Who Owns Tin Cup Whiskey


[0:00] Hey Mark, What are we going to drink today?

Well, that’s a great question, Dan.

Music.[0:17] Dan, I want to drink some TINCUP today. That’s a fine idea. And you know what?We’re not only going to drink some TINCUP, we’re going to drink with TINCUP because today joining us is Jess Graber, the founder of TINCUP whiskey.Hello, Jess. Good morning.Thanks. Thanks for coming on. Yeah, this is going to be fun. We appreciate you making time. Glad to be here and glad to be talking to people about whiskey. It’s always a good thing.Isn’t it good? And I have had TINCUP before. Dan hadn’t. This is my very first sip. But I haven’t had it in a few years. And we just opened up a bottle and had a sip and it’s quite tasty.Hmm. Well, there’s so many good whiskeys out there and so many to taste. And we’re just glad to be part of the crowd. That’s, uh, considered to be.[1:02] Consumable. And you started a long time ago, wasn’t it early seventies when you kind of partially got into distilling things.[1:10] I ran into a guy up in Nederland named Larry, the Missouri river rat. And that’s what his name was.My first daughter’s godfather will testify to that. And nobody knew what his real name was. And he bequeathed me his still because he was headed back to Missouri and he thought he’d get in trouble. And I didn’t know.I mean, I knew what it was, but I didn’t know what to do. And he said, well, it’s easy. We’ll cook up some corn and then we’ll run it through the still and we’ll give it out and everybody will be your friend.And we cooked it off and made everybody happy and nobody died. And I consider that my first successful distillation.Outstanding. And you had been brewing beer before that?You kind of had an idea of the fermentation part of it?Well, my dad used to make home brew. I was really making beer, you know, but the still was a whole other thing. You know, I mean, back in 72, Colorado was still about marijuana.Know, more people were doing that and it wasn’t a hotbed like Kentucky or Tennessee for, for distilling stuff. So it was kind of a unique, it became a unique hobby.Interesting. And, and was that the extent of your training was Larry, the Missouri River rat guy ran you through a couple of batches?That was, that was the first, very first batch. And then.[2:35] I became interested in it because people people liked it and said hey, can you know, can you do some more and it I was amazed at the amount of Literature that was out there about it. I’ll also they started reading so I I really got an education and it’s kind of I,Learn I do something and then if I read about it afterwards, it makes sense,I can’t read about it and put it to use I do it the opposite way. But um, yeah through the years I started learning more and more and understanding what double distilled was and there was, you know,couple of backcountry magazines that you know talked about it and and just,Just tried to make it better and better. And were you a spirits drinker before that?[3:20] I was um Well, I was being young so you know, it was pretty much whatever was in front of me it was Beer, I don’t know that I knew much about wine, but if it was there and there wasn’t anything else, I’d go for that.And otherwise spirits would have been either predominantly whiskey or tequila, you know, they already had some flavor.Do you ever try and make some tequila or something similar to tequila off of agave?I have not. I have not. I think it’s pretty difficult.Yeah.Well, that is that is the most Nederland story ever, by the way. Larry the Missouri River rat. Well I’m not sure is it’s as much fun as the frozen dead guy but it’s true. Yeah. It’s, Nederland has always been a little quirky.If you don’t know about Nederland you should really Google it folks. It’s quite the quirky little mountain town and it seems so apropos that that’s where your distilling journey started because you know everything you’ve done with with Stranahan’s and TINCUP has been a little bit off the beaten path.Did you think from the beginning that this was going to be your path or were Are you basically treating it as a hobby? Because I know you were a firefighter, or many, many different things.[4:32] It was a fun hobby and like I said, it was unique to Colorado. I mean, a lot of the farmers on both sides of the mountains, you know, would have smallstills and would distill what leftover grains that they had just for home use and running their tractors and whatever, but nobody was making really a drinkable alcohol here.So it got to be kind of fun because people go, oh really? And as the product got better, as I learned and practiced, they got better. People were saying, this is really good.So the hobby became into a dream because people were starting to ask for it. And I go, well, maybe there’s a commercial application.And you started with, you know, Stranahan’s came first. Talk a little bit. That’s a great story too. And I think anybody who’s actually been on the distillery tour at Stranahan’s has heard this story because it’s a good one. Notably, Stranahan’s is not named Graber.