HomeWHOWho Was Judy Corry Married To

Who Was Judy Corry Married To

Judy Corry is the USA Today Bestselling Author of YA and Contemporary Romance. She writes romance because she can’t get enough of the feeling of falling in love. She’s known for writing heart-pounding kisses, endearing characters, and hard-won happily ever afters.

She lives in Southern Utah with the boy who took her to Prom, their four rambunctious children and a dog. She’s addicted to love stories, dark chocolate and notebooks.

Tell us about your book!

So my latest book is titled The Charade. It is the first book in a standalone YA Contemporary Romance series set at a private boarding school in the small town of Eden Falls, Connecticut. And to give you a little idea of what it is about, I’ll just share the blurb because I think it does a better job than I could. 😉My math tutor has one rule: he doesn’t date the girls he tutors at our private school.

But a fake relationship that’s beneficial to us both? That’s a different story.

Our agreement helps Carter get revenge on his ex and helps me hide the real reason we’re spending so much time together. Win-win.

Plus, flirting with the hottest guy at school is kind of fun.

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As long as the feelings stay as fake as the show we’re putting on, there shouldn’t be a problem. Right?

The Charade is a forbidden romance about the new girl and the guy who everyone sees as untouchable.

Buy The Charade!

Now for the fun stuff!

What’s your favorite genre? Do you read what you write?

My favorite genre is definitely Contemporary Romance for both adults and young adults. I used to read more Regency, YA Dystopian, and YA Fantasy Romance as well, but lately I’ve stuck to reading more of just the contemporary romance genre because I like to read what I’m writing.

I really have to force myself to read something other than contemporary YA romance! I just love it so much.

What’s your favorite part about writing?

My favorite part of writing is when I get in the zone and something almost magical seems to happen and the story kind of starts writing itself. It’s a really cool feeling when the words just start flowing and the inspiration just hits.

I also really love revising. I like taking something that was “alright” to something that just really shines.

I’m with you on the magic of creating something new. I’m continuously amazed at what comes out of my brain.

What’s the hardest part of writing for you?

The hardest part of writing is starting. Whether it be starting a new series. Starting a new book. Starting a new chapter. Or just starting my first writing session of the day. There is just something daunting about creating something out of nothing that gets me every time. But I’ve thankfully found that if I can just get myself to start, even if it’s just writing basic ideas of what I want to write that day, that it usually morphs into dialogue and prose and before long, I’m hitting my groove and writing words that will actually make it into the book.

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I agree with this 100%. Sitting down is the hardest part for me because there’s always “one more thing” I want to do before I let myself write.

What’s an activity unrelated to writing that you love?

I really love going on walks with my family and my dog in the evenings. I’m not as great about doing it when the weather is colder, but once springtime hits I love getting everyone out of the house and away from screens and just going on a nice long walk on the path we have at the end of our street that leads up into the canyon nearby.

I love that your whole family walks together! I love being outside and now that I’m getting older and my joints don’t appreciate strenuous activity, I’m trying to include longer walks as part of my fitness routine.

Who’s your biggest cheerleader?

My husband and my kids are definitely my biggest cheerleaders. They are always excited for me to finish my books and for them to be published. (Some of that may be because we always go out to eat on release day and that’s always fun haha!) I usually dedicate my books to them, since they’re my favorite people and my youngest daughter (age 5) is so sweet and loves to carry the books dedicated to her around to the various places we go so she can show everyone “her” books. It’s wonderful to be able to make a living doing the thing I love most in the world, and having the people I love most cheering me on as I do it is pretty amazing too.

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That’s really so sweet. <3

Now I’d like to play a fun little game called This or That. As a writer, I find that a lot of interviews ask the same questions, so I always appreciate sharing something new about myself. I’m super excited about these questions—and I hope you enjoy them!

Introvert or extrovert? Introvert. I enjoy hanging out with other people, but I definitely need to recharge alone to keep my sanity.

Morning or night person? Night—but I’m trying to be a morning person. Someday I’ll be better about going to bed early, right?

Coffee or tea? Tea, but coffee is growing on me more and more.

Sweet or salty? Sweet—but I’m trying to be good and stick to my two-week sugar cleanse so stop tempting me with the thought of sweets. 😉

Eternal summer or four seasons? Four seasons. I love having the variety that it brings to life.

Mountains or beach? Hmmm, this is tricky. I live super close to the mountains and love to go there for a break from everyday life. But the beach is also my happy place—even though I only see it once a year. So, can I say both??

Dogs or cats? Until a couple years ago I totally would have said cat person all the way. But now we have a little rat terrier and so I may have to side with her right now.

Over 5’5” or under? Over. I’m 5’9”.

Left or right-handed? Right-handed.

Hoodie or yoga pants? Definitely hoodie!

Going to bed earlier is an eternal struggle for me!!

Anything else you’d like to add?

This was super fun. Thank you for having me!

Judy, thank YOU so much for spending this time with me and my readers. Readers, you can find Judy at these links—and be sure to check out The Charade!

Website | Instagram | Facebook | TikTok | Reading Group

If you missed the previous interviews, you can read them here.


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