but she decided not to mention his spark because he had no knowledge of it, it was this meeting yawgmoth interrupted to speak with Dayfed and convinced her to help him find a plane he could make his own personal paradise.

Dayfed found yawgmoth an artificial mechanical plane created by a now dead evil planeswalker that she suggested he take over the plane before it starts to decay so he did just that and named that plane phyrexia.

Gix now lead a full scale riot against the tharn empire abd it’s city but Yawgmoth manged to win the fight against the rebels forcing them into submission and servitude because of the is the council heald a huge celebration in his honour but just before it could begin representatives of the nations he had designated in his exile showed up demanding he be brought to justice or there would be war, the tharn council met and came up 50/50 Wether to hand him over or not but the last two vote came down to Rebbec and Yawgmoth himself who both voted against it to keep him safe yawgmoth then took power over the council locking up the other council members along with the representatives from the nations he had devistated this inevitably started a huge war on Dominaria.

Yawgmoth now asked Dayfed to find and open a permanent portal to phyrexia so he could Mold the plane in his image and he could run the tharn empire from there so she did, yawgmoth then bound himself to the plane end in doing so gained almost god like powers, he also started having people infected with phthisis brought to phyrexia and implanting them with power stones which caused them to evolve become much faster and stronger, this was the beginning of the phyrexian army.

With the tharn empire guard and his newly created phyrexian army and artifacts called stonechargers Yawgmoth easily fought off any and all armys that came his way but the tharn city was destroyed by the deadly gas the stonechargers let off causing it surviveing citizens to flee to phyrexia.

His powers were so grate that he was even able to best the planeswalkers Dayfed when she turns on him seeing and realised what a monster he really was, he stabbed her in the back of the head with a power stone dagfer causing her to become inactive but not dead, he wanted to do a vivisection on her to see if he could steal her planeswalker spark but Rebbec now seeing him for what he was took the dagger out of Dayfed killing her and took the two power stones he had planted in her husband and closed the portal to phyrexia for what she hoped would be forever trapping yawgmoth in his own plane.

Yawgmoth spent along time perfecting the people that had fled to phyrexia into his perfect army and invading other planes through planar Portals to gain more people to tern into phyrexians for his army but was disappointed because Rebbec had somehow locked him out of Dominaria untill one day the at the time latent planeswalker urza abd his brother mishra while on an archaeological dig in the caves of the damned knocked the power stones holding the portal to phyrexia closed allowing them to one again enter Dominaria.

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Yawgmoth sent the now fully phyrexian Gix how was a member of his inner circle to infiltrate the Dominaria hiarachy to learn what he could before they invade, Gix saw that Urza and Mishara were at loggerheads and munipulated the situation to cause all out war on both sides which ended up getting way our of control and urza used an artifact called the Golgothian Sylex that completely devistated Dominaria causing an ice age and wiping out both brothers armys along with most of the major civilization on Dominaria, Gix returned to yawgmoth with this information and told him where yawgmoth informed him to send sleeper agents into the remaining civilizations but because they all looked exactly the same it failed and yawgmoth sent Gix to be tortured for eternity on the seventh layer of phyrexia because he was angry about the Golgothian Sylex causing the shards of twelve world’s locking every one In these planes from getting in and out of other planes phyrexia and Dominaria being two that were blocked from each other

The blast had killed urza and this unlocked his latent spark and with his new found powers he raided phyrexia with the intention of destroying as much as he could, while there he found his brother who had now become a phyrexian and this trough urza into a rage so yawgmoth was able to infiltrate his thoughts making him temporarily insane so urza planeswalked away to escape the insanity but the phyrexians followed him wherever he went, eventually a elf planeswalker called Freyalise cast the world spell which opened up all world’s to each other again allowing yawgmoth to once again to infiltrate Dominaria.

It was at this time yawgmoth released Gix from his torment because it was he who knew more about Dominaria and urza than any one but urza also soon arrived back on Dominaria found out and killed Gix.

Yawgmoth now would take a new approach instead of infiltrating Dominaria he would wage all out war so he created an artificial pocket plane attached to Dominaria to fill with his army and as it grew parts overlapped Dominaria at times and when it unattended it took with it the residents of that area who were turned into phyrexians ready for the invasion, the idea was when it grew to the same size and mass as Dominaria it would join with it planting the whole of Yawgmoth’s army on Dominaria at the same time.

While this was happening tho yawgmoth still sent assassin’s after urza to kill him as he was a huge threat to his plans and one was nearly successful blowing up the place where urza was training people in creating the legendary legacy artifact designed to kill yawgmoth completely destroying the whole place, to prevent this from happening urza sent back one of his legacy weapons back in time the silver golem Karn who was not a planeswalker yet to prevent it, he did stop the assassin but the time mechine blew up destroy the place anyway but urza survived.

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Urza layer returned to the academy and with the help of a forest spirit stoped the phyrexians who were raiding it for its artifacts.

Yawgmoth soon descovered that Urza started a breeding program that created a bloodline of humans Kor with phyrexian like trates that gave them a huge advantage in battle with the Phyrexians of course they became a immediate target of assassination attempts by the phyrexians but being very cleaver some managed to avoid detection from the assassin’s Gerrard was one of these and became the hair to Urzas legacy and captain of the weatherlight ship built to fight yawgmoth himself.

When the invasion finaly happened yawgmoth stayed in phyrexia for most of the war deciding to guide his forces from there but he did decide to join in the war and came through through as a gigantic death death cloud killing any opposition he came into contact with who the rose back from the dead to fight for the side of the phyrexians, urza however still had one more trick up his sleeve he used an artifact to fire pure white mana at yawgmoth causing him to become very wake and as he tried to flee back to phyrexia stone druids covered the portal in magma from the volcano underneath it, yawgmoth not yet dead turned into huge tenticals and attacked the ship, urza then had Gerrard take out his eyes which were the two peaces of the power stones that contained Glacian’s soul that had been the lock Rebbec used to keep out the phyrexians and put them in the the silver golem Karn’s chest this activated the legacy weapon in Karn that created another burst of white mana at yawgmoth killing him after this the phyrexians were much easier to pick off.

Urborg is a swampy island on Dominaria where Yawgmoth’s body now lays dead and his powerful Corpse still corrupts the land with black mana daring it of others the creature’s there also reflect the dark nature of the power that corrupts the land and there are now pools of glistening oli doted around the island.

Although yawgmoth died in body there are some hints that he may of somehow survived and his spirit may have escaped back to phyrexia were it is now trapped because there are two accounts that happen much later in time than his death another being called karona had gained also gain god like powers and went looking to meet others like her so she summoned one for each mana colour alignment and the one she summoned for black mana appeard as yawgmoth and then latter karona was travelling the multiverse and came across phyrexia were yawgmoth reviled himself to her and told her he was rebuilding but because karona was unstable this could also be her mind playing tricks on her.

Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed and learned something interesting about one of the most powerful antagonists in the mtg universe

Sarkhan sam out

Information from this post was a mix of things I have picked up over the years from people and websites but I used Gamepedia to cross reference and double check my facts.

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