[5:33] So tell me that story. So number one, Graber is really a bad whiskey name. It would make a really good buttermilk in central Kansas. Here’s Graber’s buttermilk. It’s pretty damn good. ButBut when my local moonshine started to get popular in that small community, I was talking to other people about it, kind of had this idea, wonder what I could do.And then one day a neighbor three miles up the road, George Stranahan’s barn catches on fire.[6:11] We put it out. We saved the foundation and started talking to him afterwards and he had started flying dog brewery and I said, you know.[6:22] You got a brewery I make a little home, I do a little home distilling and you’ve got this other barn here that’s heated. I can’t do it this is early April in,April 2nd 98 I think was and I Said can I you know, you got an extra room and he goes. Yeah sure. Come on in and it’s greatSo I ran off a batch there and then in the springtime and then later that summer I’m in the barn and I stumble across a couple of kegs of flying dog beer and I asked his ranch managerI said hey, what are you gonna do with that? He goes well, it’s old and flat left over from a party Maybe when we next time somebody goes to Denver, they’ll take it back down to the brewery down there,They said well, can I have it? He goes. What are you gonna do with it? And I said, well, I bet it’s sealed I bet there’s still alcohol in there and he goes yeah be my guest so I put it in the still that I had and,immediately the distillate came off a lot cleaner a lot purer than anything I’d been making and.[7:22] That’s when the cartoon light bulb went off above my head. I went oh So they make the really good cognac some brandy’s out of the wine instead of just a grape skins.If you have a refined barley product, you can have a really good whiskey.So started experimenting from there. That was the idea.And then once I got it down and I knew what I wanted to do, I went to George and this is a shorter story.Went to George and said, I’m gonna move down next to Flying Dog in Denver and have you make my whiskey mash.And George thought, you know, that’s, that’s nobody’s done a distillery before. And I said, well, you started a brewery and he says, yeah, but other people done breweries, nobody’s done a distillery.And I said, George, you know what? We’ll name that whiskey, Stranahan’s.[8:16] That’s not a bad idea. Stroke that ego. That’s kind of how Stranahan’s was born and he, he was a good partner to do that and it’s still a really good whiskey.I’m still really proud of it. And it was, we were the lead dog. It was the first Colorado whiskey. So that was something I was curious about. It’s got to feel good given where American Single Malt is to have been at the dawn of that and the first and a driver of that category.[8:47] Yeah, well, it was born out of necessity. I mean, that’s the way it worked. I didn’t know which is where TINCUP comes in. You know, I didn’t, I had the ingredients, I had somebody to be able, they had the infrastructure to make my mash and all I had to do was distill, which is what I was better at than mashing. And then,As we made that and it became popular and became Colorado’s favorite son, there were a lot of people come up to me and go, you know that malt whiskey you make is really good,but you know what, do you know how to make American whiskey?There’s no A in American whiskey.What they were looking for is they were looking for a bourbon.I go, well, yeah, I know how to do it. And I think we want to put a little, um, Twist on that. And I said, but art, art plant is totally maxed out.We were making, we couldn’t make enough strain of hands. In fact, we actually ran out at one point we weren’t out, but we didn’t have enough to, to spread it. So everyone was allocated.People thought it was a marketing ploy, but no, we, I never imagined that we could not make enough whiskey.[10:00] Then they asked for the American whiskey and I go, well, we can’t do it out of Stranahan’s because that’ll ruin Stranahan’s. So I went to my buddy back in Indiana and I said can you make me a really complicated bourbon recipe and he goes well we’ll try what is it and I said well it’s two-thirds corn and,one-third rye. He goes well we can probably do that he says and they got a huge bottling plan back there and he says yeah we’ll bottle it and we do it Well, we contract. I said, no, no, what we found is.[10:32] It’s we need to ship it out here and we need to cut it with Colorado water because Colorado water is best water in the world. And he goes, well, that’ll be expensive.And I said, it’s less expensive than shipping Colorado water back there.Plus we’re going to spice it with a little bit of Stranahan’s.You know, we’re just going to have a little bit of Stranahan’s to smooth out. And we’ve been playing with this to smooth out the finish at the end. And he goes, well, you can’t call that a bourbon.And I said, no, we’re from Colorado. We’ll just call it American whiskey. There you go. Nice.So that was the birth of TINCUP. How long did it take? Did you play with the ratio? How much of the malt versus how much of the corn and rye?The malt in the fermentation process has always been the same. It’s about 4% because it needs a malt and barley to help release the sugars of the corn and the rye.