HomeWHOWho Shot Ross Ross Capicchioni

Who Shot Ross Ross Capicchioni

Ross Capicchioni is a Detroit teenager who became popular and a household name after being the victim of a violent crime and surviving three gunshots. Ross was driven to an underprivileged neighborhood in Detroit’s infamous East End and was shot dead by another child he considered a friend.

It was a miracle he survived the gunfire, but his story went viral and was even featured in a two-minute mini-documentary. Aberrican Me: Ross Capicchioni, produced by Steve Berra and Eric Koston.

Here is a short biography of Ross Capicchioni and details on how he was injured, shot three times, and how he miraculously survived the gunfire.

Brief biography

There isn’t much information online about Ross’s origins or early life, but we do know that he was born March 21, 1990 and is from Macomb Michigan, a suburb outside of Detroit. He grew up in the neighborhood and had friends like all teenagers.

How was he shot and by whom?

Now here is the story of how he was shot and how he miraculously survived. In 2007, Ross was just a high school student at an average Detroit high school with a loving family and lots of friends too.

On the fateful day of the incident, Ross was at home when a friend approached him asking him to go to a cousin’s house on the east side of town. Ross refused, but after several pleas and persuasions, he agreed to take the ride in question, unaware that he was driving a potential murderer.

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Ross later revealed in an interview that he initially turned down his friend’s request because Detroit’s crime rate at the time was more than three and a half times the national average. He also explained that if something happened to you, the police wouldn’t stop and if there were gunshots, they would wait until everything was clear before picking up your body from the street.

Capicchioni drove as his friend gave him a guideDown the steep streets of eastern Detroit, as they neared their destination, the friend asked him to stop at the back of a house, which that he has done. They got out of the car and, while he was still observing his surroundings, he heard the first shot which landed on his left arm.

In shock, Ross looked up to see his amide standing about 10 feet away with a shotgun aimed at him. Nursing his already bleeding arm, he turned around and asked his supposed friend, “Did you shoot me”? The question had barely left his mouth when the second knock came. This time it landed on his chest, creating a large gaping hole in Ross’s chest.

Remembering what happened, Ross said as he was still trying to figure out what was going on when his friend fired the third shot that hit him in the head and he fell. He remembered looking up at his friend, who was staring at him before punching him in the mouth with the butt of his gun, taking his car keys, and zooming back into Ross’ car.

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Despite his injuries, Ross said he was still conscious enough to watch his friend drive off in his Jeep, leaving him to die.

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How Ross Capicchioni survived

Recalling the miracle of his survival, Ross Capicchioni said that, lying in the pool of his own blood, he had to make the choice to stay put and die or just try to get up. After much thought, he decided to try to get up.

The decision does not seem to be the best in the world while he tried again and again to get up, in vain. Almost giving up, he decided to try again and that was it, he got up and staggered in the direction he could see in focus. He soon fell again but was seen by a neighborhood probation officer who immediately called for help and stayed with Ross, encouraging him to keep his eyes peeled until the ambulance came and left him. take me to the hospital.

He said before passing out, he remembered the paramedic’s encouraging words. On arrival at the hospital he was pronounced dead but the doctors on duty did everything to bring him back to life and he was immediately taken to the theater for heart surgery. Ross regained consciousness three days later after his breathing tube was removed. Hospital staff began questioning him and so his family – who for three days had no idea what had happened to him or where he was – were contacted.

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Five days later, Ross returned home. The next morning, the FBI showed up at their home and asked Ross to help identify the kid in custody to find out if he was the same one who killed him. He was shown footage from which he identified his attacker. The kid was charged in court and sentenced to jail.

But why did he shoot Ross? According to Ross, his friend was looking to join a gang and he had to prove he was ready by killing someone and unfortunately he chose Ross.

Fortunately, his plan to assassinate poor Ross Capicchioni in cold blood on that fateful day of June 6, 2007 did not happen.


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