Who Won The Super Power On Big Brother

Big Brother 25: Unveiling the First Big Superpower and Airing Schedule


News: Big Brother 25, the highly anticipated 25th season of the popular American reality TV series, premiered on August 2, 2023. Hosted by the charismatic Julie Chen Moonves, the show has captivated audiences on CBS in the United States and Global in Canada. The season promises an exciting journey spanning 100 days, culminating in the grand finale scheduled for November 9, 2023. With a substantial prize of $750,000 awaiting the victor, the stakes are higher than ever.

In this article, we will delve into the details of Big Brother 25, including the enigmatic winner of the first big superpower, the schedule for airing episodes, and other exciting updates. Join us as we explore the twists and turns of this season’s riveting saga.

The Houseguests of Big Brother 25

On July 31, 2023, the HouseGuests for Big Brother 25 were revealed, introducing us to the diverse and intriguing cast of this milestone season. Among the notable members of the initial cast is Matt Klotz, a Deaflympics gold medalist, showcasing the inclusion of individuals with unique talents and backgrounds.

Adding to the excitement, the show surprised fans with the introduction of a 17th HouseGuest just before its premiere. This mysterious addition turned out to be none other than Cirie Fields, a former contestant from Survivor, marking a historic moment as she became the first former Survivor contestant to enter the Big Brother realm.

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Other fascinating HouseGuests include Jared Fields, the son of four-time Survivor contestant Cirie Fields, and Cory Wurtenburger, the younger brother of Zach Wurtenburger from Survivor 42. The blend of returning reality TV connections and fresh faces sets the stage for captivating alliances and rivalries throughout the season.

The First Big Superpower: Unveiling the Winner

One of the most anticipated moments in Big Brother 25 is the revealing of the first big superpower. During a Power of Veto competition, Red Utley emerged victorious, showcasing their determination and strategic gameplay. However, the live feeds hinted at a potential twist following Red Utley’s win.

As the live feeds briefly went dark during the night, speculation began to arise about what was happening behind the scenes. When the feeds returned, viewers were surprised to see Cirie quietly celebrating, leading many to believe she was the actual winner. However, a different scenario soon emerged, suggesting that someone Cirie deeply trusted might have gained the influential power.

Recent snippets from the feeds shed light on Cirie’s dilemma as she discussed strategy with Jared, hinting at a hidden beneficiary of the superpower. Balancing alliances and her son’s loyalty, Cirie faces a complex decision about how to use the power and whether she should save Jag, potentially leading to Blue’s eviction. The uncertainty surrounding Cirie’s victory and her potential intentions adds an extra layer of intrigue to the game.

The Dynamics of Big Brother 25: Alliances and Secrets

Big Brother 25 is shaping up to be a season filled with shifting dynamics, alliances forming, and secrets unraveling. With 17 HouseGuests vying for the ultimate prize, the game is in constant flux as players strategize, form bonds, and navigate the intricacies of the house.

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Cirie, with her extensive experience in reality TV competitions, holds considerable sway in the house. However, she appears to be concealing her victory from her own son, Jared, creating an additional layer of complexity and potential conflict. As the season progresses, viewers can expect to witness the ever-changing dynamics and the impact of alliances on the game.

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One of the key elements of Big Brother is the formation and dissolution of alliances. HouseGuests recognize the importance of aligning themselves with others to increase their chances of survival in the game. These alliances can be formed based on shared interests, personal connections, or strategic gameplay. However, alliances are not immune to betrayal and shifting loyalties, leading to dramatic twists and turns.

Additionally, secrets and hidden agendas often come to light as the pressure of the game mounts. HouseGuests may strategically withhold information or engage in covert conversations to gain an advantage. These secrets can become catalysts for conflict or collaboration, further intensifying the gameplay.

The Airing Schedule of Big Brother 25

To ensure you don’t miss any of the thrilling moments in Big Brother 25, it is essential to stay updated on the airing schedule. The show follows a varying schedule throughout the week, with episodes airing on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

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On Sundays, viewers can expect the first new episode of the week, typically covering the aftermath of the previous eviction and the initiation of the new week’s Head of Household competition. Wednesdays feature the arrival of the second new episode, highlighting the Head of Household competition, nominations, and the Power of Veto competition. Finally, Thursdays bring live eviction episodes, showcasing the live eviction itself, the HoH competition, and the commencement of the new week’s nominations.

The episodes generally commence at 8 p.m. ET on Sundays and Wednesdays, while Thursdays kick off at 9 p.m. ET. However, it’s important to note that as the football season and other autumn CBS programs roll in, the schedule may adapt, and episodes may air on different days.


Big Brother 25 has kicked off with a bang, captivating audiences with its intriguing cast, unexpected twists, and intense gameplay. As the season progresses, viewers can expect to see alliances form, secrets unravel, and the impact of the first big superpower on the game.

With Red Utley emerging as the victor of the first big superpower, the dynamics of the house are sure to shift. The uncertainty surrounding Cirie’s potential hidden beneficiary adds an extra layer of suspense and speculation among fans.

To ensure you don’t miss any of the action, stay tuned to the airing schedule, as episodes air on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at varying times.

Big Brother 25 promises to be an unforgettable season, filled with drama, competition, and strategic gameplay. Don’t miss out on the twists and turns of this milestone season as the HouseGuests vie for the coveted $750,000 prize.

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