[11:29] But we experimented with different levels of Stranahan’s. I originally, my thought was I wanted 10%.And then my idea was it was gonna be a TINCUP, which we evolved to later on by aging.But we ended up with about.3% to 4%. And it seemed to be enough not to take away from the flavor of the bourbon and let the original whiskey experience itself.Yeah, because it does have the, I don’t know, the profile-ish or the feel on the tongue and the palate of a bourbon, but there’s a, I know it’s got a little sweetness to it, a little fruitiness on the end.Yeah. I guess that’s the malt, the Stramahan’s piece of it?[12:21] Yeah. It just adds a little touch. It’s fun and it was something different.[12:28] Like I said, we started a single malt in Colorado and then we spiced a bourbon in Colorado. We’re from Colorado. We don’t really have to follow the rules of Kentucky or Tennessee.I respect those guys. I respect what they do and they make some really great whiskey, but we’re just going to do things a little bit different.That is different. I think other Canadians, sometimes Canadians will distill and then blend. Typically bourbon and all the grains are together.But that’s a lovely idea and I think it came out well.Yeah, there’s a Canadian up in the Northwest that does their grains all separately and then they put them together.[13:08] I’m losing my patience. I’m going to open the rye. That answers one of my questions was what came first. So it was a neat idea.What about the bottle? Because that’s, you know, some, I go back and forth on packaging, whether or not I actually care.But it’s cool that you have, I mean, I don’t know, did the, it doesn’t roll downhill come after the fact or did you make it hexagonal on purpose?Well it was, there are a couple of things on the package. One is that there are a lot of old bottles that weren’t perfectly round.So I can’t I can’t take credit for for that part of it. They came up with this idea that our marketing people who are very smart. So they came up with that and that’s so well you know you can put it by your sleeping bag and it won’t roll away from you so you’ll have their first thing in the morning.[13:58] The embossing on a bottle actually came from a back my contracting days before I transitioned to whiskey. The embossing came from a bottle that we found in a dump behind the house.People used to dig, in Victorian times and later, dig a big hole behind the house and that’s where everything went. The garbage man didn’t come and pick up your trash in the morning.[14:22] And we were digging to build a new house and we found this, the dump, and there are a bunch of bottles in there, but the one that stood out was a pint bottle. And the pint bottle was embossed.And then I did some research and we figured out glass was so hard to get. to Colorado and pack without breaking that it was recycled and recycled and recycled. And all you dois you would heat up in water and sweat off that horse hoof glue and then you could put your own label on it. Now if you wanted to keep your brand pure, what you did, you paid a little extra andyou embossed the bottle. So the bottle that this is our bottle is based on was blue because they they hadn’t figured out how to get clear glass yet. It was late and on it was a rectangularbottle and on one thin side it said Dr. Stan Stanford or Sanford. Now I can’t remember.It’s in it’s in Stranahan’s at the distillery. The thin side said Dr. Sanford, the other side it said New York. And then on the flat side, it said liver invigorator. Perfect.It’s there. I mean, you think that’s made up, but the bottom’s there. So, uh, and we looked at that. We knew, we knew what that was in there and that made grandma real happy because she could,she could buy that and nobody’s going to think about her. And so we go, oh, okay, let’s emboss a bottle. So, uh, we came up with that idea and that’s, that’s part of what makes.[15:52] TINCUP, uh, unique. It’s, it’s part of Colorado and, and nobody really does that that much.Yeah, and nobody really followed you on the, uh, the TINCUP part too.[16:02] And that’s a neat, neat little piece to have the actual TINCUP.Well, you know, if you’re, if you’re going, everything you do, you guys know everything you do you do in Colorado is outdoors.[16:16] And I mean, you don’t just have to sit and drink. You can drink outdoors too. And whether it’s in your golf cart or in your horse’s saddle bag, or you’re taking a rafting trip and you’re not normally pack in a case of Budweiser, but if you want to pack a little tin cup and you want to share that with friends, you’ve.[16:37] Got a cup to pass around the campfire or whatever.You don’t have to raise your little finger. You can all everybody can have a sip and you don’t feel like you’re just swilling out of a paper sack And and also just to clarify for those listening tin cup is named after a town in Colorado Not after the Kevin Costner movie the golf movie.[16:59] TINCUP well because we came up with the TINCUP for the the top and then we researched a town of TINCUP which is over over toward Gunnison and and it’s at 10,000 feet and it’s still not occupied in the winter.Snowmobiles go up there, but it’s a, uh, it’s a, was a true mountain town that had its hay day. Uh, we know they drank whiskey up there back then because, um,I don’t have the dates exactly, but one year they shot the sheriff and then next year they shot the next year.