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Who Is Your Bsd Boyfriend

Who doesn’t love this man? He is frigging perfect!!πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“

Notice me! pt. 2 // Nakahara Chuuya


Originally posted by thenightvisitor

The night couldn’t have been more perfect. The full moon was shining brightly above Yokohama as Chuuya made his way towards (y/n)’s apartment. He just couldn’t wait to finally make his move! He has been watching (y/n) for months now, and he was starting to lose his patience. He didn’t want to take his sweetheart by force, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

He has seen the dirty looks his darling gets when she walks down these lonely streets. It didn’t help that (y/n) lives in a fairly shady neighborhood, and Chuuya was surprised that she lasted this long. He just couldn’t wait to get his hands on her. He could already feel her smooth skin, her silky hair. He could imagine her trembling in his arms as he takes her away from this cruel society. But, his absolute favorite parts of (y/n) entire body were her lips and her eyes.

He wanted nothing more then to taste those sweet, sweet lips. He wanted to claim them for himself and he wanted the whole world to know that (y/n) belonged to him. Chuuya also adored (y/n)’s gorgeous (e/c) eyes. He could gaze at them forever. All he wanted was for (y/n) to look at him the same way he looks at her. With the same love and admiration and obsession, just thinking about (y/n) made his heart beat uncontrollably. He needed to calm down, he can’t start panicking now, he just can’t. He needs to pull himself together, damn it! Chuuya gives out a frustrated sigh as he wipes the cold sweat off his forehead.

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Chuuya looks up in to the night sky, only to see that it was full of stars. He took a moment to admire them as his confidence quickly came back. The stars seemed to glimmer much more then usual, which gave Chuuya a bit more comfort. Chuuya started to smirk as he realized that there is simply no way that he can fail. In just a few hours, (y/n) was going to be his, no matter what.

β™‘ Time skip to around 23:15 β™‘

The second (y/n) entered her apartment, she quickly took off her white button up shirt and carelessly threw it on the bed. She took her favorite PJ’s and undergarments and went straight towards the bathroom. She left the bathroom door slightly opened, completely unaware of the intruder inside her home.

β€œOh, this’ll be too easy…”

Chuuya could already feel the wolfish grin on his face. This was just too perfect, he feels like he’s dreaming! He could hear his sweetheart singing in the shower and all he could do was listen. He was standing right next to the bathroom door now, and he gently pushed it a bit more. The bathroom was incredibly foggy as (y/n) was still showering. She was humming a random song she heard a while ago, a song Chuuya already memorized. He could make out her silhouette behind the shower curtain, but he decided not to attack her just yet. He doesn’t want to make (y/n) too uncomfortable! Chuuya decided to hide in her bedroom, and he swiftly made his way to her room. But, he accidentally slammed the door shut which alerted (y/n).

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She quickly turned off the shower and peaked behind the curtains. No one was there but something just felt off. She couldn’t exactly pin point what it was exactly, and that made her feel extremely uneasy. She tries to calm herself down, by telling herself that it was just the wind, despite the horrible feeling in her gut.

She got out of the shower and dresses herself. She closed the bathroom door and quickly enters her kitchen. She grabs a glass of water and starts walking towards her room, but the closer she got the more panicked she became. Maybe she was overreacting but by now she was sure that something was wrong. Her gut was screaming for her to turn around and run, call for help, anything. (y/n) decided to call one of her closest friends, Atsushi. The boy always made her smile and she was sure that he could help her in this current situation.

She started to dial his number, but before before she could press the call call button, (y/n) was suddenly grabbed from behind and thrown on the ground. She tried to scream, but the intruder quickly covered her mouth with his gloves hand. The sound of muffled screams filled the room as (y/n) tried desperately to claw out her way to freedom. But much to her dismay, nothing seemed to be working because the intruder let out a dark and deep chuckle.

Chuuya was amused at (y/n)’s actions, he found it adorable even. He quickly pulled out a long needle from his pocket and she slowly traced it around her neck. (y/n) let out a loud gasp as she started to cry. In a quiet voice she asked:

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β€œWhat are you going to do to me? Please don’t hurt me, I’ll give you anything you want! If you want money you have some in my wallet but please don’t hurt me!”

Chuuya just stared at the whimpering girl under him. He thought about what he could do next, but he ultimately decided to stick with his original plan. He gently lowered himself down to (y/n)’s ear and he slightly blew on it. (y/n) could feel all the hairs on the back of her neck stand up as the man on top of her sweetly whispered in to her ear.

β€œDon’t worry sweetheart, this will only take a second. It might sting a bit though…”

Chuuya then injected the strange substance from the needle in to (y/n)’s neck and she was already feeling drowsy. Her vision soon became completely blurry as Chuuya lifted his arm from (y/n)’s eyes. Before she completely lost consciousness, (y/n) was able to make out vermilion coloured hair and a pair of blue eyes, that had a strangle light in them. Just before she slipped in to the darkness she heard him say:

β€œNow, you can pay attention to me, and only me…”


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