[17:34] Definitely whiskey involved. Put them both in the grave. So I’m pretty sure whiskey was involved back then.So how long was the first generation or the first version of TINCUP there before you decided to do a rye?And why did you decide to get into rye?[17:51] It was because, same thing, people were asking for American whiskey and it just, it seemed like a natural transition.They were going, well, you know, you’ve got this good amount of rye in your TINCUP, there’s 33% or one third, why don’t you do a full on rye?And we go, okay, why don’t we do a full on rye?So it was a logical transition from brand to brand, a logical brand extension, as you would say in a business, but it’s just giving people, if people are asking for it and say, can you make this good?We said, yeah, we think we can do that.And the same kind of thing, the whiskey’s distilled in Indiana, brought here to be cut with Colorado. Yeah. Yeah. Colorado. Our water comes from El Dorado Springs.[18:41] To have aThey go to the water contest and they’re rated number one in the world one year. They’re rated number three.I’m sure it’s a very exciting tasting event where all the water tasters get around and they nose and they taste it and they go, I mean, how wild can it get?But El Dorado is a really, I mean, it’s a three-syllable word. water comes from God, you know, comes from the snow that channels through miles and miles of mountains and ends up in our whiskey.And you think about cutting whiskey for the listeners out there, if we cut our whiskey with swamp water, you know, we make the alcohol really good and then we put swamp water in it to bring the proof down, it’s really not going to taste very good.But if we cut it with water that comes from God, it’s going to be pretty smooth and tastes pretty good.Well, we just opened it. I gotta say, we’ve had this whiskey before, but never this process with the Colorado water. It’s quite good. Yeah.The water, I think there’s more, unless you’re going full on barrel proof, which is real hard to do because I think the alcohol really just dries your mouth out so much that after the first sip, you don’t taste much.[20:09] If there’s more water than alcohol and if the water helps bring that down. That’s why also people tend to add water or ice to their whiskey, bring down thatproof a little bit and then some of the flavors, sometimes more flavors will evolve. Now you’ve got another bottle that we don’t have with us and which is the Ten Year. Is that just the same basic recipe as this, the bourbon?And or excuse me though there is no Stranahan’s in the 10 year okay so So this is just pure MGP age to 10 years.[20:42] But it’s still Colorado water. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah, we think that gives it an extra special flavor Uh-huh. Is it is it a proofier is that because the whiskey that we’re drinking we just drank is 84 proof Does the 10-year go higher lower? It’s 84. It is 84 because but the rye is up at 90. Yep,Well, and we just thought it tasted better. That was gonna be my next question. I I mean, you can, and you can alter it with water, but you know, it’s all about, it’s like when we played around with the tin cup and what tastes better?Is it 10% or is it 3%?You know, what do we think it tastes like?And at some point you got to put the glass down and make a decision. Yeah, I think we talk a lot about the purpose of barrel proof whiskeys and I know certainly they’re certainly popular, but you know, I think the idea is to be able to proof it the,the way you want, but you can’t prove it with the water that you would prove it with, whether you’re in Kentucky or Colorado.So in this case, I could take a higher proof tin cup and prove it down and maybe I can go get some El Dorado Springs water, but everybody can’t.So I think it’s a great process when you sit and think about what’s the best, what’s the best proof for the flavor, for the benefit of the whiskey.[21:54] Well, and this is just an opinion. I know everybody has one, but rather than using if you’re if you’re gonna drink whiskey, this is just overall I get some type of bottled water. It’s usually been,Purified at some point. It’s not out of the tap with chlorine in it or or whatever And and I’d use that to just if you want to lower the proof and see what it tastes like,Like not American tap water is great.[22:20] It’s probably the safest and best water in the world, but they do treat it. So if you use a little purified water, I think it’ll make your whiskey taste better.I think the big point is people shouldn’t. I mean, if you like it right out of the bottle, but my taste changed. Some days I wanted one proof, the same whiskey the next week, I might want different. You need to feel like you can get in there and play with it, make it taste like you want it to taste.Yeah, absolutely. it should be an enjoyable experience, not something that you have to learn to like. Yeah.I have a question for you, kind of about positioning in the market, because you came in with Stranahan’s, which has become sort of a higher end product, which it’s notorious for being high quality.Tin cup is much less expensive. I think this comes in at $30 for the whiskey, the American whiskey.Was that a purposeful play, or I mean, did that just sort of, is that the way it worked out? I mean, were you trying to hit different markets? Did you price it inexpensive to get to a wider audience?And did you worry about that kind of placing you in a dubious category of, you know, cheap whiskey?Cause this doesn’t drink like cheap whiskey, you know? No, and we really did want to make an alternative that was more affordable.Okay, I mean, there’s only, we can only run so fast the Stranahan’s and through our process.[23:48] It’s still an affordable luxury. But we wanted to make and especially there’s.[23:55] American single mold is generally for a more mature audience. And there are a lot of whiskey drinkers that aren’t as mature, not misaligning them. But they’re just learning to get into it.And we wanted to make one that was not as expensive, but still very approachable, and something that they were probably more familiar with. I mean, there’s a lot of I mean,just in my experience, there’s a lot of younger whiskey drinkers that have tasted a like a heavily peated Scotch, they go, this is what Scotch tastes like.[24:26] And they go, I can’t, I can’t handle that. And so then they won’t go, you got this American, it’s American single malt.They go, no, I don’t want to drink that, but that they’re familiar with American bourbon style whiskey.So, um, it was, we wanted to, we wanted to reach more of an audience and, um, we wanted to have it a little more affordable.And I think we’ve kind of covered a lot of the whiskey spectrum. And what we talk about often on the podcast and on our live stream is that you don’t have to pay a lot of money for a good bottle and then these prove it, right?You’re not just slapping some stuff you bought sight unseen and putting it in a bottle and telling your weird brand story on it and saying, here, buy this.This is priced reasonably, but it also, it has a lot of effort going into it and it’s a good approachable whiskey, like you said.So that’s, that’s something we talk about a lot. And I think that’s very, very important to us as drinkers because we do buy the expensive bottles, but we’re also always looking for stuff that we can have on our shelf and offerto people and say, this is, this is good and it’s not going to cost you a fortune.So, so kudos to that. And the rye, by the way, I love the nose on this rye.This is really gross.I’m not a big rye drinker, just like I don’t drink the peated, but I understand.I understand all the stuff I do drink. I’ll drink a Lagavulin once in a while, but throw out another brand name, but[25:55] The rye is, I think the rye works. And I think it works at our 90 proof with our Colorado water.It’s just, that’s what I had last night. It’s got quite a bit of spice to it for 90 proof, which is good. I mean, I think it’s the right level of spice for somebody trying to understand rye and get into rye. Well, now Dan here doesn’t do cocktails much.I happen to do cocktails. And for me, in the way I make an old fashioned, 90 proof is my target.That I will model my little sugar cube with a little bit of the whiskey. So I shoot for, you know, 88 to 92 or 94 proof.Same with something like a nice Sazerac cocktail. So I’m going to try both and more with this whiskey. But I think I think 90 is a good proof. And the taste is where it shines. And you got to know. And when you drink this, it’s it’s got enough bite.There’s plenty of body to it. I think it’s quite good.I have a question that we feel like we should have asked first now you say you’re not much of a riot guy So I’m assuming what’s in your glass right now is.[27:00] The TINCUP American whiskey Original original standard. Yeah, like I said last last night.[27:09] And I don’t know why I was busy yesterday afternoon working on another ranch down the valley and I just felt like having the ride. So I had ride last night. I had a couple of glasses. What’s what mademy back feel a lot better. How many of these do I have to drink for my back to feel better?What is your go to drink these days? I mean, are you strictly TINCUP? Are you a married man to TINCUP or what do you go to most nights these days?[27:43] You know, I would say most of the time TINCUP because it’s a little lower proof, but then like I keep, I have a cellar and I, and I keep some different brands in there just.[27:59] To wake into taste buds.But then I go back to strand of hands and I’ll taste a, I’ll taste the Stranahan’s and I forget how good it is, how the really, you know, the really good chocolate caramel comes out at it and then you get that little crisp part of the malt at the end. So I mean,it’s, it’s fun to change it up because it keeps you, it keeps you if you’re just doing the same thing all the time, you get in the rut. And so I like to change it.Even as the founder, it’s good to have a little variety.Yeah.Speaking of variety, are there any other expressions we might look for from TINCUP coming down the road? Or is that not divulgable information?[28:44] You know, one of the fun things about making whiskey is trying to make something different. And it’s just like TINCUP evolved and that was different.So you never know. There could be something happening here in the not too distant future that might interest some people.[29:09] You did or did not hear that first right here.[29:14] We’ll keep an eye out for that. And the commissioner disavows any knowledge of anything you just said. We’ll just keep you on long enough. You keep drinking and eventually, it’ll slip out.Your back pain goes away and your secrets come out.[29:31] Well, and your liver gets invigorated. That’s right. I feel invigorated.So if you guys ever stop by the distillery, ask to see the bottle. It’s up there in the shelf in the bar. I’m going to check it out. More medicinal uses.We should ask about that. So I was looking over your website recently.You’ve got a couple of things there I thought were interesting. One are the partners that you list.Seem like some altruistic partners to include, people that are doing good in the world. So like a lot of founders, I’m guessing maybe part of the reason to have a brand is not so much just,selfishness, it’s to have a platform. Is that the case? Because there’s some really good causes,in that partner page. Well, I try to shy away from any political statements because it always gets me in trouble.But you know, we love Colorado. I love Colorado, that’s why I came here. That’s, I grew up in the Midwest and we came out as a family every year and I made a beeline for Colorado and I’ve lived here ever since.And so does people, all the, most of the people like you guys that work on a brand and.[30:48] Colorado is outdoors, you know, you want to be outdoors. And so we believe in the outdoor adventure and the people that promote that and are enthusiastic about it and live it. And then don’tmind a sip of whiskey now and then, you know, it’s not like, you don’t have to have, I don’t know,No, you don’t, you could drink just El Dorado water, but El Dorado water,spiced with a little bit of whiskey, makes it good.So the people we’re trying to associate with people that have values, that enjoy the outdoors and understand the Colorado experience. And we think that that helps the brand.We think it helps people be aware of our country and our environment. And we wanna continue to promote that.I mean, I love Colorado.Excellent. It definitely definitely feels that way when you start trying to do a little research around the brand that stands out.And we like Colorado too. Obviously we don’t, we’re here as well. Yeah. I’m going to bring, I mean, I always bring a bottle camping.Now, I know what to bring next.[31:58] Jess, what, what didn’t we ask that you would want to talk about? Is there anything you want to bring up that we’ve, we failed to bring to the four?No, and I think I kind of covered it on that last little rant that I mean we are we are Colorado company well worth we’re a big company I mean we’re New York to Mexico and JoseCuervo and stuff but but our little section of the world is and I’m I know it’s about TINCUP but Stranahan’s and TINCUP were both designed to be a local whiskey that exemplifies,everybody and the reason people move out here people are still moving out here.You know, from other places going, I, you know, I want to live in Colorado, I want to enjoy the mountains, and I want to do all those things, and we want to be part of that. And I think we’ve,accomplished part of it. I mean, there’s still more stuff that we can do, but as we keep trying, just.[32:55] Bear with us, and we’ll try and give you the best experience that we can provide from our neck of the woods. Outstanding. This has been great. We really appreciate you spending some time with us.[33:07] We’re going to keep drinking your whiskey and we’ll try and go find the 10-year too and see what that’s all about and we’ll probably pull this out Friday when we do our little live stream too andsip it and spread the word because this isn’t something oh that’s something I could ask is this a 50 state distribution for ten cubs? Yes. Yeah. Good then it’s easy to recommend and everybodycan get to it. And I’ll try to catch up with you on Friday. Yeah. Yeah, we’d love to. If you ever want to come hang out live on Friday, we can pipe you into that too. Yeah. Friday’s, Friday’s 2 30p.m. MDT, right? And we drink live from my garage, which is a lovely, a lovely background. It’s nicer than you think it was. Yeah. It’s a very nice garage. Well, you guys got corporate, corporate,headquarters in the back room. You know how that works. It’s the work from home life. Jess, this This has been great, man.We really appreciate the time and we hope to catch up again soon.[34:00] Great, yeah. Me too, thank you. Happy to work with you and thanks for your time too. Thanks for helping us promote the brand. Yeah, you’re welcome.All right, everybody, so hopefully you liked this episode with Jess, we’ve enjoyed it. Get you some strength in the hands, get you some TINCUP, do a little sip and check us out on Fridays, 2.30 Mountain Time. Friday Sips Live is always fun.And then of course, make sure you’re watching the YouTube channel as well. Beyond the live stream, we’re doing a lot of open the bottle, back to the bottle videos, trying to give everybody an idea on what are the practical choices in whiskey, what has gotten to be a wholly impractical hobby, so you don’t have to spend a ton of money.Dan, anything else? Yeah, follow us on Instagram at ThePracticalStill, and that YouTube channel, by the way, is youtube.com slash ThePracticalStill.And the new handles, YouTube’s finally got handles, so we’re at ThePracticalStill.[34:44] Yeah.[34:44] All right. That’s it. Let’s drink more. See you next week.[34:48] Music.

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